Davis admits fact checking only trump

We know the filthy leftist cockroaches don't care but it's refreshing to see one of them at least admit what we all knew was true all along. The moderators had a hard on for trump and were angry that the CNN moderators in the Biden trump debate didnt challenge trump. Apparently leftists don't believe the American people can decipher for themselves what's true and what's a lie unless the "unbiased" lame brain media tells them.

This is the best part

"Davis defended her approach, saying that her team had intended to fact-check both candidates. However, she also acknowledged that she and Muir couldn’t catch every incorrect statement"

How about that? What she should have said if she was honest "We had no intention of even trying to catch any incorrect statement by harris.

Yeah Muir and Davis are in full damage control spin. Harris made several obvious lies and they had no intention of fact checking their boss' best friend. It was a three on one debate.
I'm saying that Trump is a raving lunatic and not fit to be president. Let see you disprove this statement.
We only have to look at his success pre pandemic. And the fact that he helped get two vaccines made in record breaking time. And the fact that fewer Americans died from COVID during the Trump administration than died during the Biden administration.
I guess they were feeling a bit lazy.

If they had looked for Harris lies they could reasonably challenge...they would have had to struggle. But with Trump, they knew they would get dozens handed to them on a silver platter. Trump lies as easily and often as he inhales.

Harris had obvious lies. Everyone knows about Snopes debunking the Charlottesville White Supremacists lie.

Muir is a nightly news anchor and he reported on our soldiers getting wounded in Syria fighting ISIS the week before the debate.
We only have to look at his success pre pandemic. And the fact that he helped get two vaccines made in record breaking time. And the fact that fewer Americans died from COVID during the Trump administration than died during the Biden administration.
Aren't you kind of distorting the facts just a bit.
You hate that libtards are the only ones crying?
I do not hate many things- But one thing that I HATE is Trump's continuous lying and crying out on Social Media about how everyone is just a pickin' on him, and his Trumptards using Social Media Platforms to broadcast Trump's dangerous lies and HATEFUL RACIST and SEXIST RHEORIC by the multitudes of millions of times x10 fold every day.

It creates an alter universe of lies, chaos, and anarchy to rouse up and scare ANGRY WHITE HATEFUL PEOPLE. like you BIRDBRAIN!
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Prove anything they reported is inaccurate. Oh wait you're the idiot that can only muster complaints about sources. I forget you're a brain dead ignoramus
I notice that just about every leftist moron on this forum attacks sources no matter what the source is reporting as long as it is not an MSM source. They are closeminded and brainwashed fools. They're whores and useful idiots of the deep state and globalist elites. They are idiots rushing to their enslavement. They think they are the intelligent of the forum because they can regurgitate propaganda.
About what?

We are not interested in your desire to kill democracy

We like Democracy
You hate Democracy. You tossed aside your democratically elected candidate in exchange for a usurper candidate who earned ZERO votes.

You hate Republics even more.
You hate Democracy. You tossed aside your democratically elected candidate in exchange for a usurper candidate who earned ZERO votes.

You hate Republics even more.
"You can decide for yourself so long as you decide what we want you to decide" is how these regressive fucks roll.