Debunking the fear machine about middle classs

Duhla, you absoulutely pissing on woman's progress in the working world.
There is absolutely not trueth to only woman who have to work are out in the market place. For a cashier maybe, professional woman are mostly working because they want to and feel as accomplished as their male counter parts. There's no arguing they helped household incomes, the POINT is the middle is higher than dems traditionally think.

That's true, there is no truth to that, that's why I never said it you incredible horse's ass.

I have personally worked when I definitely did not have to. You are talking out your ass as usual Top.
"the POINT is the middle is higher than dems traditionally think."

No; maybe it's higher than what YOU think Dems think, but it's not higher overall.

The middle class is not keeping up with expenses like healthcare, energy & education. Not even close. That's why many families have 2 parents working, and many have at least 1 parent working more than 1 job. Oh, and it's also why the level of borrowing & debt among those same families is at a record level right now.

Nothing backs you up. Nothing.
He also set the Fed to work toward a more structured economy. One that while it still cycled had less huge swings thus creating a more stable environment and a place to invest in a future. There is a reason that more than half of the US now is invested in the stock market...

Fisaclly Reagan has an impeccable record, Iran/Contra being his dark horse.

May I ask your political persuasion, or is that taboo?
the numbers prove it onedumbass, the median family is getting a lot richer not poorer. Have you ever taken economics.
401ks are growing 4x the rate of debt.
the numbers prove it onedumbass, the median family is getting a lot richer not poorer. Have you ever taken economics.
401ks are growing 4x the rate of debt.

Yeah - the #'s prove that there are more families with 2 working parents, more families with at least 1 parent working more than 1 job, more families who are falling into record levels of debt, and more families who cannot keep up with the exponentionally increasing costs of college, healthcare & energy.

Class dismissed.
the numbers prove it onedumbass, the median family is getting a lot richer not poorer. Have you ever taken economics.
401ks are growing 4x the rate of debt.

No top, you're the only person in the world who has ever taken an economics class. We all know that. We come in every morning, and as soon as we see your name, the first thing we think is "we're not worthy".

Sure, you can't spell, and are basically an illiterate, but you're still the smartest person in the whole world.
oncelerdumbass, guess you never read about rising 401k values.
or your sexist and woman should work, millions of professional woman are doing way more than having to work to meet ends meet moron.
Yeah - the #'s prove that there are more families with 2 working parents, more families with at least 1 parent working more than 1 job, more families who are falling into record levels of debt, and more families who cannot keep up with the exponentionally increasing costs of college, healthcare & energy.

Class dismissed.

Some work three jobs. "Uniquely American" isn't it? It's terrific, as W likes to say.
oncelerdumbass, guess you never read about rising 401k values.
or your sexist and woman should work, millions of professional woman are doing way more than having to work to meet ends meet moron.

Lord, but you are unbelievably retarded. All I have said is that both parents have to work, and some have to work multiple jobs. I don't care if the man wants to stay home & be the caregiver, while watching the food channel.

You have such an investor-centric view of everything. Most Americans peek in on their 401K's once in awhile, but they don't rule their lives, and they don't come riding to the rescue when they are in over their heads in debt. A common sense message of helping with college costs, finding a new way on healthcare & helping reduce energy costs goes a long way with these folks, who outnumber pretty much every other class in America.

You are way off, and WAY out of touch.
common sense is what the dems are now striving for.
your wrong on the number but they are over you head.
take a look at what Hillary/Obama/Richardson want to do all are reasonable.:clink:
Lord, but you are unbelievably retarded. All I have said is that both parents have to work, and some have to work multiple jobs. I don't care if the man wants to stay home & be the caregiver, while watching the food channel.

You have such an investor-centric view of everything. Most Americans peek in on their 401K's once in awhile, but they don't rule their lives, and they don't come riding to the rescue when they are in over their heads in debt. A common sense message of helping with college costs, finding a new way on healthcare & helping reduce energy costs goes a long way with these folks, who outnumber pretty much every other class in America.

You are way off, and WAY out of touch.

That is so true. I hardly look at mine. Why would I? It's decades before I'll have it, and anything could happen between then and now, including, guess what? It could be worthless. It's not something I think about much at all. My 401K plays no role in my life. My employer matches my contribution up to a certain point, and that's cool. But I'm not sitting around going woo hoo, my 401k went up.
most don't and most don't realize what a difference paying attention and learning to manage your own money can do.
common sense is what the dems are now striving for.
your wrong on the number but they are over you head.
take a look at what Hillary/Obama/Richardson want to do all are reasonable.:clink:

No. they're trying to figure out how to keep everyone in the globalist turkey shoot. they're trying to figure out how to convince people that economic hardship is good for them in the long run, that they're "taking one for the team". The truth is globalism is an empty worldview, which relies on corrupting state power such that corporations and corrupt politicians (most of them) have free reign over all policy, public and private. GDP is considered the only relevant measure, even though people are working more and harder for less tangible benefit.
most don't and most don't realize what a difference paying attention and learning to manage your own money can do.

Okay, I'll go along with that. But it completely contradicts everything else you have argued on this thread.

Congrats. It's always enjoyable watching you debate with yourself, and calling other people "dumbasses" for making points that you later agree with.
Okay, I'll go along with that. But it completely contradicts everything else you have argued on this thread.

Congrats. It's always enjoyable watching you debate with yourself, and calling other people "dumbasses" for making points that you later agree with.

His SOLUTION to globalization is good money management, which presumes one has money. What a fucking ignorant, retarded, assminded, fool.