on indefiniate mod break
We started in august last year.

It is time for the second annual debate championship, and for 3d, the best master debater, to defend his title.

Few things:

1) I would like to compete this year, and not judge
2) Lets use a full month to come up with good questions
- questions that aren't leading in some cases and aren't weighted towards one side (i.e. is evolution true? yes or no)?

Hope everyone plays this year O_o

Rough Ideas:

1) the validity of the existence of god
2) should religion have a role in public policy?
3) Should there be qualifications based on intelligence for the right to vote
4) Prison Policy - Retribution vs. Rehabilitation

Suck it, bitches!! I pwned you all last year!!!

Of course, having said that, I'll probably die in the first round this year, but I will have been one of the brave few to have held the title for a full year. Of course, the fact that Mott was given the title (given, not earned, mind) before me, possibly makes it something not worth boasting about...

Also, some decent topics:
Is our current involvement in Libya legitimate?
Does America benefit from the war on drugs?
Is the ATF an outdated agency?
Should we curtail the use of genetic modification in foods?
Are there industries that are 'too big to fail'?
Should we have a more isolationist foreign policy?
Is nuclear energy a viable alternative to thermal (fossil fuels) power?
We started in august last year.

It is time for the second annual debate championship, and for 3d, the best master debater, to defend his title.

Few things:

1) I would like to compete this year, and not judge
2) Lets use a full month to come up with good questions
- questions that aren't leading in some cases and aren't weighted towards one side (i.e. is evolution true? yes or no)?

Hope everyone plays this year O_o

Rough Ideas:

1) the validity of the existence of god
2) should religion have a role in public policy?
3) Should there be qualifications based on intelligence for the right to vote
4) Prison Policy - Retribution vs. Rehabilitation

I would volunteer to be a judge.
Not really, finding good, quality, volunteers to be judges is what you have to be careful and tactful about. Everyone else you can just be like, okay, you're in, unless you're a wienersaurus rex!!!
Good point....Annie did screw up the last contest big time with her unexpected dissappearance. Still, 3 Younguns does not a debate make.....the field needs to be filled out a little more.
Good point....Annie did screw up the last contest big time with her unexpected dissappearance. Still, 3 Younguns does not a debate make.....the field needs to be filled out a little more.

That's right Mott, just ignore how we Youngins DOMINATED last year, with being the only ones to make the finals.
Since my second round debate was obviously judged on popularity of the positions instead of the quality of the debate the selection of the judges needs to be thoroughly debated. That being said, count me in.

Point of order: 3D is a masturbator, not a master debater.