DEMOCRAT morals on display

What did I just write, jackass? See, like the intellectually limited GOP drudge that you are, you can't fault what I previously you default to some idiotic "pledge" while repeating past posts.

Get a nearby adult to explain it to you while you do a victory lap around your PC, because you're too damned dumb for me to continue this convoluted exchange. Adios.

Do you now by plainly stating "aye" these DEMOCRAT deeds denounce?

Or will you by stubborn refusal your tacit endorsement announce?


A false claim that DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton made is coming back to haunt her.

The failed DEMOCRAT presidential nominee claimed that she landed "under sniper fire" during a trip to Bosnia.

"There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base," she lied.

Even the DEMOCRAT-loving Washington Post debunked this claim after DEMOCRAT Clinton made it.

News footage reveals that there was, in fact, a greeting ceremony at Tuzla Air Base when lying DEMOCRAT Clinton landed.

She met an 8-year-old Muslim girl who read her a poem, and video of the landing shows DEMOCRAT Clinton and her hideous daughter, Chelsea calmly walking away from the plane.

In the footage, lying DEMOCRAT Clinton held a bouquet of flowers while she spoke to people gathered on the tarmac. Another shot showed her strolling near the plane with a group of young people.


Another JPP Rightie still obsessing about Hillary!
Add to the facts that the GOP orchestrated the unnecessary invasion of Iraq based on LIES, which cost tens of thousands of lives, pretty much edges out the DEMS in the morals dept. in the last 40 years (yeah, some Dems bought into Cheney's OSP garbage...but they didn't violate the law to invade).
California's illegal alien-supporting attorney general, Xavier Becerra, has been curiously silent about that fake server he handed over to cops to obstruct their Imran Awan investigation, according to a new report.

Becerra's role is worth noting because he is considered top DEMOCRAT talent, a DEMOCRAT Party star, with many DEMOCRAT leadership positions, including a seat on the House Ways and Means committee, chairmanship of the House DEMOCRAT Caucus (now at the center of the Imran Awan secret server scandal) and lately a post as the California state attorney general.

He shows a pattern as a gamy player, not the least because of his fake server role in the House server scandal associated with the Awan Pakistani tech family, and former DEMOCRAT National Committee chairwoman, Dirty Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

On Jan. 24, 2017, Becerra vacated his congressional seat to become California's attorney general. "He wanted to wipe his server, and we brought to his attention it was under investigation. We asked for an image of the server, and they deliberately turned over a fake server," a senior official said.

Corrupt and questionable practices are part of Becerra's makeup. His nominated appointment to the position of The Obama's U.S. Trade Representative was squelched in 2008 after it emerged that Becerra had written a letter urging President Clinton to pardon a cocaine dealer - who then shoveled cash into his campaign coffers.
Its sure good to know, Handjob, the republicans have no issues with morals. They have never cheated on their wives, gotten a hand job( You) on the side, never paid for a hooker or had any form of gay sex. Isn't it wonderful for you to live in that kind of a world?

Waaah. Now Hillary can't pardon me.

DEMOCRAT Anthony Weiner’s lawyers cast him as a “weak man” in a “self-destructive spiral” when he exchanged “sexually explicit” messages with a teenaged girl, who they described as “profit seeking,” according to a new court filing.

A sentencing memorandum hopes to keep the disgraced DEMOCRAT out jail, claiming he was “the depths of an uncontrollable sickness” when the underaged sext session took place.

The legal filing also portrays Weiner as the victim. “He responded to the victim’s request for sexually explicit messages not because she was a teenager, but in spite of it,” it reads.
