Death by Corona Explodes to 61!

Hello Cypress,

That thread title takes the blue ribbon award for Most Regrettable JPP Thread Title Ever!


Without singling anyone out, there were a lot of Deplorables asserting that this was no different than the common cold, that it was a Democratic hoax, that it would probably dissapear like a miracle when the weather got warm.

Obviously, taking the lead from their Orange God was not a wise choice
Without singling anyone out, there were a lot of Deplorables asserting that this was no different than the common cold, that it was a Democratic hoax, that it would probably dissapear like a miracle when the weather got warm.

Obviously, taking the lead from their Orange God was not a wise choice

Simply put, trumpanzees are STOOPID. There is simply no other reasonable explanation for their blind allegiance to "a pig" in POTUS clothing.
But …

“I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these [CDC] doctors said, 'How do you know so much about this?' Maybe I have a natural ability.”

He said so! Don’t you believe him?

One third of this country believes everything Trump says

35 percent of the nation believe Trump is a medical expert.

When Trump said this was s Democratic hoax, when he belittled the wearing of masks, when he said this virus was under control, a third of the nation totally believed him.

And that is exactly why our nation's response to the pandemic has been so inept compared to most of the developed world.
Hello Cypress,

Without singling anyone out, there were a lot of Deplorables asserting that this was no different than the common cold, that it was a Democratic hoax, that it would probably dissapear like a miracle when the weather got warm.

Obviously, taking the lead from their Orange God was not a wise choice

15 cases going to zero!

We are headed for 200,000 next. Trump is an abject failure. Trump will not talk about Corona any more. It is like his intelligence briefings, a thing of the past he will ignore.
Without singling anyone out, there were a lot of Deplorables asserting that this was no different than the common cold, that it was a Democratic hoax, that it would probably dissapear like a miracle when the weather got warm.

Obviously, taking the lead from their Orange God was not a wise choice

I have said something similar and here the fuck I am. How many people died from the flu last year? Is whatever number you can provide a 100% absolutely accurate number? What might that number be if we had give the flu the same attention every year that we have given to covid? You dumb fucking pricks say the most stupid shit.
I have said something similar and here the fuck I am. How many people died from the flu last year? Is whatever number you can provide a 100% absolutely accurate number? What might that number be if we had give the flu the same attention every year that we have given to covid? You dumb fucking pricks say the most stupid shit.

You should write an email to the Trumpf campaign and demand they campaign on the position that COVID is no big deal, and the mortality numbers have been faked by Deep State.
You should write an email to the Trumpf campaign and demand they campaign on the position that COVID is no big deal, and the mortality numbers have been faked by Deep State.

Where did I say it was no big deal asshole? You have to practice to reach the levels of stupid you fucking idiots achieve. You didn't answer a single question i asked and just spewed more stupid ass BS
We are headed for 200,000 next. Trump is an abject failure. Trump will not talk about Corona any more. It is like his intelligence briefings, a thing of the past he will ignore.
Four more years of ignoring intelligence briefs, I just can’t image.
I have said something similar and here the fuck I am. How many people died from the flu last year? Is whatever number you can provide a 100% absolutely accurate number? What might that number be if we had give the flu the same attention every year that we have given to covid? You dumb fucking pricks say the most stupid shit.

Of course there isn't an accurate number for the flu. It is based on estimates from the death rates during flu season compared to death rates not during flu season. It is easy to look at how many people die per month. CDC keeps those records. During flu season the deaths per month go up by about 10,000 - 15,000 compared to other months. They then estimate that most of those deaths are likely the result of flu since there is no other reason to see such a large increase.

The problem you have with your willful ignorance is when you look at the current deaths per month compared to previous years, it would seem that Covid deaths are likely being undercounted by about 10,000 to 15,000 per month since the current deaths are that much above previous time periods even after you subtract the deaths attributed to Covid. As of July 31, we have about 180,000 more deaths than the average of the previous 3 years and that is with many of those deaths not yet submitted to CDC to be counted.

I am open to hearing your rational explanation for why there are so many excess deaths since you don't think they are the result of Covid. Is there another disease? Are we under constant attack by terrorists? Are Democrats committing suicide at a great rate in order to make Trump look bad? What is your explanation?