Defend This

Who the hell do you think you are telling another poster to stay out of it?
Mason, the infantile POS he is, started the shit. Fowl piled on and now it's
you stirring shit. Go pound sand.

Back on topic, yeah Trump didn't need to give the thumbs up, but the media
could have used any one of the other 20 photos they took instead of that one.
Other than that, it looks like Melania's hair is tickling that baby's ear.

Hello. It's MY OP -- so how exactly does replying to opponents suddenly become "piling on"?

As for the photo, it was posted on Melania's Twitter feed by her assistant. The media found it there, and so did the rest of us. It was not chosen deliberately by the media boogeymen to make the Toadstool look bad.
Toxic engages in personal attacks and discusses ppl, not issues. If Evince bothers you two so much, why don't you put her on ignore? That's what I do with your racist fellow RWers.... CFM, TDAK, etc. BTW, that last isn't saying that YOU are a racist.

If Evince was a Conservative,she would be most popular on the forum.
But she dishes it out and the right-wing extremists can't take it!So they hater her.
Well, well, well! That certainly changes the whole wrong trajectory of the OP! Good job ~!

It changes nothing, Sailor. This private moment between survivors and POTUS/FLOTUS was used by them as a publicity stunt. See my other post about how someone with class could have handled it.
Read my posts, you ass kissing idiot.

The uncle WENT to meet Trump and handed the baby to Melania for a photo with the President. The OP is phrased to indicate this is something Trump arranged for a photo-op, which is not the case, proven by the uncle's statement. The uncle approached Trump, not the other way around.

Another lie debunked, dummy.

Stay on topic, moron. Everything you said is irrelevant. It doesn't matter who arranged what, the point is trump's affect. He's treating this tragedy like a campaign stop with his stupid grin and thumbs up. I'm not surprised you still don't get it. You have no more empathy and compassion than trump.
Yep. As always, anything the Toxictard touches turns to "all about she".

So far all I've seen is bullshit about the uncle likes the Toadstool and claims that the child's dad did as well. These sycophants are so deep into the cult at this point that even a smirking thumbs-up pic with the child of ppl killed in a mass shooting is normal. Can you imagine if this had been Obama posing with the child of an innocent civilian killed in a mass shooting -- with the same smirk and thumbs-up? "He approves of dead white ppl, just look!" "Obama's glad another dozen whites were murdered!" "He's a soul-less asshole with no compassion!" etc etc. It would go double or triple if Mrs. Obama was standing there grinning as well.

Pre-CISELY. Along with a heavy dose of veiled and outright racism in their comments.
Who the hell do you think you are telling another poster to stay out of it?
Mason, the infantile POS he is, started the shit. Fowl piled on and now it's
you stirring shit. Go pound sand.

Back on topic, yeah Trump didn't need to give the thumbs up, but the media
could have used any one of the other 20 photos they took instead of that one.
Other than that, it looks like Melania's hair is tickling that baby's ear.

I will say what I want to whom I want and it's no business of yours. I'm sick of your toxic pal following evince (and others) around just to trash her in that passive-aggressive snarky manner. If she can dish it out to others, she damn well better learn to take it.
Stay on topic, moron. Everything you said is irrelevant. It doesn't matter who arranged what, the point is trump's affect. He's treating this tragedy like a campaign stop with his stupid grin and thumbs up. I'm not surprised you still don't get it. You have no more empathy and compassion than trump.

You know what would have made a far better photo? A shot of them embracing the uncle while holding the baby, looking at them both with compassion and caring. And best of all -- leaving it up to the uncle whether he wanted that photo released publicly, or just kept private. Instead, in true Side-Show Don fashion, they made a mockery of the whole thing with the supercilious grins and the offensive thumbs-up. This was posted by Melania (or probably an assistant) on her official FLOTUS Twitter account, so the Trumpanzees can't even claim that it's the mean bad media trying to make poor Trumpy look bad.
I disagree. There was nothing wrong with the uncle agreeing to meet with Trump, and bringing his nephew. What makes it despicable is that the Toadstools used it as a publicity thing --

you are probably right.......they should have told the uncle to fuck off......then lib'ruls wouldn't have said anything negative about him...........
She can never pass up a chance to pile on Evince or any of her other obsessions. She's diseased and needs help.

I didn't respond to her until she posted this smarmy supercilious BS: "There are many children you could be helping...Why aren't you? (Shame on you for using that poor little boy's death to try to spew some more hate...heartless, indeed)"

Like that biatch knows anything about what anybody does for charity or good causes in their private lives.
you are probably right.......they should have told the uncle to fuck off......then lib'ruls wouldn't have said anything negative about him...........

They should have met privately with them, maybe a photo or two to give the uncle and his choice to make it public or not. But no -- it's the TrumpCo Circus, so they had to make a political publicity thing out of it. The photo first appeared on Melania's Twitter.

Suck on that, Trumpanzee.
I didn't respond to her until she posted this smarmy supercilious BS: "There are many children you could be helping...Why aren't you? (Shame on you for using that poor little boy's death to try to spew some more hate...heartless, indeed)"

Like that biatch knows anything about what anybody does for charity or good causes in their private lives.

Yep. Or like SHE does anything to help others, other than virtue-signaling about pretend events that she doesn't attend. What made that comment even stupider is that the whole OP is about what Trump did -- used an orphan to make himself look like he's compassionate and caring. Adding the Hispanic uncle was a nice touch, don't you think?
Well, well, well! That certainly changes the whole wrong trajectory of the OP! Good job ~!

Of course it does, I instinctively knew the OP was.....BULLSHIT. Yet another lame attempt at "gotcha". I guarantee, if Trump looked somber, they would've jumped on him for that. You'll notice, the uncle is smiling too.
So you think that evince uses the forum precisely the way intended? Okay. Do you also believe that Putin stole the election, runs this nation and has stuffed this forum with Russian agents?

Evince can be foul mouthed. So what?
I know dudes on here more foul mouthed and beligerrent than her, but they are not held out as examples of psychosis and derangement.

I personally refrain from being foul mouthed, and I do not like it.

But you know what really bothers me, and should bother every high life form? The unrepentant racism, ubiquitous misogyny, widespread bigotry, and unrestrained anti-Semitism that is tolerated on this board. It is so widespread that no one hardly even comments on it - but they seem to find all the time in the world to complain about Evince's potty mouth.
Yep. Or like SHE does anything to help others, other than virtue-signaling about pretend events that she doesn't attend. What made that comment even stupider is that the whole OP is about what Trump did -- used an orphan to make himself look like he's compassionate and caring. Adding the Hispanic uncle was a nice touch, don't you think?

I guess the Hispanic uncle wasn't bringing drugs, bringing crime, or being a rapist.