First of all the most free country in the world is the USA.

I disagree, but I will say that America is one of the most free countries in the world. And by global standards, America is very liberal. Definitely one of the most liberal countries in the world.

Second to the bold that's not the way the progressive left works, they would say, "See Obama did his best but the American Healthcare system is too broken to be in the hands of the private sector. We need a Govt take over."

Which Democrats are saying that? From what I've seen, some want medicaid for those who want it, others want medicaid for all, but even the latter don't want to eliminate private doctors.

Sanders took his honeymoon in the USSR. Warren is clearly a communist and if you need me to explain it you're too blind to see it even if I did.

Sanders visiting the USSR doesn't mean he agrees with how the country was being run. I've visited China, that doesn't mean I like their dictatorship.
If you put forth a claim, like Warren is a Communist, then you should have the guts to defend that claim, or admit you misspoke.
Hmmm. When all is said and done, I am a proud member of The Great Northern Socialist Horde, happily residing in southwestern Canuckistan, aka Weedtopia :)
Trump has only had 164 lobbyists in government positions Trump railed against lobbyists in government positions promising he would not allow it. He has buried us in lobbyists getting access to the inside. Trump lies like no president in history. He does it because he knows whatever he says, no matter how absurd and dishonest, will be accepted as fact and repeated as such by his uninformed followers.
The number of these freaks running for President is getting bigger. But the thing that makes it so funny is they call themselves "Democratic Socialists." This is like Jumbo Shrimp it's an oxymoron. With the emphasis on "Moron."

You have to be brain dead to espouse these "ideas." First of all there is nothing new in Socialism. And there is nothing "democratic" about Socialism either. It is in fact a contradiction in terms. For those of you educated in the public schools let me define that for you. It means that one term contradicts or means the opposite of the other.

Socialism takes away choice and opportunity, it requires your compliance with their idea's. It uses force to compel you to do what they say you must. There is nothing about the individual. No liberty, no freedom, no deviation from the States edicts.

Consider what the great French Philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville said about Socialism.

While I disagree that the USA is a "democracy" our Republic is not comparable with the ideas of Socialism. It is a known fact that Socialism leads to first a "Soft Tyranny" or Soft Despotism as de Tocqueville called it. Consider this quote next.

Socialism is the destroyer of economies and nations.
The type of market you're talking about is what they have in all countries that have Social Democracy. None of the Democrats running for president want to take away the free market.
And really, we heard all of this doom-saying about Socialism and Fascism when Obama was running for president. He became president, he made some regulations to help the working-class, fixed the economy, and we still have our free market and our democracy. We didn't become Fascist, the government didn't take away all the guns, and we still have freedom of speech.

Venezuela didn't have Social Democracy, but it's a bad example anyway, because it was doing well before America got involved.

I'm going to address this again. Fact is that Sanders and Warren and that cunt AOC all point to places like Denmark and Sweden as great "Socialist" success stories. But they are not Socialists, neither is Canada. The fact is that Sanders does not want to make the USA into a Social Democracy. He wants a version of the USSR, call it the USSA, Union of Soviet States of America. I'll remind you again that Bernie Sanders went to the USSR on his honeymoon. He was led around to their little Potemkin Villages and came back beaming about how wonderful Socialism was in the USSR.

Listen to this idiot going on and own about how great it was.

I'm going to address this again. Fact is that Sanders and Warren and that cunt AOC all point to places like Denmark and Sweden as great "Socialist" success stories. But they are not Socialists, neither is Canada.

Technically you're right. Those countries have Social Democracy, they don't have Socialism. You can blame Fox News for the misunderstanding. They called Obama a Socialist for eight years, so now people see Social Democracy as another form of Socialism. But whatever, it's just semantics. Words and terms change with the times, today the word "Socialism" now includes Social Democracy for lots of people.

The point is that Sanders, Warren, and the Squad don't want to take away the free market or our democracy. So nothing to worry about.

The fact is that Sanders does not want to make the USA into a Social Democracy. He wants a version of the USSR, call it the USSA, Union of Soviet States of America. I'll remind you again that Bernie Sanders went to the USSR on his honeymoon. He was led around to their little Potemkin Villages and came back beaming about how wonderful Socialism was in the USSR.

Listen to this idiot going on and own about how great it was.

So something a lot of Westerners don't know is that the Soviet Union wasn't actually Marxist the entire time. As things got worse, and faith in Communism began dying, the Soviets became more Capitalist. It wasn't that the Berlin Wall came down and then the Eastern Bloc went from Communist to Capitalist overnight. It was a slow process. So with all that being said, Bernie Sanders went to the USSR in the eighties. By that time, the country was already on the verge of being a Social Democracy. This was the time of "Glasnost" when the Soviet Union was becoming less repressive and more open to working with America.
I'm not worried about it at all because Trump will destroy that communistic faggot! But most likely the Dim's won't nominate Bernie the Red they will go with Sleepy Joe and he will get the ass whipping of his life.
I'm not worried about it at all because Trump will destroy that communistic faggot! But most likely the Dim's won't nominate Bernie the Red they will go with Sleepy Joe and he will get the ass whipping of his life.

Sanders is one of the few people that actually would beat Trump if he got the nomination. But like I said, he's not a Communist, he's a Social Democrat like most of Europe is.
Sanders is one of the few people that actually would beat Trump if he got the nomination. But like I said, he's not a Communist, he's a Social Democrat like most of Europe is.

A highly respected political pollster who got the 40 Dem win in the midterms perfect,says any Dem will get a min 278 Electoral Votes. Trump is toast.
A highly respected political pollster who got the 40 Dem win in the midterms perfect,says any Dem will get a min 278 Electoral Votes. Trump is toast.

I don't believe that. The presidential election is always won by the more charismatic person. I think Tulsi Gabbard would be a great president, but I know that with her personality, there is no way she'd beat Trump.
Democracy is a political system. Socialism is an economic system. There is nothing incompatible between them assuming the population supports both. If the people vote to nationalize public utilities they used a democratic process to create a socialist industry.
I don't believe that. The presidential election is always won by the more charismatic person. I think Tulsi Gabbard would be a great president, but I know that with her personality, there is no way she'd beat Trump.
Tulsi is a rookie with very little background to judge. I guess Trump had less to show. See what a disaster he is?
There is really no difference between Fascism and Communism they are two forms of Socialism with the same goal, Totalitarian Control of the people.

So your claim is the Scandanavian countries are totalitarian? Truth is they are freer than us. We are the fascists.
Venezuela didn't have Social Democracy, but it's a bad example anyway, because it was doing well before America got involved.

LIE and LAME. Venezuela is the PERFECT example as is Cuba, China and any other Marxist wonderland. America had NOTHING to do with Venezuela's collapse and I, along with many others, predicted the outcome of the Venezuelan economy right after Hugo Chávez took over.

Hugo Chávez rhetoric mirrors that of any of today's Democratic Party of the Jackass candidates.

Socialism does not work. Never has worked and anytime you place that much power in a Government, it leads to Fascism.

Now tell us SPECIFICALLY with sources how you come to the moronic conclusion that America had ANYTHING to do with the SELF inflicted mess in Venezuela.

For morons on the left; the definition of Socialism:

so·​cial·​ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm
Definition of socialism

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done