Debunking the fear machine about middle classs

I agree with him that many people in our country lack strong financial literacy skills. It's not something that's really taught in the schools and many parents don't teach their kids financial literacy or try to but don't know themselves.

Financial literacy is not the solution for people with no jobs.

I'm sorry, I refuse to jump on the "education is the solution" bandwagon when this global system is being used as a weapon against americans.
I suggest you guys get off it. Then get over it.
Financial literacy is not the solution for people with no jobs.

I'm sorry, I refuse to jump on the "education is the solution" bandwagon when this global system is being used as a weapon against americans.
I suggest you guys get off it. Then get over it.

Seeing that we have a 4.5% unemployment rate financial literacy is extremely important to a lot of people.

Look at the number of families who increase earnings but then find themselvesi n more debt. Financial literacy is nothing to be laughed at.
Financial literacy is not the solution for people with no jobs.

I'm sorry, I refuse to jump on the "education is the solution" bandwagon when this global system is being used as a weapon against americans.
I suggest you guys get off it. Then get over it.

As many urban radio stations say, knowledge is power. Choosing to keep oneselve ignorant is not a good recipe for success.
Just look at the outstanding companies we have.
Microsoft, Apple, Caterpillar, Exxon, GE, Cobasys, J&J, Toll Brothers, thousands more.
asshat dumbass the rest of the world is busy copying our model, I'll help them and make double digit returns doing it. Millions more will do the same.
As many urban radio stations say, knowledge is power. Choosing to keep oneselve ignorant is not a good recipe for success.
Education is sometimes the solution to ignorance, but University is actually a hindrance to proper apprehension of globalization and it's goals. they spread lies and present false dichotomies.
the numbers prove it onedumbass, the median family is getting a lot richer not poorer. Have you ever taken economics.
401ks are growing 4x the rate of debt.

Weekly wages down, since the dawn of the Reagan Era:


Yet, while payroll earnings are down, worker productivity skyrockets...hmmm.....that's odd:


And men's real incomes have flatlined or stagnated since the dawn of the reagan era. Household income is up, mostly because women and wives have gone to work:

Seeing that we have a 4.5% unemployment rate financial literacy is extremely important to a lot of people.

Look at the number of families who increase earnings but then find themselvesi n more debt. Financial literacy is nothing to be laughed at.

I believe all persons should be required to pass at least 2 semesters of personal finances classes before graduating school.
And I am talking middle and high school here. One semester in each school.
How to balance check books, how loans and interest rates work, 401K's, credit cards, etc....
Darn parents are too lazy/stupid to do it in many cases.
Education is sometimes the solution to ignorance, but University is actually a hindrance to proper apprehension of globalization and it's goals. they spread lies and present false dichotomies.

finaincial training does inevitably bias one in certain directions .
Education is sometimes the solution to ignorance, but University is actually a hindrance to proper apprehension of globalization and it's goals. they spread lies and present false dichotomies.

People can teach themselves financial literacy, not a University. It's a matter of understanding the importance it plays and educating yourself accordingly.
Cypress are you denying that household net worth is way up, ie family's are gettting richer not poorer or like the other post weakly using the income figure as a crutch.
List the assets that the average family had in the seventies vs today and it will look like comparing Cuba to us.
Cypress is the least business savy of the turbo-libs, latches on to a graph from and thinks he knows what he's talking about.
that's funny shit cy keep it coming
Cypress are you denying that household net worth is way up, ie family's are gettting richer not poorer or like the other post weakly using the income figure as a crutch.

Again, you're an idiot. You don't know what "richer" or "poorer" means if you're taking a household income increase & not factoring in skyrocketing costs of living.

Quit embarassing yourself.
List the assets that the average family had in the seventies vs today and it will look like comparing Cuba to us.
Cypress is the least business savy of the turbo-libs, latches on to a graph from and thinks he knows what he's talking about.
that's funny shit cy keep it coming

And Im a recovering neocon and agree with what he's saying. I grew up on neocon talking points. I know them all. The indexes you quote are simply not indicative of anything meaningful.
Cypress are you denying that household net worth is way up, ie family's are gettting richer not poorer or like the other post weakly using the income figure as a crutch.

Riddle me this, Batman:

If payroll earnings are down, household income is up modestly, yet the consumer price index, healthcare, and housing costs have all skyrocketed....

....then, what happens to overall, gross disposable money (income) for the family? (Hint, its a matter of simple arithmetic)

-Consumer Price Index:


-Cost of Healthcare:


-Cost of Housing:

"Riddle me this, Batman:

If payroll earnings are down, household income is up modestly, yet the consumer price index, healthcare, and housing costs have all skyrocketed....

....then, what happens to overall, gross disposable money (income) for the family? (Hint, its a matter of simple arithmetic)"

I'll take this one:

Yu dumbazz turbo outrager. Mor millionaares undder Bush.? tryin to edukate you dumbass libs. Go Hillary!

Class dizmissed...
print one of net worth genius
all time high on home ownership and wealth.
Anybody with a college education and a half assed effort is getting rich.
"Riddle me this, Batman:

If payroll earnings are down, household income is up modestly, yet the consumer price index, healthcare, and housing costs have all skyrocketed....

....then, what happens to overall, gross disposable money (income) for the family? (Hint, its a matter of simple arithmetic)"

I'll take this one:

Yu dumbazz turbo outrager. Mor millionaares undder Bush.? tryin to edukate you dumbass libs. Go Hillary!

Class dizmissed...
