Delaration of Independence: The Signers. Just a bit of history...

So you refuse to discuss the issue any more?

What a surprise. But when you say "Its not likely", you are obviously not saying it is impossible. So it is possible that a conservative would be an atheist.
Show me one.

And then you will ask for verifiable evidence that he is an atheist, which cannot be done. Nice try.

The question is not whether I know one. The question is whether or not you admit that it is possible for an actual conservative to be an atheist.
Odd jump in logic; must be desperate for a gotcha.

Not an odd jump at all. And since you refuse to give a straight answer, we are left to make assumptions about what you mean.

So clarify it for us, SM. Is it possible for an atheist to be a conservative?
Only for those hanging on my every word. :palm:

I am trying to have a discussion with you. You are obviously too paranoid to be able to do so. Are you that afraid of debating me? Jeez man, I asked a simple question to clarify your position.
I don't debate stalkers.

I am not stalking you. I am trying to debate you on a web site that was designed for political debate.

And its funny, you don't mind debating me until you start seeing that I am winning. Then suddenly I am a stalker and you need to run.

If you are unwilling to debate or discuss, why come here?