Deceptive God, Incompetent Messiah

Wrong again.

Full Question

Why does the Roman Catholic Church teach the doctrine of "works righteousness," that through good works one can earn salvation?


The Catholic Church has never taught such a doctrine and, in fact, has constantly condemned the notion that men can earn or merit salvation. Catholic soteriology (salvation theology) is rooted in apostolic Tradition and Scripture and says that it is only by God's grace--completely unmerited by works--that one is saved.

The Church teaches that it's God's grace from beginning to end which justifies, sanctifies, and saves us. As Paul explains in Philippians 2:13, "God is the one, who, for his good purpose, works in you both to desire and to work."

to be fair, back in the 1500s they taught that you could buy salvation.......
Nostra Aetate.

3. The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth,(5) who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God. Though they do not acknowledge Jesus as God, they revere Him as a prophet. They also honor Mary, His virgin Mother; at times they even call on her with devotion. In addition, they await the day of judgment when God will render their deserts to all those who have been raised up from the dead. Finally, they value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting.

Since in the course of centuries not a few quarrels and hostilities have arisen between Christians and Moslems, this sacred synod urges all to forget the past and to work sincerely for mutual understanding and to preserve as well as to promote together for the benefit of all mankind social justice and moral welfare, as well as peace and freedom.

I'm talking about Islam. You are talking about Muslims.
You dope.. Jesus was talking about Peter.... PETRA meaning rock.. What church do you belong to?

the New Testament makes it abundantly clear that Christ is both the foundation (Acts 4:11, 12; 1 Corinthians 3:11) and the head (Ephesians 5:23) of the church. It is a mistake to think that here He is giving either of those roles to Peter. There is a sense in which the apostles played a foundational role in the building of the church (Ephesians 2:20), but the role of primacy is reserved for Christ alone, not assigned to Peter. So, Jesus’ words here are best interpreted as a simple play on words in that a boulder-like truth came from the mouth of one who was called a small stone. And Christ Himself is called the “chief cornerstone” (1 Peter 2:6, 7). The chief cornerstone of any building was that upon which the building was anchored. If Christ declared Himself to be the cornerstone, how could Peter be the rock upon which the church was built? It is more likely that the believers, of which Peter is one, are the stones which make up the church, anchored upon the Cornerstone, “and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame” (1 Peter 2:6).
No. You just want it to mean that. He was exercising his Constitutional right to free speech. Are you saying that exercising your Constitutional rights is sociopathic?

I would not go to a Muslim family festival and insult and antagonize them.. Have you ever been around Muslims? They revere Jesus and the virgin Mary.. David Wood is a bloody moron and a deliberate trouble maker.
And I say also unto you, That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:18

Because of this change in Greek words, some scholars believe that Jesus is now building His church on Himself.
What he did at the Dearborn festival means he is still a sociopath.

When we lived in STL we went to an annual event in a city park -- the St. Louis Pagan Picnic. Every year a guy dressed in brown robes and lugging a huge wooden cross over his shoulder would trudge through the grounds, handing out tracts with Bible messages on them. In turn we would offer him juice or water (it's hotter than hell in STL in June). That's how you peacefully express your point of view, not by being a pest.

From what I've seen in a brief look on Google about Mr. Wood, he seems to spend as much time bashing Muslims as he does uplifting Christ.
When we lived in STL we went to an annual event in a city park -- the St. Louis Pagan Picnic. Every year a guy dressed in brown robes and lugging a huge wooden cross over his shoulder would trudge through the grounds, handing out tracts with Bible messages on them. In turn we would offer him juice or water (it's hotter than hell in STL in June). That's how you peacefully express your point of view, not by being a pest.

From what I've seen in a brief look on Google about Mr. Wood, he seems to spend as much time bashing Muslims as he does uplifting Christ.

He had a half dozen other idiots with him.. They blocked the path between tents and bashed both Islam and Muslims.
I would not go to a Muslim family festival and insult and antagonize them.. Have you ever been around Muslims? They revere Jesus and the virgin Mary.. David Wood is a bloody moron and a deliberate trouble maker.

Wonder if he knows there's a chapter of the Qur'an about Mary. They talk about her more than they do in the NT.
When we lived in STL we went to an annual event in a city park -- the St. Louis Pagan Picnic. Every year a guy dressed in brown robes and lugging a huge wooden cross over his shoulder would trudge through the grounds, handing out tracts with Bible messages on them. In turn we would offer him juice or water (it's hotter than hell in STL in June). That's how you peacefully express your point of view, not by being a pest.

From what I've seen in a brief look on Google about Mr. Wood, he seems to spend as much time bashing Muslims as he does uplifting Christ.

And he doesn't see the inconsistency in this.