Democratic Hat Trick: Biden, Schumer, Pelosi

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Just like the far Right does not want a Nazi country, but both sides support the element of each. It's a transition and those are steps towards it.

Here's the Litmus Test: Does a victimless law grant more freedom or less? If less, it's a bad law.

I don't think it is a fair comparison.

There are socialist groups, but mostly they actually want the type of socialism which still allows private for-profit enterprise. They do not advocate for government take-over of industry. I am not aware of any groups which advocate for a 'Totalitarian Socialist' country. If you can give examples it would be helpful.\

OTOH it would be easy to link examples of NAZI groups who WOULD like the country to be NAZI ruled.

There is far more violence on the far right than on the far left.

Basically, the far right is way more dangerous to the USA than the far left.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I don't think it is a fair comparison.

There are socialist groups, but mostly they actually want the type of socialism which still allows private for-profit enterprise. They do not advocate for government take-over of industry. I am not aware of any groups which advocate for a 'Totalitarian Socialist' country. If you can give examples it would be helpful.\

OTOH it would be easy to link examples of NAZI groups who WOULD like the country to be NAZI ruled.

There is far more violence on the far right than on the far left.

Basically, the far right is way more dangerous to the USA than the far left.

Disagreed; cut through the blather of each and see what they really want to do. Are they seeking to expand freedom for all Americans or are they seeking to limit freedoms of all Americans? It doesn't matter if they are left or right, if it's the latter, then their aims go directly against American ideals.

What do you think is the purpose of government? Is it to control people or to protect their freedoms? Something else? Please explain.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Disagreed; cut through the blather of each and see what they really want to do. Are they seeking to expand freedom for all Americans or are they seeking to limit freedoms of all Americans? It doesn't matter if they are left or right, if it's the latter, then their aims go directly against American ideals.

What do you think is the purpose of government? Is it to control people or to protect their freedoms? Something else? Please explain.

Government is the glue that holds a country together. We have to have a government to have a country. Without a government we would have no way to be organized in any effort to solve any national or regional problem, protect from any danger, reach any common goal. Government is how we are organized.

Government must control people who become a threat to society. Government must also protect the rights and freedoms of the citizenry.

Government is a multi-tasking balancing act that attempts to resolve conflicting issues that would likely otherwise not be resolved.

Government derives it's power from the consent of the governed.

Government must create and enforce laws designed for the benefit of society. The people must do their part. A democracy depends on the active participation of a well informed populace.

When people want to be so selfish that they don't bother to get informed, nor participate in Democracy, government is allowed to be hijacked by special interest groups, usually the rich and powerful. Apathy is the death of Democracy.

That's one of our biggest problems. People don't even know how they are being ripped off. Corruption and the power of big money have created a vast wealth extraction machine out of the United States. Government has been co-opted to become an important gear in this giant wealth-extraction machine. It operates hidden in plain sight and chugs away every day, extracting as many dollars as possible from as many people as possible to gather them all together in the hands of a relatively small number of very powerful people at the top of the wealth extraction pyramid.

Basically, the USA has become a giant pyramid scheme, and most of us are at the bottom. People like Trump are at the top. They successfully portray the government as 'the problem,' but really, it's 'the system,' the corruption, the power of big money in the wrong hands. Greedy hands.

And the people at the top? They're sick. They think they are doing good things. They are convinced what they do is moral. Just because it has the appearance of official titles, sanctioned by law. The power of big money is so corrupt it makes it's own law. For it's own benefit. The people who perform this are insulated from the dirty work. They don't want to think that part of their work and investments is bleeding people with no resources dry, causing despair and perpetuating poverty.

But it is.

Government has an impossible goal.

Government is charged with organizing a country full of nefarious intent, glossing it over, and making it appear as if it is positive and beneficial to the cooperative.

Short version: Government is like trying to bake a great tasting pie while using a mix of fresh and rotten ingredients.
IF the Democrats manage to take both the White House and the Senate because of Republican blunders, the Democrats will have full control of the reigns of government for the first time in 10 years. The last time they did they the result was Obamacare in the middle of the Great Recession.

The Triumvirate of Biden, Schumer and Pelosi will, no doubt see another Clinton gun ban on the table almost immediately after the election and signed into law by next Spring. There will certainly be other changes as the Democrats seek to jam as much mandatory law down the throats of Americans as they can until the 2022 Midterms since they know the same thing that happened in 2010 will probably happen again.

Despite Newt's fear-mongering and other bullshit, he does make some good points in this article about what a Biden-Schumer-Pelosi Triumvirate would look like:
Every time some supposed conservative or Republican explains why he or she can't be for President Donald Trump, I wonder if they have thought about the alternative—the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi machine.

Our choice this fall is not between President Trump and President Perfection. It is between President Trump and a nightmare that would end America as we have known it...

IF the Democrats manage to take both the White House and the Senate because of Republican blunders, the Democrats will have full control of the reigns of government for the first time in 10 years. The last time they did they the result was Obamacare in the middle of the Great Recession.

The Triumvirate of Biden, Schumer and Pelosi will, no doubt see another Clinton gun ban on the table almost immediately after the election and signed into law by next Spring. There will certainly be other changes as the Democrats seek to jam as much mandatory law down the throats of Americans as they can until the 2022 Midterms since they know the same thing that happened in 2010 will probably happen again.

Despite Newt's fear-mongering and other bullshit, he does make some good points in this article about what a Biden-Schumer-Pelosi Triumvirate would look like:
Every time some supposed conservative or Republican explains why he or she can't be for President Donald Trump, I wonder if they have thought about the alternative—the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi machine.

Our choice this fall is not between President Trump and President Perfection. It is between President Trump and a nightmare that would end America as we have known it...

So you're FOR Biden and will be voting and supporting him this fall?
Better to have principles than have no principles. People should be able to live with their decisions instead of cowering in fear like sock puppeteers desperate to change their reality.[/IMG]

What principles do leftist hacks and the Party of the Jackass stand behind? An ideology that is built on a lie?
It's just evidence Newt is a bomb-thrower. Now everyone can see where Trump gets it. Seriously, when did Trump actually do something that isn't a copy of others? Both parties brought us to this point and this journey has been in the works since the Cold War ended. Now We, the People are reaping what we've sown for 30 years.

How old are you? This is the most naïve pile of laughable bile I have ever seen. Tell us what is original about Pelosi's bullshit? Or Schumers? How about Schiffs?
When both major parties fail to represent the majority of Americans, what is your recommendation for how they should vote in a general election?

How exactly do they fail to represent the majority of Americans who VOTED for them??? Because YOU say so? I voted for Trump. He is doing exactly what I had hoped. How is he not representing me and the nearly 60 million who voted for him?

My strategy is to vote against the incumbent regardless of party.

That isn't a strategy; that's a naïve dumb copout. :palm:

The only way to weaken powerful political parties is to always vote them out of power until one or both come up with a strategy that represents all Americans and the best interests of the nation.

That will never succeed Padawan. If we, the sheeple, are serious about fixing what is wrong in Washington, start by demanding that your representatives support TERM LIMITS on the House and the Senate.

Start by demanding that your representatives support the FAIR TAX and get rid of the abomination we call the Tax Code. Anything else is just naïve pissing into the wind and then wondering how you got wet.
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Most people on the Right today would call Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan RINOs and harass them into leaving the Republican party.

More speculative bullshit snowflake. You do that a lot. BUT, you think you're so smart so there is that. :palm:

Tell me Padawan; what is your political ideology. What do you believe in.

This transition has taken place over the past 30 years since the Cold War ended but, IMO, began when Reagan allowed Jerry Falwell's Christian Coalition a seat at the table in the Republican party. The next big transition was Newt Gingrich's angry white man movement.

This is nothing more than a retarded meme. So far, speculative bullshit and retarded meme's are all you got; but you are so fucking smart aren't you? :laugh:

Their first accomplishment was to kill the GOP and replace it with Neo-Cons.

Neocons, another retarded meme. But you are so fucking smart aren't you? :laugh:

The Iraq War tarnished the Neo-Con reputation. The ideas of the Tea Party had been around for a few years before it actually formed in 2009, IIRC. It was a great idea which was quickly perverted by the Koch Brothers and Dick Armey on the national stage.

^Dumbass thinks Democrat's didn't vote for the war. WTF do the Koch Brothers have to do with anything dipshit? Good lord, and you claim you're not a leftist hack. STFU! :laugh:

Any revolution is dicey because it means tearing down the old structure meaning 'there's no structure". Chaos can take over. The American Revolution was a rarity where a government was formed relatively quickly and ordered maintained. The French and Russian revolutions are more typical cluster fucks filled with warring factions, a lot of death and eventual despotism. This is what happened after the GOP collapsed. Like France, the Republican party has ended up with a Little Emperor and the nation is worse for it.

The only revolution we are seeing today is a revolution of stupidity with a bunch of whiny loons burning down their own communities. There will be no revolution. The whiny schills on the left will go on crying and erupting with stupid insane memes. Much like you do. But you are so fucking smart. :laugh:

This doesn't mean I favor Democrats because I do not;


their far Left agenda goes beyond "bleeding heart liberals" and into Totalitarian Socialist territory.

Tell me Padawan; what is your political ideology. What do you believe in.
...Tell me Padawan; what is your political ideology. What do you believe in.

If you ever calm down, I'll tell you. Until then I doubt you can hear me over your own screaming.

BTW, thanks for bumping up the thread count but it still needs to go over a hundred to start being worth the cyberspace.
Our choice this fall is not between President Trump and President Perfection. It is between President Trump and a nightmare that would end America as we have known it...

America as it exists right now, in all of its Republican / Trumpanzee depravity, desperately needs to be ended for the good of humanity.

The world's greatest tract of real estate must no longer be abused by the world's most socially regressive government.
America as it exists right now, in all of its Republican / Trumpanzee depravity, desperately needs to be ended for the good of humanity.

The world's greatest tract of real estate must no longer be abused by the world's most socially regressive government.

Agreed, but do you think swinging from nutjob government to another nutjob government is really the only solution?

Agreed. Does this mean that, like me, you are against banning anything? Are you also against laws that ban things like 36 oz drinks or drugs?