Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing

The time is "paid" for by the networks... yea, by the government subjugating the networks with the "public airwaves" fallacy. (ie: stealing the time "for the good of the public")

However, there is more involved than just network time. The government owns and maintains the cameras used (though the networks often do add their own if it is an outside conference - not so if it is in the oval office), owns and operates and maintains the teleprompters (heard they had to fix one than blanked out not long ago - they probably bought a new one at 5 times the cost of fixing the old one) pays the wages of the technicians, etc. That does come out of tax payer pockets. If Obama continues to have nationally televised press releases at his current rate, he will exceed Bush's total number inside his first year. He is even exceeding FDR's "fireside chat" numbers.

But the opposing side wants to release their analysis of the legislation being considered, then (and only then) it is up to private money to get the word out? (calling it "campaigning" is just another of many lies to support their usurping the way this republic is supposed to work.)

Of course, the point is beyond mommy government tit suckers who think the purpose of government is to preempt paying programming to tell us what to think and how to act at any given moment. It's also well beyond the comprehension of the "liberals are always right, so we have to be totalitarians, 'for the good of the public'" crowd.

It was wrong of Bush to use his authority to try and hush official opposition to the Iraq war. It is no less wrong for the democrats to use their authority to try and hush official opposition to their legislation. "Change" is not about doing the same wrong things (or worse) no matter what the motivation or perceived ends may be. Suppression of opposing opinion is what it is, no matter who is doing it for what reasons.

1) We pay for all that shit regardless of whether a press conference is held or not.

2) There are myriad venues for the GOP to send out their little chart. Taxpayer funded mailings are not appropriate. If they want to hold their own little press conference and hold up their little chart, they can go nuts.

3) No one is hushing anything. The Democrats are just saying that having the taxpayers pay for GOP mailings is not appropriate.

4) As enjoyable as it may be to have your outrage meter pegged at 11, you may want to bring it down a notch. You look silly.
1) We pay for all that shit regardless of whether a press conference is held or not.

2) There are myriad venues for the GOP to send out their little chart. Taxpayer funded mailings are not appropriate. If they want to hold their own little press conference and hold up their little chart, they can go nuts.

3) No one is hushing anything. The Democrats are just saying that having the taxpayers pay for GOP mailings is not appropriate.

4) As enjoyable as it may be to have your outrage meter pegged at 11, you may want to bring it down a notch. You look silly.

GOP House members have a right to use mailings to reach constituents regarding policy. The charge by democrats that it is misleading has not been proven. If the charges are false then the democrats most certainly are attmepting to hush information.

As smug as you act you might try a little honesty with your portrayal of the facts.
1) We pay for all that shit regardless of whether a press conference is held or not.

2) There are myriad venues for the GOP to send out their little chart. Taxpayer funded mailings are not appropriate. If they want to hold their own little press conference and hold up their little chart, they can go nuts.

3) No one is hushing anything. The Democrats are just saying that having the taxpayers pay for GOP mailings is not appropriate.

4) As enjoyable as it may be to have your outrage meter pegged at 11, you may want to bring it down a notch. You look silly.
1) No we do NOT pay for "all that shit" regardless. Unless you want to claim a technician gets paid the same for sitting around on call as they do when on duty. Nor does equipment maintenance cost as much when the equipment is used half as much. you are truly ignorant beyond belief if you are trying to claim that a nationally televised press conference costs no more than sitting around.

2) Yes there are many avenues available. Mailings are probably among the less expensive. This is NOT a "republican campaign" item. It is information on a controversial piece of VERY expensive and government-growing legislation. If the tables were turned and the democrats were trying to pass this from a minority position, and the republicans refused them the opportunity to present their case to the people using public means while using public means themselves, then you'd be all over it like stink on a skunk - AND you'd be right to do so. But in your sheer unadulterated liberal hypocrisy, you are fine with a message you do not like being thwarted.

3) Since tax payers are paying to hear Obama (whether you want to live in reality and admit to the expenses of a nationally televised speech or not), then it is appropriate the tax payers pay to hear the other side of the issue. If one is OK then then other is fair. If the other is NOT OK, then the first is wrong too. Can't have it both ways without being the typical liberal head-up-the-donkey's-ass hypocrite you repeatedly prove yourself to be.

4) Strange how the liberals keep pulling out the "faux outrage" card every time their totalitarian bullshit gets caught out. You don't know whether my outrage is real or not. But I will tell you that it is every bit as real as it was 6+ years ago when Bush & Co. kept squelching opposition to his Iraq invasion. It was wrong then, it is wrong now.
Republicans have offered a plan - the Dems wouldn't listen

The proposed plan has little to do with Health care reform, it just addresses Health insurance

Obamacare does nothing to contain or reduce health care costs, which is what it was supposed to do.

We already have government health insurance for the elderly: Medicare,
for the poor & disabled: Medicaid and for the children: SCHIP.

How are those programs doing?

The total underfunding to date is $100 TRILLION - does this bill fix that? NO!

The annual waste, fraud and abuse is $60 billion - does this bill address that?


So Obama and the Dems do nothing to fix this issue - but creates another government program on top of what we already have
The GOP has failed and been rejected.

With President Obama's historic victory, the electorate endorsed his mandate.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Promote the general welfare? Doesn't affordable and available health care fit that description?
The GOP has failed and been rejected.

With President Obama's historic victory, the electorate endorsed his mandate.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Promote the general welfare? Doesn't affordable and available health care fit that description?

and still the back bencher liberal ignores the posts, ignores the facts ,and only can thump his chest and recite bumber sticker slogans
Try these facts:

Barack Obama was elected President.

Democrats control both Houses of Congress.

You are irrelevant and marginalized.

I voted for Obama, so you're welcome!
Try these facts:

Barack Obama was elected President.

Democrats control both Houses of Congress.

You are irrelevant and marginalized.

and Obamacare is now down and out - and will not be passed by the Augest recess as Obama DEMANDED

Polls show a MAJORITY of voters are OPPOSED to Obamacare
A health care reform bill will pass this year and President Obama will sign it. There's nothing you can do to stop it.
A health care reform bill will pass this year and President Obama will sign it. There's nothing you can do to stop it.

I can - and so will alot of voters who are opposed to it

That is why some Dems are running scared, and Obama's numbers are tanking

Obama is the second coming after all - the second coming of Jimmy Carter
Try these facts:

Barack Obama was elected President.

Democrats control both Houses of Congress.

You are irrelevant and marginalized.

I voted for Obama, so you're welcome!
"We're in power, we have the Presidency and Congress, so we'll do what we want whether you like it or not."

Gee, that attitude sounds SO familiar. Very much like the republicans 2001-2007. And look where the republican party is now.

Think your precious democratic party is immune to voters going for "change", after taking it up the ass with tax increases, government intrusion, and continued policies that were proven failures in the 1977-1981 economic disaster of the Carter administration? They voted for change this time, and all they got was excuses and broken promises so far, with little else visible on the horizon. The Bush legacy is not going to be strong enough in 2010 to counter the crap going on now. Voter memories are very short.
The flaw in your scenario is obvious.

Without the Iranian hostage crisis, President Carter would have sailed past Reagan in 1980.
The flaw in your scenario is obvious.

Without the Iranian hostage crisis, President Carter would have sailed past Reagan in 1980.

You really are a dumb ass hack

Under Carter the US had double digit inflation

The prime rate was 21%

The top tax rate was 70%

Unemployment was near 10%

Gas line went around the block

As people could not buy gas for their cars, or heating oil to heat their homes - Carter wore a sweater on TV and told us to conserve

I lived thru those days of unchecked liberalism - did you?
Without the Iranian hostage crisis, President Carter would have sailed past Reagan in 1980, despite Reagan's undoubted appeal to the personal greed of his wealth-obsessed GOP constituency ("Are your better off now?).

Reagan's illegal Iran-Contra dealings brought to light the scurvy way Reagan conspired with the Iranians to gain the White House.
Without the Iranian hostage crisis, President Carter would have sailed past Reagan in 1980, despite Reagan's undoubted appeal to the personal greed of his wealth-obsessed GOP constituency ("Are your better off now?).

Reagan's illegal Iran-Contra dealings brought to light the scurvy way Reagan conspired with the Iranians to gain the White House.

and still no comment on the Carter economy which was indeed his downfall? Did you live thru those years or just sprewing the usual liberal garbage?

and how do you explain Pres Reagan's 49 state reelection win in 1984?
We will see. My advice is to get used to being a powerless minority fringe element.
The flaw in your scenario is obvious.

Without the Iranian hostage crisis, President Carter would have sailed past Reagan in 1980.

???....21% interest on home mortgages, double digit inflation, lines at gas stations......were you even alive when Carter was president?.......