Deep thinkers expressing deep thoughts


I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.
[h=1]“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government
take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”[/h]
Henry Ford
“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.”
― John F. Kennedy
o. You always thread ban him so he copies your thread and starts his own. I know about that. And yes, he does tend to troll up all threads, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Here's what I'm gonna do: Always thread ban him. :thup:

He never had an original thought in his life.

He's a



That's scary. :eek:

"I don't think the intelligence reports are all that hot. Some days I get more out of the New York Times."

John F. Kennedy
My poor copycat stalker...


I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."

Thomas Jefferson

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.