Democrat 2016 campaign slogan

I supported Jerry Brown over Bill Clinton and I will support him over HRC.
Remember when they liked her and said she would have been so much better of a choice than President Obama?

No, point out where conservatives said they liked her.

It was said she would have been a better choice than Obama. But then a rock would have been a better choice. So it really isn't saying much.
No, point out where conservatives said they liked her.

It was said she would have been a better choice than Obama. But then a rock would have been a better choice. So it really isn't saying much.

Exactly. I know I said I would have rather had Hillary than Obama as President but that doesn't mean I 'like' Hillary or have a 'Go Hillary Go' bumper sticker on my car.

So true; and O'Bummer has already lowered the bar on experience and incompetence.
you guys must really be worried about her to spend so darn much time vilifying her this far out.

Wrong again dunce; we're worried about this country. Something you don't have to do hiding out on Mexico and whining froma distance.

No one's villifying her dunce; we are correctly quoting her on Benghazi and pointing out here weak record as a politician. But alas, since when did Liberal dunces care about experience after electing and re-electing themist inexperienced incompetent dunce ever to sit in the white house.
it is hard for me to let go, but I can understand how pussies who never served really don't care too much for military personnel who die in wars of choice.

So now anyone who has not served is a pussy? Gosh, I guess Clinton is a pussy. That would include Obama too right?

You're truly a dunce of epic proportions.