Hello cawacko,
The secret to wealth is home ownership. By helping the poor with child care for instance, it allows them to work and earn, build credit, qualify for a mortgage.
Vote for Build Back Better and that is what we will do.
Voting for Republicans only increases wealth inequality, stifles the economy.
Home ownership isn't really the secret to wealth. Rather home ownership with a traditional mortgage acted as a savings plan. Every time one made their mortgage payment some of that money was going toward equity on the house. They didn't have to think about saving. It was built into the mortgage. Some of the new mortgage instruments no longer act as a savings plan. An interest only loan is a speculative instrument. You only make money if the value of the home increases.
Ultimately the secret to wealth is to save money. Either on your own in a some way where you don't have to think about it because it happens automatically. The real problem is the inability of so many people to save on their own. They don't have the financial education to understand how the financial system works. They buy into the consumerism fallacy where they want to live for today and end up living beyond their means. That is where debt becomes a weapon. Companies and the unscrupulous prey upon the financially naive. The plan to require an opt out on 401K plans would go a long way toward helping a lot of people build wealth. It's too complicated for many to think about it so they would just let that money be taken out of their check and they would never notice it in their day to day life.
What government should be doing is helping people become wealthy. Instead government often makes it difficult and enables those that would steal from those that are trying to get ahead. In the 1970's South Dakota had usury laws that restricted the interest that could be charged. They repealed that in the early 80's in order to attract all those credit card companies that could suddenly charge 20-25% interest if based in SD. While it may have brought a lot of low paying jobs to SD for debt collecting it ended up harming a lot of people across the country.
Ultimately debt is a tool for those that understand it but a weapon to be used against those that don't understand it. The problem is when the tool is used to harm others.