Democrat Party is Hypocritical on Foley Issue...


Oh you guys kill me. Five years of election year dirt, Bin Laden tapes suddenly "appearing" a week before the election, red alerts, phony mushroom clouds, imminent biological attacks coming! and not a peep out of you.

And now your faux "outrage" that a dem, MIGHT have pulled a well-timed release of some dirt. Of which you have absolutely zero evidence, but that never stopped any of you.

I have news for you, I hope the dems have finally pulled a fast and dirty one. It's the only way they will ever win over these evil shits. And I don't consider hitting on a 16 year old to meet the definition of "pedophile" exactly, I do consider it low, and taking terrible advantage.

But I don't care. You got into bed with the religious right and they brought you a long way, and while they were at it nearly destroyed this country, and in fact, might still have succeeded at that.

And now you freaking hypocrites have to answer for the sexual sleazes and closet cases in your own party, and you have to answer for it to those same nut cases ya'll got on your knees to ass kiss to.

And it may lose you the Senate, and will probably lose you the house.

Well, boo freaking hoo.

Let me cry about that in between crying over the tens of thousands dead, and the additional tens of thousands facing life altering injuries like having their faces burned off. Let me cry about it in between crying about the end of checks and balances, the desecration of our Constitition, and the nutballs you freaks installed on our courts that we'll all have to live with for a generation.

Or better yet, how about I don't cry over it, and just laugh in your stupid face.

Well, you certainly talked yourself out of a good cry in a hurry didn't you...
Mel Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud & lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious; however, for concurrently serving

five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.

I wonder why this wan't called pedophilia ?
Just got convicted for for Statutory rape....

and obstruction
and child pornography
and fraud
and wire fraud
and perjury...

AHHHH...theres the link...clemancy for a fellow perjurer.....
This came stright from Linbaugh BTW...

Dix, you still pretending to ignore me?
it's funny how the R's are desparate to drag up all this old news.

the fact is: Foley is an R...HE is all over the news....Hastert knew about it and didn't do shit.... and the christian right is gonna stay home on election day.

Speaker Pelosi will get to preside over the vote to impeach Bush AND Cheney.

Can you say...PRESIDENT PELOSI????
it's funny how the R's are desparate to drag up all this old news.

the fact is: Foley is an R...HE is all over the news....Hastert knew about it and didn't do shit.... and the christian right is gonna stay home on election day.

Speaker Pelosi will get to preside over the vote to impeach Bush AND Cheney.

Can you say...PRESIDENT PELOSI????
Even with the RR staying home supposedly, they won't pick up enough seats to be able to convict and make her President...
Mel Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud & lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious; however, for concurrently serving

five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.

I wonder why this wan't called pedophilia ?
Just got convicted for for Statutory rape....

and obstruction
and child pornography
and fraud
and wire fraud
and perjury...

AHHHH...theres the link...clemancy for a fellow perjurer.....

It was pedophila. There is no 'crime of pedophilia', that is a conditon of someone who commits statutory rape on a minor. There is no crime in fantasizing about kids... ask Maine.
There is also the case of Mel "I hit the Jackpot" Reynolds, the Democrat congressman indicted for having sex with underage girls in 1995... Clinton pardoned him in 2004.

Of course, Democrats always tend to forget about their own past scandals.

YOur Fricking point is????? what?

YOu are an idiot and asshole if you think that just because someone else has done something disgusting that this exhonerates Foley or this exhonerates the Republican Party leaders for keeping their mouth shut and for not looking out after the children in their custody first, but protect the Republican seat first?

Grow up!

The "mommy, he did it too" excuse does NOT WORK in this case...or in ANY CASE.

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First off some of the pages he had contact with were 15, not just 16...

Also, it is child internet pornography laws and exploitation laws on the internet that is going to BITE HIM IN THE BUTT....

But regardless of the Law, Did mark Foley use his position as Congressman improperly?

Was he lewd with the children that were entrusted to him and congress?

Did Hastert and the other Republicans that were told about this do the right thing with how they handled Foley?

did they do what was right and just?

did the Republicans do what was the moral thing to do?

The answer is NO....

regarding Studds, what he did was also wrong, along with the other REPUBLICan congressman that had an affair with the 17 year old page at the same time as him BACK IN FRICKING 1983.

Let me say one thing to you before YOU START PULLIN A NAME of one democrat...

Franklin Sex Scandal....

Then tell me again how HOLY you are.... :(


ps. Did the Democrats know that Studds had a problem with young boys and then make him a mentor for the pages? Did they put studs as the chairman of a committee that was suppose to have oversight on exploited children?

Did Democrats put him with other children intentionally when they knew he had a young boy problem back in 1983? Please answer that...

What we do know is that conservative Republicans have seen the writing on the wall and are calling for Hastert's head already. Hastert is in fact running for his political life, literally and metaphorically...
Anybody who would cover it for perceived political gain is first of all an idiot and secondly certainly doesn't deserve to be a Congressman.
YOur Fricking point is????? what?

YOu are an idiot and asshole if you think that just because someone else has done something disgusting that this exonerates Foley or this exonerates the Republican Party leaders for keeping their mouth shut and for not looking out after the children in their custody first, but protect the Republican seat first?

Grow up!

The "mommy, he did it too" excuse does NOT WORK in this case...or in ANY CASE.


I don't think anything exhonorates Foley, I never said that. As for who "kept their mouth shut", we'll find out who that was, and I will count on you joining me in holding them accountable, regardless of party. Someone knew about the more damining instant messages, and sat on it until a month before an election. The purpose of mentioning past Democrat sex scandals with minors, is because you seem to forget about them, as you parade around on your high horse, acting like your party has never done this sort of thing.

You're the one who needs to grow up, and realize this "culture of corruption" theme is not your strong suit.
This thread perfectly illustrates the Repugnatcan tactic of calling the demoncrats a name before the demoncrats call them the same name.
What is that technically called preemptive projection ?
exactly.... I certainly never called Foley a pedophile.... only a sick bastard who would prey upon young impressionable people with whom he was charged with supervision.

Republicans sure have short memories.... and they seem stunned that the democrats could possibly be so low, so foul, as to use the exact same tactics that the republicans had used on them to such great success.