Death Penaly for Accused Soldiers?

For myself. If wrongly convicted and given life in prison, I would prefer death.
Or actually if correctly convicted and given life in prison, I would prefer death.
Is living the rest of your life in torment any better than death ?
Hence, one of the reasons I do not support the Death Penalty. I don't think that it is punishment enough for those that are guilty, I think that it removes all chance of release for those that are not guilty...

Give them some rope and some reading material.
Is living the rest of your life in torment any better than death ?

Why does no one seem to really want to touch this aspect of punishemnt in our legal system ?
Hence, one of the reasons I do not support the Death Penalty. I don't think that it is punishment enough for those that are guilty, I think that it removes all chance of release for those that are not guilty...

Give them some rope and some reading material.

So how do you give the ones who are freed after years in prison for a wrongful conviction their life and asshole virginity back ?
I like that attitude
But is anyone sane who would commit a heinous murder ? Like the ones in Maine the other day. and yes I know the legal definition vs the medical definition.
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Unfortunately most are sane. Murder isn't that crazy. I once considered killing a man.
I have killed many men, it was my job (drafted). Which I pretty much viewed as a prison sentence. I hope to live out my life without having to do it again.
The purpose of our prison system should not be primarily to punish. It should be to rehabilitate where possible and to protect the public from such dangerous people. The cry for punishment or vengeance is based on human emotion which should be divorced from our concepts of justice.

If we wanted to use an emotional basis of punishment the eye for an eye rubrick should be used.
You don't. I do think, however, that if it was obvious from the beginning and they were railroaded they should have the ability to sue the system that did it to them...

However, there is no asshole rape in Supermax, the prisoners do not interact.
So how do you give the ones who are freed after years in prison for a wrongful conviction their life and asshole virginity back ?
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You can't. But it is better than being dead. It is almost always better to be alive.
The purpose of our prison system should not be primarily to punish. It should be to rehabilitate where possible and to protect the public from such dangerous people. The cry for punishment or vengeance is based on human emotion which should be divorced from our concepts of justice.

If we wanted to use an emotional basis of punishment the eye for an eye rubrick should be used.
I believe that it is both. However the Supermax system is created to take the most dangerous out of society entirely. I prefer it to the death penalty for many reasons and one of them is the fact that a person should have the time to reflect on their crime... Rehabilitation is not an option at the point where you are convicting people of such crimes as they are never to see freedom again.
So how do you give the ones who are freed after years in prison for a wrongful conviction their life and asshole virginity back ?
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You can't. But it is better than being dead. It is almost always better to be alive.
Even if you are no longer quite sane ?
I believe that it is both. However the Supermax system is created to take the most dangerous out of society entirely. I prefer it to the death penalty for many reasons and one of them is the fact that a person should have the time to reflect on their crime... Rehabilitation is not an option at the point where you are convicting people of such crimes as they are never to see freedom again.

Yes Rehab is sort of useless for a person locked up for the rest of their life now isn't it. But which is worse? to suffer punishment for the rest of your life or a quick death ? Sort of like hell I would think, condemned to suffer for the rest of your personal eternity.
Of course I understand the religious viewpoint that the can find salvation in prison and still save their eternal soul. But I believe that this life is all we have so my viewpoint differs somewhat.
Being that I am sane I can't attest to how negative it would be to be no longer quite sane.

I see and have seen those who have lost their sanity. From war or otherwise. My SIL is very insane and her life is miserable.
I am sane, but then that is what most insane people think :)
Let us not forget the protection of society that prison has the benefit of providing. Obviously some people cannot be rehabilitated. Pedophiles are an example.

Many of your concerns are a moot point if we allowed the prisoners to commit suicide which is what I am suggesting.
Yes Rehab is sort of useless for a person locked up for the rest of their life now isn't it. But which is worse? to suffer punishment for the rest of your life or a quick death ? Sort of like hell I would think, condemned to suffer for the rest of your personal eternity.
Of course I understand the religious viewpoint that the can find salvation in prison and still save their eternal soul. But I believe that this life is all we have so my viewpoint differs somewhat.
My religious viewpoint? My religious viewpoint has nothing to do with "salvation".
Let us not forget the protection of society that prison has the benefit of providing. Obviously some people cannot be rehabilitated. Pedophiles are an example.

Many of your concerns are a moot point if we allowed the prisoners to commit suicide which is what I am suggesting.
Which I also advocated. Let them have reading material and rope... We aren't trying to rehabilitate them.

I also think that high recidivism crime with children victims should net a sentence that never lets you back on a street...
Let us not forget the protection of society that prison has the benefit of providing. Obviously some people cannot be rehabilitated. Pedophiles are an example.

Many of your concerns are a moot point if we allowed the prisoners to commit suicide which is what I am suggesting.
I agree with you on the allowing of suicide. However most of those opposed to the death penalty also seem to opose suicide.
IMHO it appears that our Justice system is a thinly veiled punishment system, not a rehab system. So why not be honest about it ?
Not me I would prefer is some of these scum stopped wasting our oxygen. I just don't want anyone who isn't a scumbag to be killed.