Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Hello Dutch Uncle,
Well, this was expectable cherry-picking and fear mongering by Gingrich, but then he simply goes off into fantasyland with this: " it is likely the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi team will "pack the court" and create more seats for the U.S. Supreme Court."
That's ridiculous. If he posted that I would immediately ask for something to back it up. Sounds like purely conjured imagination.
Obviously this biased piece is written purely for the purpose of reelecting Trump, and carefully contrived with that goal from the outset.
"Police (if they survive at all) will face ..." - Shameless scare tactic.
Piled higher and deeper: "theft-based economies and might-makes-right will replace the rule of law."
Mixed with more realistic projections:
"The Iran nuclear agreement will be renewed. The United States will rejoin the Paris Accord on Climate Change—and will meet its full funding obligation to the World Health Organization."
Those things sound like a very good idea.
"None of these examples are partisan exaggerations."
That was a bald faced lie.
It's just evidence Newt is a bomb-thrower. Now everyone can see where Trump gets it. Seriously, when did Trump actually do something that isn't a copy of others? Both parties brought us to this point and this journey has been in the works since the Cold War ended. Now We, the People are reaping what we've sown for 30 years.