Debunking the fear machine about middle classs

Winch ? How long is Darla's cable. Bad spelling and typing is one thing but using wrong words is rampant with you. Do you really have a degree ?

Your posts sure do not prove it either in word useage or content ?
Me, I make no claims of being edumicated.
And I am a horrible typer. But I generally use the correct words, are you using voice recognition or something. Dam for Damn, winch for Wench, etc...

Maybe you are a automated troll ?
What the middle class family needs? You healthcare, help with college tuition & energy costs? Those kinds of things?

You're so far off the track that you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. You're the one on here posting an article that you drastically misinterpret, and claiming that families who make between $50 -$80K are "fat & happy" and only care about the candidate who caters to Wall Street.

You're hopeless.

Do you have a man? Because if not, I'm going to have call BS on this post. Sorry. Rules.
won't help you with politics, my bet is if you meet mister super right and marry him you'll be happier for it.
Good luck, and if your real nice to him he'll watch the food channel and your other favs.
asshat, prob 50% of voters are profiting hugely thru thier 401k's from globalization and a thrilled with it.
Let me know when your movement has more than 10 people.
won't help you with politics, my bet is if you meet mister super right and marry him you'll be happier for it.
Good luck, and if your real nice to him he'll watch the food channel and your other favs.

Wow, the food channel. The inner sexist reveals itself.
I couldn't be less sexiest, how much you want to bet the food channel's target audience is way more female than male as is ESPN more male.
FACTS, and good advice only a hard core turbo-lib brings out a political card on that one.
Good luck with the guy regardless, hope he's the one.
From your article Spinner:

So 80% of americans agree with me. Hmmm....guess I'm not some out of touch lefty after all.

Yes, overall family income is up. In part, because women are working in large numbers now - men’s income has been flat for 30 years. And income is only ONE way of measuring middle class health, as your article goes on to say:

Well, that sucks. It used to be that a college degree pretty much guaranteed you a comfortable life.

This sucks.

This really sucks………….

Yep, this is pretty backs up everything I said.

Yes, houshold income are up - in part, because wives are going to work. Not because men’s real median incomes have risen in 30 years.

And, there are a whole host of other economic pressures now that working families didn’t face in the 60s and 70s. Mens' real wages haven't budged in 30 years.

Thanks Topper! Good Stuff!

How did you get that 80% agree with you? It is more likely that the same 40%felt that way about both questions, not two different groups. The facts are also out there that most middle class hosholds live beyond their means making it inevitable that they feel the crunch every month.
How did you get that 80% agree with you? It is more likely that the same 40%felt that way about both questions, not two different groups. The facts are also out there that most middle class hosholds live beyond their means making it inevitable that they feel the crunch every month.

That's certainly true of many households. However, regardless of what the causes of their financial stress are, the salient point is that a political message that deals with helping reduce costs of college, energy & healthcare, among other expenses, will resonate with them.

Something toppy seems to think has "lost the Dems the last 2 elections."
Also, $80K was the high-end as far as median income for families where both parents work (at least in the stats toppy provided). $60K was the median for others.

Tops is out of touch...

It was 81k, and it was not the top end, it was the median (average). The point of the article was that the middle class faces struggles, but not the boogey man imagined. The best course of action for the middle class to take is to stop using credit, and start creating savings via invetsments.
Republican fearmongering based on lies caused the dems to lose the last 2 elections. But then it is debatable if the dems lost in 2000....
It was 81k, and it was not the top end, it was the median (average). The point of the article was that the middle class faces struggles, but not the boogey man imagined. The best course of action for the middle class to take is to stop using credit, and start creating savings via invetsments.
This is true, very true, but if they really did that the economy would fall badly. 2/3 of our economy is based on what we consumers spend.
but it would turn out for the best in the long run.
onedumbass, yet another non business dumbass.
people 80,000 are not struggling they are fat dumb and happy.
You freak tards thankfully are not enough in number for the Dems like Hillary to smartly court Wall street:readit:

Spinner, I'm suprised you came back to this thread, after the drubbing you took, with information from your own article

Your thread title, and the title that the hack writer from CNN put on this was very misleaing.

Yes, household median incomes are up - in large part because women and wives have increasingly entered the work force. Men's wages are down, and their real income flat for the last 30 years.

Other measures of economic health of the middle class are discouraging as your own article, and your OWN researcher indicate.

I've told you before that, yes I agree that the wealthy, the affluent, and the professional white collar middle classes are probably doing better than 30 years ago. But, working families are under assualt. Your own article says it.

Topper, here's a hint: when you want to post something that allegedly supports your point of view, it sometimes helps to go to the original source rather than rely on the title of an article that some hack writer at CNN wrote. That's what I did. Your original source auther, and the hard data conclude that the health of the working middle class is mixed at best, and trending in the wrong direction at worst.
It was 81k, and it was not the top end, it was the median (average). The point of the article was that the middle class faces struggles, but not the boogey man imagined. The best course of action for the middle class to take is to stop using credit, and start creating savings via invetsments.

Oh, sorry - an extra $1K. That makes all the difference in the world.

Let's see, I wonder why working families are having a hard time saving & are going into debt: could it be because they can't afford the costs of college, healthcare & energy, which have far, far out-paced average wage increases?
That's certainly true of many households. However, regardless of what the causes of their financial stress are, the salient point is that a political message that deals with helping reduce costs of college, energy & healthcare, among other expenses, will resonate with them.

Something toppy seems to think has "lost the Dems the last 2 elections."

I see Top is not popular, but I think his points with regards to how most, not all voters are motivated is on the money Even you seem to be agreeing here that voters vote according to their pocket book. Lower taxes, better wages, investing in and growing small business, access to health care etc. Both parties cater to this base. Historically conservatives have delivered on tax cuts and less spending and more fiscal responsibility. I will acknowledge that those lines have been blurred. I submit that globalization is the cause as well as the war on terrorism.

When it gets down to it most americans are alike in the areas of financial securities. It is the special interst that has caused the great divided in america.
Cypress I never said the middle class had no struggles just that the turbo-lib nutjobs like you overstated them at the expense of undershooting the real middle class.
80,000 is hardly starving and I know its a lot for a dufass like you but this group has different issues than the lower third the far left:clink: dems usually target