Delaration of Independence: The Signers. Just a bit of history...

Awesome, declare you're winning a debate when in fact I am merely toying with you. Plebe. :)

Toying? lol

You are avoiding the topic, and playing semantics games. You refuse to actually debate because you have been beaten too many times.

In this thread you have said its a safe bet that atheists aren't conservatives. Talk about a position that cannot be defended, jeez.
Out of curiosity, did you say "affirm" for a specific personal reason, or did you just find the language to better state your feelings toward your service?

I plan to say "affirm" sometime for no other reason than that I'm weird, but that's not really a reason...
I said affirm because to me swear has religious overtones and I was not swearing to any supernatural being, same reason I left out the god thing at the end.
I don't know.... but my guess would be no.

I would also guess that a large majority of atheists are liberals though.

Just as I would guess most agnostics are independents or moderates in the two parties.
I am an atheist and I am not a liberal.
And fiscally a conservative. I am very libertarian, matter of fact when I take the political compass test I end up a right leaning libertarian.

Here's where I fell into the grouping:

I'm sort of with Milton Freidman:

The Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: 7.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.67

You have two options when you pledge your allegiance:

1) You can swear or affirm your oath. This is because some people have a moral or religious issue with sweaing oaths. President J. Calvin Coolidge affirmed his oath for that very reason, and is the only one so far. One day, I'm tempted to affirm my military oath, just for the hell of it.

2) So help me God is optional. When I had a trained professional administer my enlistment oath in 2004, he specifically asked what my preference was. The officer who just swore me in yesterday didn't know any better, and never bothered to ask. God was pleased.

That's an interesting bit of trivia~~~
Here is another test that's interesting:

I am an "Enterpriser". That said, I don't fall into some of the Enterpriser demographics i.e. I am not a white male nor do I have a gun in my home :cool:

Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Enterpriser typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.

Enterprisers represent 9 percent of the American public, and 10 percent of registered voters.