Death Penaly for Accused Soldiers?


Staff member

Death Penalty recommended for accused marines:

PHOENIX, Arizona (AP) -- An Army investigator has recommended that four soldiers accused of murder in a raid in Iraq should face the death penalty if convicted, according to a report obtained Saturday by The Associated Press.

Lt. Col. James P. Daniel Jr. concluded that the slayings were premeditated and warranted the death sentence based on evidence he heard at an August hearing. The case will now be forwarded to Army officials, who will decide whether Daniel's recommendation should be followed.

The soldiers, all from the Fort Campbell, Kentucky-based 101st Airborne Division's 187th Infantry Regiment, are accused of killing three Iraqi men taken from a house May 9 on a marshy island outside Samarra, about 60 miles north of Baghdad.

Staff Sgt. Raymond L. Girouard, Spc. William B. Hunsaker, Pfc. Corey R. Clagett and Spc. Juston R. Graber have claimed they were ordered to "kill all military age males" during the raid on the island. According to statements from some of the soldiers, they were told the target was an al Qaeda training camp.

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NO! They should not kill them....

First, I am against the death penalty.

Second, IF THESE GUYS are telling the TRUTH and they were ORDERED to do such, kill all males etc...then we need these guys ALIVE so we can get to the bottom of the truth...and YES, I know that they should have never FOLLOWED SUCH ORDERS if they REALLY did get them....

in a twisted way... this case will ring familiar .. remember "A few good men" ?

YES! And if I had never seen the movie, I may have never, ever even thought this way...but....I have seen it and believe that it is possible now... :(
They killed the enemy so they shouldn't die. They probably saved other soldiers lives. They should live.

Death Penalty recommended for accused marines:

PHOENIX, Arizona (AP) -- An Army investigator has recommended that four soldiers accused of murder in a raid in Iraq should face the death penalty if convicted, according to a report obtained Saturday by The Associated Press.

Lt. Col. James P. Daniel Jr. concluded that the slayings were premeditated and warranted the death sentence based on evidence he heard at an August hearing. The case will now be forwarded to Army officials, who will decide whether Daniel's recommendation should be followed.

The soldiers, all from the Fort Campbell, Kentucky-based 101st Airborne Division's 187th Infantry Regiment, are accused of killing three Iraqi men taken from a house May 9 on a marshy island outside Samarra, about 60 miles north of Baghdad.

Staff Sgt. Raymond L. Girouard, Spc. William B. Hunsaker, Pfc. Corey R. Clagett and Spc. Juston R. Graber have claimed they were ordered to "kill all military age males" during the raid on the island. According to statements from some of the soldiers, they were told the target was an al Qaeda training camp.

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I don't believe in the death penalty. If these marines are gulity, they should get life in prison.
Does it really make a difference whether it was Army or Marine?

Do Marines get better training on this?
Does it really make a difference whether it was Army or Marine?

Do Marines get better training on this?

All of the services get extensive training on LOAC law of armed conflict so there is no excuse. I don't believe in the death penalty though so i can't agree with this.
All of the services get extensive training on LOAC law of armed conflict so there is no excuse. I don't believe in the death penalty though so i can't agree with this.
I agree. If -- and note that I say "if" -- they did what they are accused of then they are guilty of murder and should be punished accordingly. I don't support the death penalty for anyone, however, including this lot.
I would have to see what evidence they have concerning these guys. This is not a case I'm familiar with.
I am opposed to the death penalty as a matter of personal philosophy, so I would not support these soldiers receiving that penalty. If they are guilty, and they were not acting under the implicit or explicit wishes of their superiors, I would have no problem with putting them in a small cell with a cot, a sink, a hole in the corner for a toilet, a pipe running across the ceiling and a coil of rope hanging from the wall and never ever letting them out of the cell alive... but that would be my alternative to capital punishment in all cases.
how do you know they were the enemy? the towel on their head? :(

Im not saying the people that they were put on trial for. But lets be realistic, they DID kill SOME bad guys and therefore I don't think they should be killed.

I wouldn't support the death penalty for any acting soldier anyway
Im not saying the people that they were put on trial for. But lets be realistic, they DID kill SOME bad guys and therefore I don't think they should be killed.

I wouldn't support the death penalty for any acting soldier anyway
First, we don't know at all that they killed any "bad guys." That's just another assumption.

I don't support the death penalty for anyone. On the other hand, I absolutely oppose the idea of immunity from civil law for active duty soldiers . . . or anyone else.
I dont support the death penalty, but I dont beliveve the 13 year old girl they killed was the emeny.

But, if you support the death penalty for some should you not support it for all who commit the same offence?
If convicted, they should each get life. But like many of the other posters on this board, I too am against the death penalty.