DEMOCRAT morals on display

In California, the DEMOCRAT Party Compliance Review Commission found that over 300 votes cast in the election for California DEMOCRAT Party chair posed problems in their potential legitimacy.

The election was decided by 62 votes. The commission invalidated 25 votes for Eric Bauman, the winner, and 22 for Kimberly Ellis, who lost the election, but Ellis noted its overt bias for Bauman, the DEMOCRAT party establishment’s choice for the position.

Ellis has indicated that a lawsuit will be filed to hold the DEMOCRAT party accountable.
According to statistics released by the Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, on the date of the general election in November 2016, there were 6,540 same-day registrants who registered to vote in New Hampshire using an out-of-state driver’s license.

In and of itself, that doesn’t prove that fraud occurred – theoretically, each of those individuals could have been someone who recently moved to the State and had not yet had time to get a New Hampshire driver’s license. According to New Hampshire law, a new resident has 60 days to obtain a New Hampshire driver’s license.

So if those 6,540 voters were bona fide New Hampshire residents, they would get their driver’s license no later than January 7, 2017.

However, the numbers tell a very different story. It turns out that, as of August 30, 2017 – nearly ten months after the election – only 1,014 of the 6,540 same-day registrants who registered with an out-of-state license had obtained a New Hampshire driver’s license. The other 5,526 individuals never obtained a New Hampshire driver’s license. Of those 5,526, only 213 ever registered a vehicle in New Hampshire.

So 5,313 of those voters neither obtained a New Hampshire driver’s license nor registered a vehicle in New Hampshire. They did not follow the legal requirements for residents regarding driver’s licenses, and it they were not actually residing in New Hampshire. They never were bona fide residents of the State.

5,513 is a more than enough to swing two very important elections. The closest major election was the contest between incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte and challenger DEMOCRAT Maggie Hassan (D).
DEMOCRAT Hassan won by a 1,017 votes. 5,313 fraudulent votes were more than enough to swing the election.

It’s also possible that New Hampshire’s four electoral college votes were swung to DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton through illegal voting by nonresidents.

DEMOCRAT Clinton won New Hampshire by only 2,732 votes. If 74.8 percent of the 5,513 fraudulent votes were cast for DEMOCRAT Clinton, then the presidential election in New Hampshire was tipped as well.
TFB, toodles. Your title and OP are a blanket labeling of Democratic politicians in general....a pretty dumb ass thing to do given that we had 8 years scandal free of a Dem President that stemmed the tide of a Shrub induced economic depression. Scandals of the Shrub, Scandals of Clinton, Scandals of Reagan and Daddy Bush, Nixon...and damn, Trumpicana hasn't even cleared his first year!

Scandal Free? Laugh My Ass Off. No gun trading scandal called the fast and the furious? No "IRS" scandal? No Benghazi...never happened...what does it matter? No attempt to prosecute a reporter due to negative press? No Pigford scandal? No scandal involving public employees using tax payer monies to party in Vegas and Disney World? NO SOLYNDRA? No scandal involved in dismissing Black Panther members who turned away voters at a polling place? No scandal involved when Obama unilaterally attacked Libya without congressional approval...hell without even asking? No scandal at all in using unconstitutional executive orders to go around congress?

Nope.....I suppose you could say 8 years of scandal free leadership...if you refuse to look into the mirror. Geeze WHAT LIARS. :palm:


DEMOCRAT Eliot Spitzer’s Russian-hooker scandal horrified the DEMOCRAT ex-girlfriend he claims “is the love of my life” — and friends urged her to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

DEMOCRAT political operative Lis Smith was shocked and disgusted to learn that the infamous “Client 9” may have been with admitted ex-call-girl Svetlana Travis for at least two years.

DEMOCRAT Spitzer, 56, was seeing Travis at the same time he was shacking up with DEMOCRAT Smith, 33, in his Fifth Avenue apartment.

DEMOCRAT Smith didn’t know about DEMOCRAT Spitzer’s ties to the Russian.

DEMOCRAT Spitzer publicly proclaimed his undying affection for DEMOCRAT Smith in a statement spurred by claims that he choked Travis inside The Plaza hotel.

“The woman who initially made the allegation was not my girlfriend. Lis Smith was my girlfriend, and I had and have deep affection for Lis. She is the love of my life,” the DEMOCRAT gushed.

DEMOCRAT Smith didn’t return a request for comment.

She lost a plum job working for DEMOCRAT Mayor Bill de Blasio after photos exposed her affair with DEMOCRAT Spitzer in December 2013. The revelation also led to the public end of DEMOCRAT Spitzer’s marriage.


DEMOCRAT Wasserman Schultz’s is in “apparent breach” of House rules for continuing to employ Imran Awan, even after he was blocked from accessing the House IT system earlier this year.

Awan was finally fired in July by DEMOCRAT Wasserman Schultz after being arrested on one count of bank fraud while attempting to leave the U.S. for Pakistan.

Awan and several of his family members have been the center of a criminal investigation for months involving an equipment and data scam on Capitol Hill.

Awan and his relatives worked as shared employees for more than two dozen House DEMOCRATS in the past several years.

After the investigation came to light in early February, most lawmakers fired the other staffers in question.

DEMOCRAT Wasserman Schultz retained Awan, even though he was barred from accessing the House IT network last February.

There’s no way Awan could have performed IT duties for DEMOCRAT Wasserman Schultz over the past six months, despite staying on the Florida DEMOCRAT'S payroll.

House staff are compensated with taxpayer funds, and members are directly responsible for ensuring their staff are only paid for official public work, work that has actually been performed and at a rate commensurate with the work performed.

It was, therefore, contrary to the House ethics rules for DEMOCRAT Wasserman Schultz to continue to pay Awan with taxpayer funds even after he was barred from the House computer system and could not perform his duties while under criminal investigation.
Who are you going to believe: us, or your lying eyes? That's the good word from DEMOCRAT Party powers that be and their transcribers in the corporate media, in response to the "allegations" by Bernie Sanders supporters that the nomination was stolen by Hillary Clinton.

I used scare quotes around the word "allegations" because the truth is plain to see and undeniable by anyone with a microgram of honesty: Hillary Clinton cheated. If the rules had been followed, Bernie Sanders would be the nominee.

As with all things Clinton, of course, definitions matter. It depends on what the meaning of "cheat" is.

To most people, "cheating" means breaking the rules of a contest. By this standard definition, there's no doubt that the Clinton campaign, its political allies and the DEMOCRAT National Committee cheated in favor of Clinton and against Sanders.

They broke the law.

They disenfranchised voters.

They broke party rules. They violated long-standing customs that are so widely accepted that they are essentially de facto rules of the DEMOCRAT Party and the American political system.

Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, ran a clean campaign.

Nobody claimed there were no GOP failures or scandals, did they?

I condemn every illegal and immoral act perpetrated by any public servant of the United States of America including Republican or conservative politicians.

Will you condemn the dirty deeds of dastardly devious DEMOCRATS as detailed in this thread?

Yes, or no?
California DEMOCRATS have voted to reduce the penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV.

They say the previous law was "harsh", "discriminatory" and "homophobic".

This is madness. DEMOCRATS hate science.

Bonus irony: SB 239, which now goes to the DEMOCRAT governor, was introduced by DEMOCRAT Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco).
Nobody claimed there were no GOP failures or scandals, did they?

I condemn every illegal and immoral act perpetrated by any public servant of the United States of America including Republican or conservative politicians.

Will you condemn the dirty deeds of dastardly devious DEMOCRATS as detailed in this thread?

Yes, or no?


See toodles, it works like this.....YOU create a thread carrying on about Dem scandals and bad I merely asked whether you were trying to assert that they are somehow worse than their conservative counter-parts. When you blew smoke and alluded to a comparison, I complied. TFB if the GOP comes out looking worse....that's history.

Me personally, I'm a Independent. So I don't have to put up with crap from either party.
DEMOCRAT Seattle Mayor Ed Murray announced his resignation Tuesday, hours after new sexual abuse allegations surfaced against the embattled politician.

The mayor's announcement comes after his cousin gave an interview with the Seattle Times alleging abuse, the latest in a series of allegations against the mayor. The cousin is the fifth person to accuse Murray of child sexual abuse.

Murray denied the allegations, as he has in the past. He said he was resigning effective 5 p.m. Wednesday so the scandal would no longer overshadow his office. In light of the latest allegations, he said it was clear it is best for the city for him to step aside.

"While the allegations against me are not true, it is important that my personal issues do not affect the ability of our city government to conduct the public's business," he said in a statement.

"To the people of this special city and to my dedicated staff, I am sorry for this painful situation."

Council President Bruce Harrell will become mayor upon Murray's resignation, Murray said. Harrell has five days to decide to hold the position for the remainder of Murray's term, which ends in December.

Murray was elected in 2014 after 18 years as a state lawmaker. He withdrew in May from the Seattle mayor's race, saying the campaign should be focused on issues, not scandal.

See toodles, it works like this.....YOU create a thread carrying on about Dem scandals and bad I merely asked whether you were trying to assert that they are somehow worse than their conservative counter-parts. When you blew smoke and alluded to a comparison, I complied. TFB if the GOP comes out looking worse....that's history.

Me personally, I'm a Independent. So I don't have to put up with crap from either party.

Will you condemn the dirty deeds of dastardly devious DEMOCRATS damningly detailed in this thread?

Yes, or no?
DEMOCRAT Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned on Wednesday after a fifth man publicly accused the DEMOCRAT of molesting him as a child.

But Murray isn’t alone. At least 11 then-current and former mayors have been accused of child sex abuse-related crimes since 2016. The allegations range from child porn to physical abuse. The alleged victims were as young as four years old.

Stillwater, New York Mayor Rick Nelson resigned earlier this month after being arrested on child porn charges. Nelson has a decades-long history of alleged sexual misconduct involving teenagers and children. The child porn charges marked the fifth such accusation against Nelson, the Times Union reported, including allegations of rape and sodomy.

Nelson was never convicted for the previous alleged abuses, which allegedly included inappropriate behavior with a five year old in 1982 on the school bus that Nelson was driving at the time.

Nelson is the father of Patrick Nelson, a DEMOCRAT 2018 congressional candidate who served as one of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ delegates at the 2016 DEMOCRAT National Convention.

Former Ohio mayor Richard Keenan, a DEMOCRAT, was handed a life sentence in April after he pled guilty to repeatedly raping a four-year-old girl, WFMJ reported.

Keenan will be eligible for parole after serving 10 years. He claimed during the trial that the four-year-old was a “willing participant.”

The trial of a Georgia DEMOCRAT convicted of molesting and raping an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl took a dark twist when the girl said that Christopher Wright, then a DEMOCRAT mayor, had also raped her and forced her to perform oral sex on him, KTOC reported.

Wright, who was first elected mayor as a DEMOCRAT in 2012 at the age of 22, was indicted in June 2016, WALB reported. DEMOCRAT Wright pled no contest to child sex abuse and rape in January 2017 but was let off without a prison sentence. He was sentenced to 20 years probation — during which time he can’t seek public office — and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine.
Will you condemn the dirty deeds of dastardly devious DEMOCRATS damningly detailed in this thread?

Yes, or no?

What did I just write, jackass? See, like the intellectually limited GOP drudge that you are, you can't fault what I previously you default to some idiotic "pledge" while repeating past posts.

Get a nearby adult to explain it to you while you do a victory lap around your PC, because you're too damned dumb for me to continue this convoluted exchange. Adios.