Are you referring to BJ Clinton, the man you'd like to make First Gentleman, Commander?
Is that so, Counselor?
Are you stating that GWB never served?
it really is.
no. I wasn't referring to him in the least.
You do?
Got any proof of that, Commander?
No, he is constitutionally prohibited from holding the office again.Why?
Is he running again?
Maybe you should rephrase your statement, then...
Is he running again?
I'll leave that to the obsessive personality types on here.
I agree. That is why I will always vote for the democrat, even if I have to hold my nose whilst doing so... SCOTUS nominations are SOOOO important to the long term future of our nation. Given the relative youth of the conservative wing of the court, if a republican got in, it would set back women's rights for decades.
you are quite obviously scared shitless of what Hillary will do when she is elected.
My fav thing she will do is appoint 3-5 Supreme Court Justices.
my statement does not need to be rephrased at all. It stands quite nicely as it is written.
So you're 100% confident that she will run and win, Counselor?
How'd the wise Latinas' stay of the Obamacare birth control mandate fit into your cozy scenario, Commander?
Just a temporary setback?