Deceptive God, Incompetent Messiah

He's no more "cured" of antisocial personality disorder than a gay person is "cured" by conversion therapy.

Like I said, he no longer displays any evidence of sociopathic behavior. A sociopath cannot live a normal life. Their affliction will always cause them to stand out by their behavior. This guy is married with four children. He is a functioning member of society who is doing a lot of good and helping others. If that's not being cured, I don't know what is. Just because atheist medical practitioners cannot cure something, does not mean it can't be cured by other means. After all, there are natural remedies for everything from headaches to cancer that work better than anything the doctors have come up with.
And he doesn't see the inconsistency in this.

Maybe it's just me, but I've always thought of Jesus as a guy who wanted his true followers to emulate His example by showing love, compassion, caring. Not by bashing other faiths or ppl. That Samaritan story comes to mind about now.
Maybe it's just me, but I've always thought of Jesus as a guy who wanted his true followers to emulate His example by showing love, compassion, caring. Not by bashing other faiths or ppl. That Samaritan story comes to mind about now.

You're right. Strange that non-Christians "get it" more than a lot of those who profess to be devout believers.
Like I said, he no longer displays any evidence of sociopathic behavior. A sociopath cannot live a normal life. Their affliction will always cause them to stand out by their behavior. This guy is married with four children. He is a functioning member of society who is doing a lot of good and helping others. If that's not being cured, I don't know what is. Just because atheist medical practitioners cannot cure something, does not mean it can't be cured by other means. After all, there are natural remedies for everything from headaches to cancer that work better than anything the doctors have come up with.

"Functioning members of society" don't go to gatherings of ppl they disagree with just to disrupt and harangue. BTW, quite a few powerful ppl in the business and political world are sociopaths, did you know that? In fact, given his behaviors and his own words, Trump is very likely one of them.
Like I said, he no longer displays any evidence of sociopathic behavior. A sociopath cannot live a normal life. Their affliction will always cause them to stand out by their behavior. This guy is married with four children. He is a functioning member of society who is doing a lot of good and helping others. If that's not being cured, I don't know what is. Just because atheist medical practitioners cannot cure something, does not mean it can't be cured by other means. After all, there are natural remedies for everything from headaches to cancer that work better than anything the doctors have come up with.

What do you know about the guy except for his videos or his writings? His friends, family, and daily life aren't out there for public consumption. We've all been fooled at one time or another by people we thought were fine until we learned otherwise. I don't consider it helping people to promote hate and that's exactly what he's doing with his anti-Muslim screeds.

Sociopaths always tell people what they want to hear, it's their m.o.
What do you know about the guy except for his videos or his writings? His friends, family, and daily life aren't out there for public consumption. We've all been fooled at one time or another by people we thought were fine until we learned otherwise. I don't consider it helping people to promote hate and that's exactly what he's doing with his anti-Muslim screeds.

Sociopaths always tell people what they want to hear, it's their m.o.
I know quite a lot about him. It's out there for anyone to see. I've seen what he's doing in his ministry and how he has helped others. Your problem, as well as that of the medical community, is that you fail to realize that sociopathy is not a medical condition. This is why it cannot be cured by medical doctors. Sociopathy is an affliction of the soul. It is a conditioned response to life that ignores the Creator and morality. It is the ultimate result of those who believe that the rules do not apply to them. That nothing matters but them. This is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught in Scripture. And that is why Jesus is the only one who can help such a person. But only if they seek His help.
I know quite a lot about him. It's out there for anyone to see. I've seen what he's doing in his ministry and how he has helped others. Your problem, as well as that of the medical community, is that you fail to realize that sociopathy is not a medical condition. This is why it cannot be cured by medical doctors. Sociopathy is an affliction of the soul. It is a conditioned response to life that ignores the Creator and morality. It is the ultimate result of those who believe that the rules do not apply to them. That nothing matters but them. This is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught in Scripture. And that is why Jesus is the only one who can help such a person. But only if they seek His help.

An affliction of the soul? Its a personality disorder or mental illness.
the New Testament makes it abundantly clear that Christ is both the foundation (Acts 4:11, 12; 1 Corinthians 3:11) and the head (Ephesians 5:23) of the church. It is a mistake to think that here He is giving either of those roles to Peter. There is a sense in which the apostles played a foundational role in the building of the church (Ephesians 2:20), but the role of primacy is reserved for Christ alone, not assigned to Peter. So, Jesus’ words here are best interpreted as a simple play on words in that a boulder-like truth came from the mouth of one who was called a small stone. And Christ Himself is called the “chief cornerstone” (1 Peter 2:6, 7). The chief cornerstone of any building was that upon which the building was anchored. If Christ declared Himself to be the cornerstone, how could Peter be the rock upon which the church was built? It is more likely that the believers, of which Peter is one, are the stones which make up the church, anchored upon the Cornerstone, “and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame” (1 Peter 2:6).

I know quite a lot about him. It's out there for anyone to see. I've seen what he's doing in his ministry and how he has helped others. Your problem, as well as that of the medical community, is that you fail to realize that sociopathy is not a medical condition. This is why it cannot be cured by medical doctors. Sociopathy is an affliction of the soul. It is a conditioned response to life that ignores the Creator and morality. It is the ultimate result of those who believe that the rules do not apply to them. That nothing matters but them. This is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught in Scripture. And that is why Jesus is the only one who can help such a person. But only if they seek His help.

Sociopathy is a disorder that is not fully understood, but appears to be a hardwiring (organic) issue, rather than a neurochemical disorder like bipolar disorder, clinical depression, etc. It is similar in that regard to autism, another organic brain dysfunction. It's possible that at some point in our evolution there was a survival benefit for sociopathic individuals, who were maybe more likely to survive in harsh environments if they weren't derailed by empathy and altruism. At any rate, we can't "cure" sociopathy with drugs or with shock therapy or with cognitive therapy any more than we can cure autism with those things. An individual can be taught to mimic caring and empathy, and not to act on his urges to behave in selfish and inconsiderate ways. But he's still a sociopath and always will be. Your guy here was able to do that, just as a sociopathic CEO can mimic team behaviors and positive social behaviors for the sake of his employment.
I know quite a lot about him. It's out there for anyone to see. I've seen what he's doing in his ministry and how he has helped others. Your problem, as well as that of the medical community, is that you fail to realize that sociopathy is not a medical condition. This is why it cannot be cured by medical doctors. Sociopathy is an affliction of the soul. It is a conditioned response to life that ignores the Creator and morality. It is the ultimate result of those who believe that the rules do not apply to them. That nothing matters but them. This is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught in Scripture. And that is why Jesus is the only one who can help such a person. But only if they seek His help.

Neither I nor anybody else said it was a medical problem. It's a personality disorder. The only question is whether it's innate or learned. You can't medicate it or psychoanalyze it out of existence. You can't put back a conscience that never existed in the first place.
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
Maybe it's just me, but I've always thought of Jesus as a guy who wanted his true followers to emulate His example by showing love, compassion, caring. Not by bashing other faiths or ppl. That Samaritan story comes to mind about now.
You're right. Strange that non-Christians "get it" more than a lot of those who profess to be devout believers.

so in the Good Samaritan story were the Muslim terrorists the bandits who beat up and robbed the traveler?......