Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing

You bet they are. Canada "negotiated" some sweet deals, that coupled with subsidies in pricing from their own government makes their drugs quite cheap, and we wind up subsidizing it too with higher costs here.

my point is, drugs aren't cheaper in Canada because drug companies are making less money on the's because Canada is paying them in ways other than prescription expenses......
my point is, drugs aren't cheaper in Canada because drug companies are making less money on the's because Canada is paying them in ways other than prescription expenses......
My point is that it is both. Some portion of the lower cost for drugs in Canada is the fact that they negotiated lower pricing for the drugs. In some instances the negotiations were "We'll pay this much, period." and often we wind up subsidizing loss by being overcharged.
My point is that it is both. Some portion of the lower cost for drugs in Canada is the fact that they negotiated lower pricing for the drugs. In some instances the negotiations were "We'll pay this much, period." and often we wind up subsidizing loss by being overcharged.

Good point!
Not only does Obama want to go after the "rich" now his campaign staff is now talking about going after "Big Soda"

A tax on soda is now part of the answer to pay for Obamacare. Looks like Obama wants to break his promise not to raise taxes on those making less then $250,000/year

As if he really intended to keep that promise anyway

Nets Advance Taxing Big Soda to Pay for ObamaCare
July 28, 2009 - 00:23 ET

In highlighting a new study which found $147 billion a year is spent on obesity-related health care and obese people spend $1,400 more a year for health services, ABC and CBS on Monday night couldn't resist interjecting a plug for imposing a tax on soda to bring in revenue to pay for ObamaCare.

ABC's Sharyn Alfonsi asserted “health officials seem to like the idea of a federal soda tax” since “adding a tax of three cents a can to high-calorie sodas could generate $24 billion over the next four years,” and while “opponents argue Americans won't tolerate another tax,” supporters “say it could cut health care costs and America's ever- expanding bottom line, all at once.”

Following a full CBS Evening News story on the obesity report, anchor Katie Couric set up a story on the tax idea: “Now, some believe another way to help pay for health care reform is to put a tax on one of the causes of obesity: soft drinks full of sugar. Nancy Cordes has more on that.” Cordes began: “Americans consume roughly 250 more calories everyday than they did in the '70s and half those calories come from sugary drinks, which is why some health advocates are urging Congress to help pay for health care reform with a tax on non-diet sodas...”
Try these facts:

Barack Obama was elected President.

Democrats control both Houses of Congress.

You are irrelevant and marginalized.

I voted for Obama, so you're welcome!

That's fine, but quit tryint to blame Pelosis failure to move this bill on the Rs. Once agian the Ds reufse to take reponsibility for theyselves.