Democrat Party is Hypocritical on Foley Issue...

Dixie your lying bullshit... The Democrats do it too excuse is lame and tired and stupid.

You are pittafull!
I love it when Dixie has to dig back into the vaults nearly a quarter of a century to point out the "hypocrisy" of the left.

As if the American people will make THAT connection!

Hey Dixie.... you're gonna renege on the bet, aren't ya?

Speaker Pelosi will get to open the roll call vote to impeach Dubya AND Cheney for the debacle in Iraq...and guess what? Can you say PRESIDENT PELOSI?????


I can say it but I'm not sure I can keep from vomiting afterward.
There is also the case of Mel "I hit the Jackpot" Reynolds, the Democrat congressman indicted for having sex with underage girls in 1995... Clinton pardoned him in 2004.

Of course, Democrats always tend to forget about their own past scandals.

You fucking misleading typical Republican....

answer this, what did President Clinton pardon Reynolds for?
Dixie your lying bullshit... The Democrats do it too excuse is lame and tired and stupid.

You are pittafull!

I haven't lied, nor have I excused a damn thing. What's pitiful, is a political party so out of touch with reality, they can't see their own hypocrisy. What is even more pitiful, is a party who has the unmitigated gall to claim they are concerned about the poor children, when they weren't a damn bit concerned with the poor children when it was their guy's ass in the cross hairs, nor were they concerned enough to bring this to light as soon as it was discovered, rather than holding it like some kind of political trump card.

No one on my side has excused Foley, or supported him in any way, he resigned immediately, and it was immediately welcome by Republicans as well as Democrats. Republicans will take it in the shorts in Foley's district, and the largely conservative republican constituency will essentially be disenfranchised by Democrat representation, through no fault of their own. Something tells me, this wouldn't be the case, if Foley were a Democrat.
I haven't lied, nor have I excused a damn thing. What's pitiful, is a political party so out of touch with reality, they can't see their own hypocrisy. What is even more pitiful, is a party who has the unmitigated gall to claim they are concerned about the poor children, when they weren't a damn bit concerned with the poor children when it was their guy's ass in the cross hairs, nor were they concerned enough to bring this to light as soon as it was discovered, rather than holding it like some kind of political trump card.

No one on my side has excused Foley, or supported him in any way, he resigned immediately, and it was immediately welcome by Republicans as well as Democrats. Republicans will take it in the shorts in Foley's district, and the largely conservative republican constituency will essentially be disenfranchised by Democrat representation, through no fault of their own. Something tells me, this wouldn't be the case, if Foley were a Democrat.

I am for ANYONE resigning who tried to get kids under 18 to talk dirty with them, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN.

I am for ANYONE who knew about this 9 months ago and did not say anything resigning, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN.

Again Ill ask you, (I know you are ignoring me, HAHAHA!) What did President Clinton pardon Reynolds for?
What is even more pitiful, is a party who has the unmitigated gall to claim they are concerned about the poor children, when they weren't a damn bit concerned with the poor children when it was their guy's ass in the cross hairs

Here we see why its important to always fact-check Dixie.

Within three minutes on google, and using mainstream sources, I found the facts of the Mel Reynolds case.

1) Reynolds served his full term in State prison for the sexual assualt charge. In other words, he did his time, and Clinton's pardon was not related to the sex charge. The dude recieved his full punishment for the sex conviction.

2) Reynolds served an additional 48 months (out of 70 month sentence) in Federal Prison, on unrelated charges: campaign finance fraud, before the pardon.

3) A liberal organization, NOW, put out a press release in 1995, calling on Reynolds to resign from congress. There were probably more, but like I said, I did this in three minutes on google.


Oh, and 4) when reynolds tried to reclaim his congressional seat, he lost overwhelmingly to the democratic opponent, in the 2002 Democratic primary. In other words, Democratic voters told him to take a hike.
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come on cypress.... you've been around long enough to have learned that it is foolish to expect intellectual honesty on the part of DIXIE, for crissakes!
What is even more pitiful, is a party who has the unmitigated gall to claim they are concerned about the poor children, when they weren't a damn bit concerned with the poor children when it was their guy's ass in the cross hairs

Here we see why its important to always fact-check Dixie.

Within three minutes on google, and using mainstream sources, I found the facts of the Mel Reynolds case.

1) Reynolds served his full term in State prison for the sexual assualt charge. In other words, he did his time, and Clinton's pardon was not related to the sex charge. The dude recieved his full punishment for the sex conviction.

2) Reynolds served an additional 48 months (out of 70 month sentence) in Federal Prison, on unrelated charges: campaign finance fraud, before the pardon.

3) A liberal organization, NOW, put out a press release in 1995, calling on Reynolds to resign from congress. There were probably more, but like I said, I did this in three minutes on google.

Stop, you are making my belly ache with all the laughter!