Debunking the fear machine about middle classs

"That's kid of elitist to say parents have to pay for college when your saying worry about the ones not going."

What the fuck are you talking about?

Man, do I wish you were literate...


And then he says:

you two boobs aught to read more.

I love it.
Cypress are you a cofee getter on you project, do you even own stocks.
there's this channel CNBC they do economics reports all day.
You sound as though income is 99% of the equation
My net worth is way up and so is everyone I work with and most of the folks I know and so are incomes.
Globalization class say it all together, for the 10th time unskiller workers like cypress incomes are going down. Skilled and educated workers incomes are skyrocketing.
Cy, how did 4,000,000 middle class people become millionaires in the last decade if the middle class was doing so poorly.
LOFL net worth means nothing, wow your not a rock sniffer, not an engineer, we just established you are most definately not in finance or accounting. You must be public relations harping on a small piece of the picture.
Net worth is the MOST important think. IE personal Capital in a Capitalist economy.
Again read the Wall street journal and you'll get educated quick. Incomes for the unedcated have and will continue to deteriate. The 30% that graduate college have excellarating income and exploding Wealth.
I know CAL tought you better than focusing on minutia like would. THIRD WAY for Progressive dems check them out.

Incomes for the unedcated have and will continue to deteriate

Thanks for agreeing with my entire premise.

Now, and in the future, you say that maybe the top 30% of americans (bachelors degrees [at least] or higher), will continue to do well.

60 to 70% of americans will continue to "deteriorate" (your word).

Uhhh....topper? That puts us on a trend and path to becoming somewhat of a third-world country.
Cypress are you a cofee getter on you project, do you even own stocks.
there's this channel CNBC they do economics reports all day.
You sound as though income is 99% of the equation
My net worth is way up and so is everyone I work with and most of the folks I know and so are incomes.
Globalization class say it all together, for the 10th time unskiller workers like cypress incomes are going down. Skilled and educated workers incomes are skyrocketing.
Cy, how did 4,000,000 middle class people become millionaires in the last decade if the middle class was doing so poorly.

Cypress are you a cofee getter on you project, do you even own stocks.

Tough, tough times for Topper. This is the kind of thing one says when they have been beaten like a dog, in a debate.
Topper can't help it, he was programmed my his financial training.

Damn, I've got topper and superfreak cursing at me, and throwing insults at me.

I don't think I've done anything but post reams and reams of data and facts that back me up.

Oh, and I did post a silly little thread title about bush being an "Irate Chimp". Superfreak went over the edge on that one, for some strange reason ;)
take a poll
USC is rich on his recent land deal
you've heard from me on stocks at nausium
onenewbie rich or poor
cy, my guess being a cal grad your a rich limosine lib feeling a little guilty about your big bank balance and your huge carbon footprint.
Darla the rich Ny writer she's not hurting
Asshat actually gets healthinsurance at office depot and a 401k
yup were all struggling in the middle class.
Just a couple of you have to ride the little yellow bus.
Topper is very touchy if you disagree with him about the economy. Always has been. He Thinks he has it all figured out.

To say that incomes have gone down is a bit boring. After WWII when women began entering the workforce because of need, many stayed and started a trend towards women regularly entering the workforce basically doubling the supply.

The law of supply and demand would tell you that the glut in supply would lower the price of the "product", in this case the wages of the employee.

That being stated, both parents do not "have" to work. I am a living testament to that.
take a poll
USC is rich on his recent land deal
you've heard from me on stocks at nausium
onenewbie rich or poor
cy, my guess being a cal grad your a rich limosine lib feeling a little guilty about your big bank balance and your huge carbon footprint.
Darla the rich Ny writer she's not hurting
Asshat actually gets healthinsurance at office depot and a 401k
yup were all struggling in the middle class.
Just a couple of you have to ride the little yellow bus.

You're really not dealing in reality. I'm perfectly comfie, and many people I know are, also. I also know guys who work 2-3 jobs, while their spouse works, and they struggle to pay for daycare, healthcare, oil, save for college, etc. That's the middle class, toppy. You keep on bringing up 401K's, which represent the only foray into the market for many in the middle class. You do realize that the 401K is a RETIREMENT fund, correct? And that it doesn't do anything for the expenses I listed above?
take a poll
USC is rich on his recent land deal
you've heard from me on stocks at nausium
onenewbie rich or poor
cy, my guess being a cal grad your a rich limosine lib feeling a little guilty about your big bank balance and your huge carbon footprint.
Darla the rich Ny writer she's not hurting
Asshat actually gets healthinsurance at office depot and a 401k
yup were all struggling in the middle class.
Just a couple of you have to ride the little yellow bus.

Top, I am not rich. I am doing better this year than I have in a long time, because I have picked up a lot of freelance work, but I am not rich. My salary alone is certainly decent, I'm not working at slave wages, but it's tight, especially where I live. (NYC) My freelance work makes life nice.

And what I do, is hardly the barometer.
Correct for some Damo, but for those towards the bottom it is different.

Many of those that do work just place having a better lifestyle above raising their children properly. I think those are the ones you speak of.
Correct for some Damo, but for those towards the bottom it is different.

Many of those that do work just place having a better lifestyle above raising their children properly. I think those are the ones you speak of.
Yes, IMO they have skewed priorities.
You're really not dealing in reality. I'm perfectly comfie, and many people I know are, also. I also know guys who work 2-3 jobs, while their spouse works, and they struggle to pay for daycare, healthcare, oil, save for college, etc. That's the middle class, toppy. You keep on bringing up 401K's, which represent the only foray into the market for many in the middle class. You do realize that the 401K is a RETIREMENT fund, correct? And that it doesn't do anything for the expenses I listed above?

This is what I've said for the past week: Broadly, the wealthy, the affluent, and the professional white collar upper middle classes may be doing better today, on balance, than 30 years ago.

But as topper himself said, that's maybe the top 25 or 30% of americans. The middle quintile, and lower middle quintile aren't doing as great.

It used to be that most americans could live the american dream on a blue collar union job. Or some kind of vocational job.
Darla you bashed me as beeing poor for only making a salary of $130,000 like I would starve in NY so I assumed you made much more.
Damo may be the richest as he's owned apple since it was under $10
USC, you have to recall the possible recession discussions we had last year when I thought it was unlikely last year but more likely this year or next.
I call it like I see it, and yes I much prefer a growing economy to a recession.
Darla you bashed me as beeing poor for only making a salary of $130,000 like I would starve in NY so I assumed you made much more.
Damo may be the richest as he's owned apple since it was under $10
USC, you have to recall the possible recession discussions we had last year when I thought it was unlikely last year but more likely this year or next.
I call it like I see it, and yes I much prefer a growing economy to a recession.

No top, I did not bash you for being poor. The way you talk, to talk that way here, you'd have to be pulling in 300k, maybe more. That's what I said. I never said 130 was "poor".
ass must be busy at office depot today you seem flustered.
I'd say 50% understand just fine, 20% prob don't care or want to try to get ahead, 20% could use teaching and 10% are just stupid.
your not in the bottom 10% but the next 20 look like your permanent home.