'Decision will be overturned': Law experts predict immunity ruling will not survive

whoops! caught in another lie..

Nicholas John Roske

WASHINGTON (AP) — A man carrying a gun, a knife and zip ties was arrested Wednesday near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house in Maryland after threatening to kill the justice. Nicholas John Roske, 26, of Simi Valley, California, was charged with the attempted murder of a Supreme Court justice.

Armed man arrested for threat to kill Justice Kavanaugh

Again, you missed the point. It is against the law to even protest outside a justice's house, or harass them. Yet not a thing was done to those protestors. Why do you think that was?
The media has documented multiple examples of Trump’s plans for a second presidency and comments that sound authoritarian.

At a New Hampshire campaign event, he vowed to "root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections." We have debunked the notion that the 2020 election was stolen or rigged.

Trump has made several promises to fire local prosecutors; investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the airwaves; and terminate the U.S. Constitution.

And in a Truth Social post, Trump implied that former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley should be executed for treason. Trump criticized Milley, a U.S. Army general, for calling his Chinese counterpart to reassure him after the Jan. 6, 2021, storming of the U.S. Capitol. Trump wrote on the social media platform that it was "an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH."

None of that is the definition of fascism. Perhaps you need to reacquaint yourself to what Fascism actually is before bloviating your moronic bullshit?
NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. infant mortality rate rose 3% last year — the largest increase in two decades, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

White and Native American infants, infant boys and babies born at 37 weeks or earlier had significant death rate increases. The CDC’s report, published Wednesday, also noted larger increases for two of the leading causes of infant deaths — maternal complications and bacterial meningitis.

“It’s definitely concerning, given that it’s going in the opposite direction from what it has been,” said Marie Thoma, a University of Maryland researcher who studies maternal and infant mortality.

Is this the same CDC that lied to us about Covid? Yeah, okay.

Again, I would ask, how does aborting babies lead to fewer infant deaths. That's a stunner to me.

Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe expects the U.S. Supreme Court will likely overturn its own decision in Donald Trump's case.

Legal analysts lined up to denounce the court's decision Monday that gives Donald Trump immunity for actions taking in his official capacity as president. But in reading lawyer Robert B. Hubbell, Tribe quoted that the ruling is “destined to be remembered as a mark of shame for the Roberts Court just as Dred Scott tarnishes Chief Justice Taney’s legacy to this day.”

Hubbell, one of the top-rated Securities Litigation attorneys in Los Angeles, wrote that the constitutional theory is that all presidents were "subject to impeachment for actions immune from prosecution."

Neither legal expert believes that the decision will remain in place for generations the way most landmark cases stand.

"Trump v. United States will be overruled. The decision is so bad it will not stand," wrote Hubbell. "Like Dred Scott (holding that enslaved people are not citizens entitled to judicial protections), Plessy v. Ferguson (upholding segregation), Koramatsu v US (upholding the Japanese internment camps), today’s decision will be overturned by the acclamation of history in due course."
Well of course. It will be overturned the second anyone tries to apply it to a Democrat.
Let's look at the facts.

This was the best example of the worst POLITICALLY BIASED Power Grab in the history of the Supreme Court!

What is a power grab?

A Power Grab is an attempt by a person or group to take more authority for themselves, usually by taking it from another person or group.

70% of the eligible voters realize this was an undemocratic Politically Motivated power grab fully intended to protect the disgraced ex-president DONALD TRUMP from prosecution for his long list of crimes he has been indicted for already, and give him a free GET-OUT-OF-JAIL-CARD- that will also protect him for the even more many crimes he will surely commit should he get himself re-elected again.

John Roberts does not even believe that there should be a Check & Balance over the actions, or the lack of ethics of CERTAIN Supreme Court Justices, including himself, and has provided a safe haven for Donald Trump and the Supreme Court to be able to break the law at will.

Under this preposterous decision, the president can accept bribes for millions of dollars in exchange for PARDONS for criminals, or Favors for even the most dangerous ADVERSARY DICTATORS in the world.
So, you're not serious and don't want to have an honest debate. You're only here to pound your tiny insignificant fists into the table with nothing more than, "because you say so." Got it. ;)
You have shown me you are not worth the time. So you get what you serve up in here. Don't like it? Tough titty