Democrat Socialists, rebels without a clue....literally

Across the country, 76 per cent of patients received a hip replacement in 2017 within the recommended six-month wait time, down from 81 per cent in 2015.

baby boom

MORE patients

its fixable

why do you think its not?
Across the country, 76 per cent of patients received a hip replacement in 2017 within the recommended six-month wait time, down from 81 per cent in 2015.

baby boom

MORE patients

its fixable

why do you think its not?

You moron; the data suggests that it is getting WORSE not better.
Once again we watch you whine like a buffoon when you cannot make a coherent argument based on the FACT that anything the Government touches is mismanaged and comes at a very high cost.

Yes, you're an idiot; we get it. ;)

And yet once again, we know the "truthie" is done when he has nothing to add but the personal crapola, like the towel hitting the canvas, but thankfully this time he spared us the corny copy and paste video
I have passed no drug benefits. What does that have to do with Democrat Socialists being clueless?

Part D drug benefit is taken out of my Social Security.

The term "socialism" seems to have become distorted to mean social programs rather than government ownership of industries.

Medicare is not socialism because the entire system is still private--doctors, hospitals, medical suppliers, drug companies, medical equipment......
Repugs are in charge. Now toll roads and bridges are in our future. Politicians will wear Nascar type outfits showing who owns them.. Like Social Security which has been around for over 80 years and not missed a check, the rightys will give it to bankers ,who love you, then it will be so much better.

Rightys want to take over teachers, post office and government work. Why? Because they are what is left of unions in America. It is not hard to figure out. American plutocracy is marching along.
Democrat Socialists literally don't have a clue. You don't see much of Ocasio-Cortez these days after her first few public appearances flopped, when she couldn't answer basic questions about issues. Well, in that mold, Cynthia Nixon should fit right in. This gezenius had a Pelosi moment, but unlike Pelosi, she hasn't even been elected yet. I pray to Allah she never does get elected. Though, she is a little easier on the eyes than ole Stretch.

Cynthia Nixon on health care for all: 'Pass it and then figure out how to fund it'

LOL! The Democrat solution to everything.....RAISE TAXES!!!!

LOL! She done Nazi Pelosi proud.

Okay, wait. She has no idea how much this will cost, or how to fund it, but, she knows it will "save money". That's Democrat Socialism for ya. And, can we be honest? How is Democrat Socialism any different from garden variety Democrat Partyism? I'll tell you, it's not, except that Democrat Socialists are a little more honest than Democrat Partyists, and they're saying what their plans are OUT LOUD. Which is why establishment Democrat Partyists are in such a panic over the Democrat Socialists. There's not a dime's difference in policy between the two, but the Democrat Party realizes, you can't just say this shit out loud.

Now that Democrats have done away with the rules that basically shut out Bernie, these radical left wing kooks are going to take over the party. It will be GLORIOUS!

Ocasio-Cortes couldn't describe the difference between socialism and democratic socialism. It's easy to understand why. There isn't one.
Universal Health Care in Canada: A Colossal Government Failure

Tom Kent was the senior government policy person in Canada when the Medical Care Act was passed in 1966. He described the government's objectiveThe aim of public policy was quite clearly and simply ... to make sure that people could get care when it was needed without regard to other considerations.

After half a century, the government has still not honoured its commitment, and its performance declines with each passing year, despite increased spending. Furthermore, the government made it illegal for citizens to pay private parties for the health care which the government fails to provide.

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting for a Doctor

According to a Fraser Institute survey, for medically necessary treatment, the median waiting time for patients in Canada from referral by a general practitioner to consultation with a specialist, and then to the date of actual treatment, was 21.2 weeks in 2017.

When i call for a doctors appointment, it takes about 3 weeks to get in. Is that not waiting? Ever go to emergency room? carve out a half a day. Need a specailist, your appointment can come in months.

Canadians have always voted tommy Douglas their all time favorite politician. He ran Saskatchewan. His claim to fame? he developed their healthcare system. He did it in his province and it was transported across the country. that is why bought off politicians and healh care companies fight every attempt by a state to install single payer. It might just take one.
Want clueless, start with you. Other countries with universal healthcare cover everyone and cost a lot less. Not more...less. Can you understand that universal coverage eliminates the need for the VA, Medicare and Medicaid? Think those are expensive programs?. And of course it would eliminate the need for health insurance which only adds complexity and cost. The savings in those programs would more than pay for universal coverage. Rightys are so meme conscious but absolutely without information. America pays double with our present system and we don't cover everyone. We have bankruptcies caused by illnesses and accidents. You oK with that? Ever think of the human cost , Yeah, Nixon is just like you. she did not do her homework either. Perhaps she is not able to analyze the whole problem. Another thing you and she have in common.

True, but we have a militarist empire to fund and it is in decline, this is what empires in decline do, they economically cannibalize society at home to expand and project war, occupation and resource extraction abroad. Then in the final act when the peasants at home become restless from all the crippling austerity, the militarism comes home to occupy citizens.
True, but we have a militarist empire to fund and it is in decline, this is what empires in decline do, they economically cannibalize society at home to expand and project war, occupation and resource extraction abroad. Then in the final act when the peasants at home become restless from all the crippling austerity, the militarism comes home to occupy citizens.
Very accurately put, thanks
Fail, bullshit.

Only if we use a distorted definition of socialism not based on the original economic view. Distinguishing capitalism from socialism can only apply to government functions which vary in different economic systems. Defense, roads, education, post offices, etc. are performed by government in almost every system. It is oil and gas production, shipbuilding, electric power, banks, iron and steel production, etc. vary by system being almost 100% privately owned in capitalist systems and wholly or partly government owned in socialist systems.

To claim defense or education is socialist makes no distinctions among systems.