Death by Corona Explodes to 61!

Of course there isn't an accurate number for the flu. It is based on estimates from the death rates during flu season compared to death rates not during flu season. It is easy to look at how many people die per month. CDC keeps those records. During flu season the deaths per month go up by about 10,000 - 15,000 compared to other months. They then estimate that most of those deaths are likely the result of flu since there is no other reason to see such a large increase.

The problem you have with your willful ignorance is when you look at the current deaths per month compared to previous years, it would seem that Covid deaths are likely being undercounted by about 10,000 to 15,000 per month since the current deaths are that much above previous time periods even after you subtract the deaths attributed to Covid. As of July 31, we have about 180,000 more deaths than the average of the previous 3 years and that is with many of those deaths not yet submitted to CDC to be counted.

I am open to hearing your rational explanation for why there are so many excess deaths since you don't think they are the result of Covid. Is there another disease? Are we under constant attack by terrorists? Are Democrats committing suicide at a great rate in order to make Trump look bad? What is your explanation?

See my 'debunked' signature and my 'cult of the mask' signature for the answers to your questions.
It is a mild flu.
Such self-delusion. You are wrong. Not only are the fatalities at rates far beyond the flu but there are long term effects that linger for who knows how long. can sometimes,completely within a few weeks. This is a "novel" virus. We are still learning about it. Its long term effects are very worrisome.
Not to mention coronavirus isn't the same as a flu virus.

INT/IBDa/gfm are either displaying an ignorance of science or lying. I suspect both.
What is the difference between Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19?
Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a new coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2) and flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses. Because some of the symptoms of flu and COVID-19 are similar, it may be hard to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone, and testing may be needed to help confirm a diagnosis. Flu and COVID-19 share many characteristics, but there are some key differences between the two.
In the five months since Darth Omar was giggling about only 61 deaths, over 190,000 Americans have died.

Proving both that Darth knows very little about the medical sciences and that he's flippant about the deaths of over 190,000 Americans.
In the five months since Darth Omar was giggling about only 61 deaths, over 195,000 Americans have died
In the five months since Darth Omar was giggling about only 61 deaths, over 195,000 Americans have died

He also believes masks don't work and that virus tests are 90% false positive. Odd for someone who claims to be a medical expert.
He also believes masks don't work and that virus tests are 90% false positive. Odd for someone who claims to be a medical expert.

Trump threw Darth under the bus by belatedly admitting he knew all along that COVID was a grave and deadly risk.
He'll still be giggling when it's 400,00 by Christmas.

Darth locked his original "only 61 deaths!" thread, so I do not think he wants to be reminded, nor do I think he will be giggling about his COVID predictions - at least in public - anytime soon.
Darth locked his original "only 61 deaths!" thread, so I do not think he wants to be reminded, nor do I think he will be giggling about his COVID predictions - at least in public - anytime soon.

He is still giggling and making blatantly false medical claims. The man is obviously poorly educated in science, especially medical science.
Trump admitted to downplaying a virus he was told was very dangerous. The rightys in this board have done the same and never admit it. They downplay it even now as deaths near 200,000 as Woodward runs a tape showing Trump knew better. It is time for rightys to apologize for the dishonest messaging they have done. They should at least stop now.