Debunking the fear machine about middle classs

asshat your funnier than cypress but he has the mental capacity to be taught you are helpless.
Skyrocketing cost of living, LOFL compair today's inflation to those of your idol Jimmy Carta
asshat your funnier than cypress but he has the mental capacity to be taught you are helpless.
Skyrocketing cost of living, LOFL compair today's inflation to those of your idol Jimmy Carta

Not really my idol. Anyhoo...would you deny that the costs of healthcare, college & energy have increased exponentially compared to wage growth?

Is there any calculation you - with your heightened sense of "economics" - could show me that would indicate that these costs have not FAR outpaced average earnings?
print one of net worth genius
all time high on home ownership and wealth.
Anybody with a college education and a half assed effort is getting rich.

I'll take that as a "No", you don't know what happens to disposable income, when healthcare, housing, and consumer price indices skyrocket - as balanced against weekly wages that have cratered / household income up modestly.

You might want to ask that school you went to, for a refund on your MBA

nobody would computer and a bunch of other things have gone down, overall inflation is well below 3% over the last year nominal wages are up 7%
nobody would computer and a bunch of other things have gone down, overall inflation is well below 3% over the last year nominal wages are up 7%

Top, please stop my stomach is hurting from laughing so much.

"nobody would computer and a bunch of other things" What in hell?

Reading your posts is like reading the results from one of those free, online language translators. It resembles english...but just doesn't make any sense.

There sure are alot of druggies on this wonder I keep getting the ole' disconnect...we are talking way apart on almost all issues...and here I thought maybe it was a water problemo...think I will sit back take notes and observe for ahile!:cof1:
old shrivled up spinster always have penis on the brain, lack of sex.
Good burn though:clink:

Well, you expected me to pass up an opening like the one you gave me?

And by your theory, since all you talk about is money, that would mean you don't have any, correct?