I don't think I'm going to do well this year. The temptation to make fun of Mott for my entire word count is pretty great.
yes in the near future. I am hoping to go on another begging round though to get some more people.

also we need questions.
Topics for possible debate:

Is our current involvement in Libya legitimate?
Does America benefit from the war on drugs?
Is the ATF an outdated agency?
Should we curtail the use of genetic modification in foods?
Are there industries that are 'too big to fail'?
Should we have a more isolationist foreign policy?
Is nuclear energy a viable alternative to thermal (fossil fuels) power?
the validity of the existence of god
should religion have a role in public policy?
Should there be qualifications based on intelligence for the right to vote
Prison Policy - Retribution vs. Rehabilitation
DID Southern Prole deserve to win his debate with Capt?
Is China a legitmate military threat?
Should the US leave the UN?
Should the drinking age be lowered?
Should we tax certain items differently?
Flat tax, should we use one?
Is Libertarianism a significant and viable political philosophy?
How should the Constitution be viewed? (Strict constructionist or living document)
Beer vs wine
Topics for possible debate:

Is our current involvement in Libya legitimate?
Does America benefit from the war on drugs?
Is the ATF an outdated agency?
Should we curtail the use of genetic modification in foods?
Are there industries that are 'too big to fail'?
Should we have a more isolationist foreign policy?
Is nuclear energy a viable alternative to thermal (fossil fuels) power?
the validity of the existence of god
should religion have a role in public policy?
Should there be qualifications based on intelligence for the right to vote
Prison Policy - Retribution vs. Rehabilitation
DID Southern Prole deserve to win his debate with Capt?
Is China a legitmate military threat?
Should the US leave the UN?
Should the drinking age be lowered?
Should we tax certain items differently?
Flat tax, should we use one?
Is Libertarianism a significant and viable political philosophy?
How should the Constitution be viewed? (Strict constructionist or living document)
Beer vs wine

Should we curtail the use of genetic modification in foods?

This'n'll do me. However it should not be posed as a question, if you don't mind me saying.