Debunking the fear machine about middle classs

Cypress net worth is far more important.
Again we are FAR wealthier than were were pre Reagan. Why do you not even attempt to address this:clink:

those that try get rewardeed >50% in the stock market

the bottom 50 needs to be informed on how good it is.:readit:

Just when I thought tops was incapable of out-stupiding himself...
you can't dipspute the facts so sophmoric jab is all you got. idiot

Your "facts" have been disputed many, many times on this thread, and each time you come back w/ the same retarded, ignorant response, as though you haven't even read through them. Even the article you posted disputes your assertions.

"Net worth is far more important." What does that have to do with the middle class, when they are seeing their wages inch up while costs of healthcare, housing, energy & college go through the roof?

Moron, if exenses go up but your assets go up more you are richer not poorer and this IS happening for millions of Americans. The ones with IQ's above room temperature which may leave you out.
Moron, if exenses go up but your assets go up more you are richer not poorer and this IS happening for millions of Americans. The ones with IQ's above room temperature which may leave you out.

Your confusing the middle class with the investor class.

The 401K is a retirement fund. It doesn't help too much with college, healthcare, housing & energy along the way.

Your view is so myopic & insular - it's pathetic.
Yeah the value of 401K's sure do skew the figures for money nuts like Spinner.
I wonder how much net worth has gone down since the housing bubble burst ? And now many of those "millionaires" homes have gone into forclosure....
The forclosure rate is still rising in most areas.
Shocker - the Fed announced this morning that the economy will show more sluggish growth due to housing woes. Funny, because tops argued on the other board that real estate has little to do w/ the rest of the economy.

Here's how it works, toppy: consumer spending is one of the pillars of a strong economy. Spending has been good, because a lot of people have borrowed against their over-valued homes. As these homes go down in value, there isn't as much to borrow, and those who already have are in debt w/ little way out, so spending goes down.

Get it?
you two boobs aught to read more.
1. the housing bubble has resulted in flat price increases nationally which was long overdue.
2. College, LOL onedumbas maybe you should go. That's kid of elitist to say parents have to pay for college when your saying worry about the ones not going.
I listed the inflation breakdown and overal its 2.9% if you can't handle that you should have payed attention in school.
"That's kid of elitist to say parents have to pay for college when your saying worry about the ones not going."

What the fuck are you talking about?

Man, do I wish you were literate...
"That's kid of elitist to say parents have to pay for college when your saying worry about the ones not going."

What the fuck are you talking about?

Man, do I wish you were literate...
add an n to the "kid" make it "kind" and an apostrophe and an e to the word your to make "you're" and it should make a bit more sense.
Your a moron one, are you over 30 spend any time in college.

Your arguing parents have to pay for college for kids yet its so tought out there. LOL

College grads make $2,500,000 more than non grads during a career. Student loans don't make more than a dent in that.

Try again that was weak.:pke:
Cypress net worth is far more important.
Again we are FAR wealthier than were were pre Reagan. Why do you not even attempt to address this:clink:

those that try get rewardeed >50% in the stock market

the bottom 50 needs to be informed on how good it is.:readit:

I see that you can't back up your assertions with anything more than slogans. In contrast, I give you hard data:

Household incomes are up modestly in the last 30 years. But, today payroll wages are down, and household income are up only because MORE people in the household are working, and at CRAPPIER jobs.....says the US Census Bureau.
Your a moron one, are you over 30 spend any time in college.

Your arguing parents have to pay for college for kids yet its so tought out there. LOL

College grads make $2,500,000 more than non grads during a career. Student loans don't make more than a dent in that.

Try again that was weak.:pke:

Man, you haven't read anything about what has happened to the state of both tuition costs & the nature of college loans over the past decade or so.

It's hard debating with someone who has so few facts at his disposal.
I see that you can't back up your assertions with anything more than slogans. In contrast, I give you hard data:

Household incomes are up modestly in the last 30 years. But, today payroll wages are down, and household income are up only because MORE people in the household are working, and at CRAPPIER jobs.....says the US Census Bureau.
The census bureau really said, "crappier jobs"? Wow, they are so hip!
Cypress are you telling me you've never read that net worth on average is way up. LOL
One are you a grammar teacher, good job on the corrections. Irreleveant to the conversation. But with you gross lack of business knowledge I guess it's the best you can do.
Cypress are you telling me you've never read that net worth on average is way up. LOL
One are you a grammar teacher, good job on the corrections. Irreleveant to the conversation. But with you gross lack of business knowledge I guess it's the best you can do.

Please stop screaming: "Net worth, Net worth!.

Its a slogan. It means virtually nothing, when measuring the health of the middle class.

This is very simple arithmetic.

First, over the past 30 years this nation has gotten older. What does that mean? It means the proportion of adults (i.e., wage earners) to kids (non-wage earners) is proportionally higher now. As a result, we damn well better have a modestly higher median income per capita or household

Second, as the multiple graphs and data from US Census Bureau that I provided show you, wages have cratered, but household income is modestly up because MORE people in the household are working, at CRAPPIER jobs that pay LESS
LOFL net worth means nothing, wow your not a rock sniffer, not an engineer, we just established you are most definately not in finance or accounting. You must be public relations harping on a small piece of the picture.
Net worth is the MOST important think. IE personal Capital in a Capitalist economy.
Again read the Wall street journal and you'll get educated quick. Incomes for the unedcated have and will continue to deteriate. The 30% that graduate college have excellarating income and exploding Wealth.
I know CAL tought you better than focusing on minutia like would. THIRD WAY for Progressive dems check them out.
-Topper: Slogans (“Net worth, Net worth!”)

-Me?: Data, comprehensive facts, and unimpeachable sources:

Riddle me this, Batman:

If payroll earnings are down, household income is up modestly, yet the consumer price index, healthcare, and housing costs have all skyrocketed.......then, what happens to overall, gross disposable money (income) for the family? (Hint, its a matter of simple arithmetic)

-Consumer Price Index:


-Cost of Healthcare:


-Cost of Housing:


Uhhh, Topper?

US Census Bureau agrees with me: Wages are down, and income is up only up because more people in the household are working - and at crappier jobs.

That's what I've been telling you all week:

Family income up, but not pay

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY

Household income rose faster than inflation last year for the first time since 1999, but families got ahead only by working at more jobs that paid less money, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday.

Median household income adjusted for inflation climbed 1.1% to $46,326 in 2005. That means half of U.S. households earned more and half earned less. Per capita income rose 1.5% to $25,036, the agency said.

The rise in income hid some somber news.

Earnings actually fell for people working full time. Household income rose because more people in the households worked, although at lower-paying jobs. Median earnings of men declined 1.8% last year. For women, the decline was 1.3%.

So topper? You can quit now with the "Incomes are up! It proves the middle class is doing better than ever!" bullshit.


That's what I've been telling you all week: