Death Penaly for Accused Soldiers?

No No guys the correct liberal response is I oppose the death penalty in all cases except when they involve US troops. You hate our troops and demand they be delivered unto Al-Queda and beheaded on Al-Jazeera.

Get with the program.
No No guys the correct liberal response is I oppose the death penalty in all cases except when they involve US troops. You hate our troops and demand they be delivered unto Al-Queda and beheaded on Al-Jazeera.

Get with the program.

My bad!

What he just said. Death to America!!!!!!!!!
No No guys the correct liberal response is I oppose the death penalty in all cases except when they involve US troops. You hate our troops and demand they be delivered unto Al-Queda and beheaded on Al-Jazeera.

Get with the program.
<*sigh*> How many times have we told you, IH8: don't drink the Kool-aid? One of these days it'll catch up with you . . . .
I just hope they get a fair trial rather than get railroaded because it would be politically expedient...

Hmm, I guess I am mostly alone on this, but I do support the death penalty and Murder is murder whether in the military or not. If those guys did as is reported and did not have orders to do what they did, then they are murderers.
I don't want my tax dollars supporting usless sacks of skin for the rest of their lives. Kinda like psychopath welfare ?
As long as we use the death penalty there is a risk innocent people will be killed. We should not kill people as a means to save money.
NO! They should not kill them....

Second, IF THESE GUYS are telling the TRUTH and they were ORDERED to do such, kill all males etc...then we need these guys ALIVE so we can get to the bottom of the truth...


And IF that is true, do you think maybe it would sign their death warrants?

As long as we use the death penalty there is a risk innocent people will be killed. We should not kill people as a means to save money.

I think all possible means to establish their guilt/innocence should be used. And yes a innocent one or two will be killed. but is it not a sort of war on crime. I don't hear too many crying over the innocents killed in Iraq.
I think the killing of innocent people done by our legal system is a 100% unacceptable outcome. Beyone that using all possible means to establish guilt/innocence is expensive and why it is actually more costly to execute a prisoner than keep them in jail for life.

As for the innocents in Iraq many people on here and elsewhere have "cried" about the innocents killed. I have condemned such things myself.
I don't hear too many crying over the innocents killed in Iraq.

Are you kidding? I have been. It is one of the reasons I am so pissed at Bush and Company and why I am no longer a Republican. There have also been left wingers ie Care and Desh, who have brought this up, but then everything Bush does is EVIL to those two so what would you expect? :clink:

We are humans, therefore we have an imperfect "justice" system. Actually legal system is a better term. As sometimes legal is not just.
Hmm, I guess I am mostly alone on this, but I do support the death penalty and Murder is murder whether in the military or not. If those guys did as is reported and did not have orders to do what they did, then they are murderers.
I don't want my tax dollars supporting usless sacks of skin for the rest of their lives. Kinda like psychopath welfare ?

I agree murder is murder, and I think that there are clear-cut cases of psychopatic behavior on the part of some soldiers there. The case that most comes to mind to me, is the one where they watched, and then lay in wait for that 13 year old girl, murdered her family including a 6 year old sister, and gang raped her, and then murdered her too. I mean, come on.

However, in most cases that I have read about so far, I think a defense attorney could make the case that the rules of engagement came down the chain of command. And because that chain of command goes to Rumsfeld, I don't see any death penalty verdicts coming down. I wish we would understand that the fish rots from the head, and that we need to nail Rumsfeld, Gonzalaz, Yoo, all of the dirty gang there, on these acts. Because they did implictly if not explicitly, approve of them.

Either way, I don't support the death penality, but as always, when it involves a child, or children, and the story I detailed above does, I frankly don't really care. It's not like I would be on the march against it, in other words. Providing dna evidence, I've been moving slowly, over years, to the point where I just can't argue against it anymore. I think it's been some of the horror stories. 9 year old girls raped and then buried alive with their stuffed animals. How can I even pretend that if that were a little girl in my family I wouldn't kill him myself? It's not honest at some point.

But these other guys, no, I wouldn't support that. Not even for Rumsfeld. And I believe him to be a war criminal you know.
I am personally against the Death Penalty in all cases. Although I am not against Supermax facilities created just for those convicted in such cases.
For myself. If wrongly convicted and given life in prison, I would prefer death.
Or actually if correctly convicted and given life in prison, I would prefer death.
Is living the rest of your life in torment any better than death ?
Hey I've always been an advocate of leaving some rope in the cell unless they are insane.

I like that attitude ;)
But is anyone sane who would commit a heinous murder ? Like the ones in Maine the other day. and yes I know the legal definition vs the medical definition.