deep thoughs with grind

If it is not to personal, where in So Cal is she from? I grew up in So Cal and the central coast, and lived in Seattle for a while and never found it dark. Rainy of course, but I liked it. It rarely rains in So Cal and the central coast has my favorite weather... About 65 degrees and foggy. Though inland can be hot.

Sahn Diahgo. I have always appreciated the temperate aspect of Seattle. Year-round it never hits single digits and rarely exceeds 90°. The reason it seems dark to her is the insane number of overcast days. A few years ago, all but three days were technically overcast between Oct 1st and March 5th (or so). The number of days of precipitation also is considered a negative. With obvious exceptions (LA, SD, Vegas, Phoenix), we get less inches of total rainfall than the rest of the country, yet deal with a constant drizzle (it's why natives like me are notorious for never having an umbrella).

But, we have the best summers in the nation. Yesterday was gorgeous.
another thought

I never ban cypress from my threads

everyone knows how much I don't really like cypress

but I do ban desh

So put that into context how much of a zero I think desh is.

Didn't mean for this thread to be negative, but I had to be said

I ban desh even from a thread talking about night and day.

she sucks that much.

Desh is a total mess. If I totally screw up and end up in hell I imagine that I will have to be talking to Desh constantly, while sipping hot urine and having my toenails pulled out over and over. Of the three tortures, I'm unsure which is worse.
Sahn Diahgo. I have always appreciated the temperate aspect of Seattle. Year-round it never hits single digits and rarely exceeds 90°. The reason it seems dark to her is the insane number of overcast days. A few years ago, all but three days were technically overcast between Oct 1st and March 5th (or so). The number of days of precipitation also is considered a negative. With obvious exceptions (LA, SD, Vegas, Phoenix), we get less inches of total rainfall than the rest of the country, yet deal with a constant drizzle (it's why natives like me are notorious for never having an umbrella).

But, we have the best summers in the nation. Yesterday was gorgeous.

Fascinating, I currently reside in San Diego. A year and a half ago I was residing in Bonney Lake. House had a view of Mount Rainer if you cut the tree down. On a drunken weekend my best friend literally climbed the tree and sawed off a huge branch. Got more than a peek and he didn't die!

Was nice in the summer to take his kids to the lake and swim. And then on the weekends we would go boating. I like Seattle area.
Desh is a total mess. If I totally screw up and end up in hell I imagine that I will have to be talking to Desh constantly, while sipping hot urine and having my toenails pulled out over and over. Of the three tortures, I'm unsure which is worse.

Why would you move back to Massachusetts?
another thought

I never ban cypress from my threads

everyone knows how much I don't really like cypress

but I do ban desh

So put that into context how much of a zero I think desh is.

Didn't mean for this thread to be negative, but I had to be said

I ban desh even from a thread talking about night and day.

she sucks that much.

Really funny watching cypress so desperate to show how enlightened he is again... posting how he is going to take time to learn about ancient women who were awesome and such.
Fascinating, I currently reside in San Diego. A year and a half ago I was residing in Bonney Lake. House had a view of Mount Rainer if you cut the tree down. On a drunken weekend my best friend literally climbed the tree and sawed off a huge branch. Got more than a peek and he didn't die!

Was nice in the summer to take his kids to the lake and swim. And then on the weekends we would go boating. I like Seattle area.

Hum?No female friends,and if a woman is interested,they aren't Yurt's type!:whoa:
"Not that there's anything wrong with that" !