Debate between Asshat and Ornot

Did Asshat ruin the debate?

  • The debate was a show of intelligence, with Asshat taking most of the credit

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • God, what a way to ruin a debate

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Just erase this travesty

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
I have whipped his ass about five times. each time he goes away to regroup, then comes back with nothing effective.

Affirmative Actions is racial discrimination. Some may think it is just, but it's still a race-based preference.

Why are you so fucking retarded? YOU DIDN'T PROVE IT. You just simply stated it and declared victory.
Why are you so fucking retarded? YOU DIDN'T PROVE IT. You just simply stated it and declared victory.
No. He described his suggested usage of the race data, I correctly identified that as racial discrimination. The word discrimination describes his suggested actions. Accurate description is all that's necessary. He has never proved his suggestions AREN"T racial discrimination.
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This is you guys. You're so fucking brainwashed you purposefully forget what words mean to avoid the cognitive dissonance of being wrong.
The first and simplest stage in the discipline, which can be taught even to young children, is called, in Newspeak, crimestop. Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.
No. He described his suggested usage of the race data, I correctly identified that as racial discrimination. The word discrimination describes his suggested actions. Accurate description is all that's necessary. He has never proved his suggestions AREN"T racial discrimination.
Accurate according to the particular definition of "discrimination" that you prefer. As I said at the outset, the definition you prefer is silly and of no interest to me: I do not address it because it is not worth addressing.

Accurate according to the particular definition of "discrimination" that you prefer. As I said at the outset, the definition you prefer is silly and of no interest to me: I do not address it because it is not worth addressing.


We're using the same definition you dishonest prick. Stop with the pathetic strawman argument. You suck at thinking.
Why do some of you nazis think the whole debate should be deleted? Am I really that threatening to you? Grow a nut, people. Think outside your sad little boxes.

This from someone who states some ideas shouldn't be Comedy gold!
Why do some of you nazis think the whole debate should be deleted? Am I really that threatening to you? Grow a nut, people. Think outside your sad little boxes.

This from someone who states some ideas shouldn't be Comedy gold!

I've never stated ideas shouldn't be debated. I'm saying a continual state of questioning all things is stupid. there's a difference between calling something stupid and wanting to censor it. For instance, your stupid, but I don't want to censor you. I enjoy using you to expose the purpose of nihilism.
yes do not question...
the world is flat and the center of the universe. all diseases are caused by evil spirits and sins, etc...yes never question the NWO either, you will be assimilated AHZ :D Resistance is futile.
yes do not question...
the world is flat and the center of the universe. all diseases are caused by evil spirits and sins, etc...yes never question the NWO either, you will be assimilated AHZ :D Resistance is futile.

I support all rights to question, and all freedom of speech. I just think some people start to look idiotic when they refuse to ever draw conclusions, and keep their minds in a constant state of paralysis, as some imagined mark of enlightenment. Can you read, you withered old testicle?
I support all rights to question, and all freedom of speech. I just think some people start to look idiotic when they refuse to ever draw conclusions, and keep their minds in a constant state of paralysis, as some imagined mark of enlightenment.

You are such a gobshite. How have you come to the notion that I can't draw conclusions, just because I ask difficult questions?

I'm not a moron like yourself who will just go with whatever feels right and fits with current prejudices... and then adopt that as absolute.
I support all rights to question, and all freedom of speech. I just think some people start to look idiotic when they refuse to ever draw conclusions, and keep their minds in a constant state of paralysis, as some imagined mark of enlightenment.

You are such a gobshite. How have you come to the notion that I can't draw conclusions, just because I ask difficult questions?

I'm not a moron like yourself who will just go with whatever feels right and fits with current prejudices... and then adopt that as absolute.

You never draw conclusions, and due to that, you can never reach higher level thinking because there is no basis on which to build anything. Your world is a melange of illusory notions, none of which are "true" enough to act upon. You live in a state of self-induced idiocy.
You never draw conclusions

Where do you get the idea that I don't draw conclusions? Because I deny the possibility of humans acquiring absolute knowledge?
You never draw conclusions

Where do you get the idea that I don't draw conclusions? Because I deny the possibility of humans acquiring absolute knowledge?

You say individuals decide their own meanings, but you don't. You won't tell me where you stand on your personal valuation of life. You just hit the reset button. "But there is no INNATE value to life." You're a joke.
You say individuals decide their own meanings, but you don't. You won't tell me where you stand on your personal valuation of life.

I answered this a few days ago. Of course I value life, else I would have already ended it???

As for being a 'joke', you do realise that calling people cunts etc just makes you look like a little man don't you.... ha ha ha
You say individuals decide their own meanings, but you don't. You won't tell me where you stand on your personal valuation of life.

I answered this a few days ago. Of course I value life, else I would have already ended it???

Is this really a question? Search your feelings, luke.
As for being a 'joke', you do realise that calling people cunts etc just makes you look like a little man don't you.... ha ha ha

I called you a joke.

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