DEMOCRAT morals on display

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The teenaged girl whose sexting with Anthony Weiner helped shape the 2016 election is speaking out for the first time, telling Inside Edition that she played along with their creepy exchanges — until the disgraced pol included his young son in a bare-chested selfie he sent her.

At that point, “I was disgusted,” the teen says in the exclusive interview. “That was part of the reason I came forward.”

The teen, whose name is being withheld, says in an exclusive interview that she direct-messaged Weiner back in January 2016, as his wife, Huma Abedin, was at the peak of influence in the coming election as Hillary Clinton’s closest aide.

“I knew that Hillary Clinton would be running for president in the year 2016,” she tells Inside Edition. “I wanted to see if Anthony was still up to the same antics.”

She direct messaged him: “Hello, I’m a huge fan,” and Weiner snapped to attention, responding within “minutes,” she said.

Weiner soon moved past niceties, she said.

“He called me attractive,” she told the magazine, and wrote her, “You are kinda gorgeous” and “Your body is pretty insane.” Many of Weiner’s messages were too lewd to repeat. Weiner asked her to undress.

The 15-year-old North Carolinian eventually blabbed about the exchanges, prompting a federal investigation.

The FBI subpoenaed all of her electronic devices, and when the FBI examined the lewd, underage interactions on Weiner’s laptop, it also found a cache of emails from Abedin to Clinton — reopening the closed investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state.



Bill Clinton escaped indictment by surrendering his Arkansas law license for five years and admitting that he made false statements under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

"I hope my actions today will help bring closure and finality to these matters," he confessed in a statement read by his press secretary after the deal was cut.

It was an abrupt but fitting capper to the saga of investigations that led from a grubby land deal to a sordid Oval Office sex farce.

One last time, Clinton dodged real punishment.

The former President who swept into Washington amid a flurry of scandal headlines left the same way.

He admitted giving misleading answers to Paula Jones' lawyers when they asked him about Lewinsky in a 1998 deposition.

Clinton denied he was having sexual relations with the White House intern, figuring that because the affair was long over, and because they did not engage in intercourse, he was not technically lying.

The evasions ultimately led to his impeachment by the House on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.

"I tried to walk a fine line between acting lawfully and testifying falsely, but I now recognize that I did not fully accomplish that goal and that certain of my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky were false," Clinton admitted.


A false claim that DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton made is coming back to haunt her.

The failed DEMOCRAT presidential nominee claimed that she landed "under sniper fire" during a trip to Bosnia.

"There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base," she lied.

Even the DEMOCRAT-loving Washington Post debunked this claim after DEMOCRAT Clinton made it.

News footage reveals that there was, in fact, a greeting ceremony at Tuzla Air Base when lying DEMOCRAT Clinton landed.

She met an 8-year-old Muslim girl who read her a poem, and video of the landing shows DEMOCRAT Clinton and her hideous daughter, Chelsea calmly walking away from the plane.

In the footage, lying DEMOCRAT Clinton held a bouquet of flowers while she spoke to people gathered on the tarmac. Another shot showed her strolling near the plane with a group of young people.

Millions of people who buy individual health insurance policies are bracing for another year of double-digit premium increases, and their frustration is boiling over.

Some are expecting premiums for 2018 to rival a mortgage payment.

What they pay is tied to the price of coverage on the health insurance markets created by the DEMOCRAT law.

The most exposed consumers tend to be middle-class people. They include early retirees, skilled tradespeople, musicians, self-employed professionals, business owners, and people whose small employer doesn't provide health insurance.

If people drop out, they not only gamble with their own health. Their departure also means the group left behind gets costlier to cover as healthier customers bail out. That's counter to the whole idea of insurance, which involves pooling risk.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

Before DEMOCRAT "Obamacare," insurers could turn away those with health problems or charge them more. DEMOCRAT Obama sold his plan as the long-awaited fix.

But an influx of sick customers drove up costs for insurers, while many younger, healthier people stayed on the sidelines.

The result was a 25 percent average increase in the price of a midlevel plan on heading into this year. Many states expect a similar scenario for 2018.

The number of customers with ACA plans outside the health insurance marketplaces dropped by 20 percent this year, after the big premium increases.
Wait! You're not THAT STUPID to try and do a scandal comparison between parties, are you? I mean, people who live in glass houses and all that.
Feel free to start your own thread, but please don't lie in mine.

TFB, toodles. Your title and OP are a blanket labeling of Democratic politicians in general....a pretty dumb ass thing to do given that we had 8 years scandal free of a Dem President that stemmed the tide of a Shrub induced economic depression. Scandals of the Shrub, Scandals of Clinton, Scandals of Reagan and Daddy Bush, Nixon...and damn, Trumpicana hasn't even cleared his first year!

“The Court assumes that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz preferred Hillary Clinton as the DEMOCRAT candidate for president over Bernie Sanders or any other DEMOCRAT candidate.

It assumes that they stockpiled information useful to the Clinton campaign. It assumes that they devoted their resources to assist Clinton in securing the party’s nomination and opposing other DEMOCRAT candidates. And it assumes that they engaged in these surreptitious acts while publicly proclaiming they were completely neutral, fair, and impartial.

Case 0:16-cv-61511-WJZ Document 62 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/25/2017
An incumbent DEMOCRAT senator is on trial on charges of federal bribery, and his DEMOCRAT colleagues in the Senate would rather not talk about it.

DEMOCRAT Sen. Bob Menendez entered into a “corrupt pact” with wealthy donor and longtime friend Dr. Salomon Melgen. The DEMOCRAT senator received luxurious vacations abroad, flights on the Florida eye doctor’s private jet and hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign cash, and none of the gifts were disclosed on DEMOCRAT Menendez’s annual financial disclosure forms as required by law.

In return, prosecutors alleged, Menendez helped Melgen expedite visa applications so his foreign girlfriends could visit him in the U.S. The relationship dated back at least as far as 2006, shortly after DEMOCRAT Menendez entered the Senate.

“This is what bribery looks like,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Koski said as the government made its case. “These two defendants corrupted one of the most powerful offices in our country. The defendants didn’t just trade money for power, they also tried to cover it up.’’

DEMOCRAT Menendez’s defense attorneys argue that the government’s bribery case against the DEMOCRAT senator and Melgen represents an “attack” on Hispanic-Americans.

Melgen’s ties to former DEMOCRAT Sen. "Dirty" Harry Reid (D-Nev.), present an embarrassing situation for DEMOCRATS on Capitol Hill.

DEMOCRAT Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) declined to say whether he would stand by fellow DEMOCRAT Menendez.

DEMOCRAT Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), however, praised his DEMOCRAT colleague as a “champion.”


Former DNC Chair DEMOCRAT "Dirty" Debbie Wasserman Schultz was pulled into yet another scandal when on former IT aide Imran Awan was detained while attempting to flee the country and charged with bank fraud for wiring nearly $300,000 to Pakistan ahead of his planned escape.

Imran Awan, who was employed by DEMOCRAT Wasserman Schultz until his arrest, is under criminal investigation for “wide-range equipment and data theft.” He reportedly tried to destroy hard drives confiscated by the FBI.

Though the investigation began in February, DEMOCRAT Wasserman Schultz only recently granted U.S. Capitol Police access to a laptop Awan hid in a crevice of a congressional office building. The case is one of many scandals that have engulfed the DEMOCRAT Party.
In Pennsylvania, DEMOCRAT Mayor of Allentown Ed Pawlowski and former DEMOCRAT Mayor of Reading Vaughn Spencer, along with three others, were indicted by the FBI for a pay-to-play scheme.

Earlier this year in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia’s District Attorney Seth Williams, a DEMOCRAT, decided not to run for re-election because he faces an FBI probe into $160,000 worth of gifts he failed to report.
DEMOCRAT Congressman Robert Brady, who represents Pennsylvania’s first congressional district, is under FBI investigation for paying a primary challenger to drop out of the race in 2012.

Brady, one of the longest serving DEMOCRATS in Congress, is only one DEMOCRAT congressman to come under FBI scrutiny.

Last year, DEMOCRAT Congressman Chaka Fattah was convicted and sentenced to prison for corruption charges. Fattah had been in office since 1995.
Seattle DEMOCRAT Mayor Ed Murray isn’t running for re-election due to a gay sex abuse scandal.

Murray, once a strong favorite to win a second term, saw his political fortunes dashed after a Kent man filed a civil suit alleging Murray abused him sexually. At the time of the abuse, the victim was a minor.
The DEMOCRAT National Committee (DNC) is plagued by corruption and inefficiency.

It currently faces an ongoing class action lawsuit filed by Sen. Bernie Sanders‘ supporters for rigging the primaries in favor of DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton. Another class action lawsuit was filed earlier this year on behalf of DEMOCRAT Clinton campaign field organizers who weren’t paid overtime, despite the DEMOCRAT National Convention Committee handing out $1 million in bonuses.


DEMOCRAT Congresswoman Corinne Brown was convicted on several charges related to a fraudulent charity. She had served in Congress since 1993. The Florida DEMOCRAT Party chair race in January 2017 was rife with scandal: Billionaire DEMOCRAT donor Stephen Bittel broke the party’s rules to win the controversial race.


Chicago DEMOCRAT Mayor Rahm Emanuel is hoping that DEMOCRAT fundraising will save his bid for re-election in 2019. He will likely face staunch opposition due to his office being plagued by scandal, most notably a cover-up of police shooting unarmed black teenager Laquan McDonald in 2015.

His largest labor union backer, John Coli Sr., was indicted on extortion charges.
In New York, DEMOCRAT Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver managed to get his corruption conviction overturned, but the U.S. District Attorney Office for the Southern District of New York is retrying the case.


New York DEMOCRAT Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose aides were charged with corruption, is in damage control over an MTA State of Emergency in New York City.

The New York Daily News reports that DEMOCRAT Cuomo diverted funds meant for MTA repairs to boost his “pet projects.”