Debunking the fear machine about middle classs

Also, $80K was the high-end as far as median income for families where both parents work (at least in the stats toppy provided). $60K was the median for others.

Tops is out of touch...
Fiat Money Inflation In The U.S.
(Including Gold & Silver Outlook.)
Part I

Chris G. Waltzek

© October 27, 2005


" Thus came a collapse in manufacturing and commerce, just as it had come previously in France: just as it came at various periods in Austria, Russia, America, and in all countries where men have tried to build up prosperity on irredeemable paper (worthless money.)" from: Fiat Money Inflation In France.


In the late eighteenth century, the French Revolution lead to deteriorating socio-economic conditions throughout the nation. The money supply climbed to staggering levels, resulting in a financial crisis of epic proportions. In fact, excess fiat currency exacerbated tenuous living conditions, which in turn catapulted living costs to unimaginable heights. Similarly, rising energy, commodities and precious metals prices indicates the return of domestic inflation. This article compares excerpts from the classic financial text: Fiat Money Inflation In France, with the current domestic economy in order to demonstrate conclusively that gold and silver backed money remains the only suitable remedy for national inflation.


" To cure a disease temporary in its character, a corrosive poison was administered (Printing Fiat Money), which ate out the vitals of French prosperity." from: Fiat Money Inflation In France.

The nation of France experienced two monetary travesties in the 18th century. The first national experiment with fiat money is remembered as, John Law's, Mississippi Scheme. John Law's infamous machinations promoted the distribution of paper money in 1719, approximately 70 years before the French Revolution. Until that point, the nation relied exclusively upon gold and silver coinage. Law's experiment with paper money mirrored the result of all fiat currencies throughout history: complete economic collapse and financial ruin.
I think most of the far left posters here when talking about middle class are thinking of below that 60,000 range.
You'll see what the top dems do come election time. They will be much more focused on the 50,000 and up crowd and less the min wage, food stamp crowed.
Class dissmissed.
You can cut them if you want to win? WTF are you talking about? You're insane.

Your willful devaluation of others makes you a winner, it does, really.

Umm, not really Spinner is a big time loser in many humanistic ways.
If winning is only about money then he is a winner.
But life is about much more than that.
I think most of the far left posters here when talking about middle class are thinking of below that 60,000 range.
You'll see what the top dems do come election time. They will be much more focused on the 50,000 and up crowd and less the min wage, food stamp crowed.
Class dissmissed.

"Class dismissed?" If you have followed politics for more than 6 months (don't think you qualify there) you would know that the candidates will focus on where they can get the greatest # of votes.

$50-$80K is middle class in many areas. The fact is that you were dead wrong in the interpretation of the article that you posted, and you're dead wrong in thinking that anyone trying to raise a family & send kids to college & who earns in the $50K - $80K range is "fat & happy."

You are really out of touch, and really, really stupid.

Class dismissed, btw....
I think most of the far left posters here when talking about middle class are thinking of below that 60,000 range.
You'll see what the top dems do come election time. They will be much more focused on the 50,000 and up crowd and less the min wage, food stamp crowed.
Class dissmissed.

Oh the far left? A super-majority of Americans fully support increasing the minimum wage. Not everbody only thinks of themselves.
onedumbass, yet another non business dumbass.
people 80,000 are not struggling they are fat dumb and happy.
You freak tards thankfully are not enough in number for the Dems like Hillary to smartly court Wall street:readit:

Oh they are struggling, but it is because of excessive consumerism.
I support it to Duhla, in fact I think it should be much higher $10 hr. For all you simpletons. I'm not saying at the expense of ANY program for the bottom half. I'm just saying recognize the middle is higher than the party has been targeting and do something ie AMT, more college help, more votech, lower healthcare cost. More doctors equals lower cost.
I support it to Duhla, in fact I think it should be much higher $10 hr. For all you simpletons. I'm not saying at the expense of ANY program for the bottom half. I'm just saying recognize the middle is higher than the party has been targeting and do something ie AMT, more college help, more votech, lower healthcare cost. More doctors equals lower cost.

The democrats have always targeted those things. I have no idea what you're talking about, as usual.
I support it to Duhla, in fact I think it should be much higher $10 hr. For all you simpletons. I'm not saying at the expense of ANY program for the bottom half. I'm just saying recognize the middle is higher than the party has been targeting and do something ie AMT, more college help, more votech, lower healthcare cost. More doctors equals lower cost.

No one is talking about welfare for working families, you hopeless buffoon. College help, healthcare, energy costs - these are the issues that most of the Dem candidates are talking about.

Continue having a nice debate with yourself, though...
Spnner, it must be hard to justify you elitist money is everything attitude. Perhaps someday you will gain wisdom about life in addition to your education knowledge.
you simpletons don't realize that is what cost the dems the last two elections.

What? What cost the Dems the last 2 elections...caring about the Middle Class?

Seems to me that Gore won the popular vote, and Kerry couldn't decide where he stood on the war.

Fool - you have no idea what you're talking about.
you simpletons don't realize that is what cost the dems the last two elections.

I think this post might really epitomize your stupidity.

What is amazing is that you think you're smart. But, frankly, I've never met a dumbass who knows they're a dumbass.
you idiots keep thinking it's the far left stuff.
I didn't invent the term "people vote their wallets"
your heads are so far up your tubo-lib far left base asses that you have no touch of the middle class family needs.
duhla, being the manless winch that you are I excluded you from this head bashing. Your doing bad enough as it is.
you idiots keep thinking it's the far left stuff.
I didn't invent the term "people vote their wallets"
your heads are so far up your tubo-lib far left base asses that you have no touch of the middle class family needs.
duhla, being the manless winch that you are I excluded you from this head bashing. Your doing bad enough as it is.

no. You're out of touch, fuckstick. When our government feels its duty is to world citizens equally, and measures growth in terms of world gdp, they need to be dismissed. We want what's good for americans. Fuck your globalist lies.
you idiots keep thinking it's the far left stuff.
I didn't invent the term "people vote their wallets"
your heads are so far up your tubo-lib far left base asses that you have no touch of the middle class family needs.
duhla, being the manless winch that you are I excluded you from this head bashing. Your doing bad enough as it is.

Well if I get a man will that make me smart enough to debate your wonderfulness? Because I'm reading Sports Illustrated on line right now, and I think i might be able to put that to good use tonight, if you catch my drift.

So then tomorrow, with my new man in tow, I'll be qualified to talk about politics, right? Like you are.
you idiots keep thinking it's the far left stuff.
I didn't invent the term "people vote their wallets"
your heads are so far up your tubo-lib far left base asses that you have no touch of the middle class family needs.
duhla, being the manless winch that you are I excluded you from this head bashing. Your doing bad enough as it is.

What the middle class family needs? You healthcare, help with college tuition & energy costs? Those kinds of things?

You're so far off the track that you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. You're the one on here posting an article that you drastically misinterpret, and claiming that families who make between $50 -$80K are "fat & happy" and only care about the candidate who caters to Wall Street.

You're hopeless.