Democrats demand BILLIONS of stimulus dollars for ILLEGAL ALIENS.

There are several ways to get a Social Security card: The easiest way is to apply for a card as part of the immigration process in your home country before you come to the United States. You can do this when filing an application for an immigrant visa with the U.S. Department of State.
When illegal aliens use a fake or stolen SSN, 6.2 percent of their earnings are sent to SSA to be credited to the workers' SSN account in the SSTF. 5 An equal amount is paid into the system by the employer. But if the SSA cannot match that worker with an SSN account (when the SSN is fake, or it is stolen, or the worker is using a different name and birth date) the funds are assigned to the Earnings Suspense Fund (ESF) and the employer and worker are notified of the mismatch. As the U.S. Department of Justice explains, “After SSA processes wage reports submitted by employers, the agency tries to resolve name/SSN discrepancies by sending no-match letters to employees, employers and self-employed individuals to inform them when a reported name or SSN does not match SSA's records.”

For a legal worker, this notification leads normally to a correction of the mistake, and the funds are moved from the ESF to the SSTF. For an illegal alien worker, the employer and worker may simply ignore the notification, or the employer may ask the employee to provide corrected data. That may lead to the illegal alien simply supplying a new fake SSN, with the withheld funds remaining in the ESF.

The Government Accountability Office stated in Congressional testimony in 2006 that “the ESF, which contained roughly 250 million records as of December 2004, appears to include an increasing number of records associated with probable unauthorized work” mostly from workers employed in “eating and drinking establishments and construction.”
Liar, you need an actual SS number to collect stimulus checks.

No, you need a SSN that that is connected to a name and address that is in the system. Do you really think that a mass mailing / automated deposit won't be made to everyone in the system based on the data in it? Do you really think there is some person(s) culling through millions of accounts to ensure accuracy?
Currently available for about $150 on street corners in just about any immigrant neighborhood in California, a typical fake ID package includes a green card and a Social Security card. It provides cover for employers, who, if asked, can plausibly assert that they believe all their workers are legal.

Which is why we need a law that says it's a crime to hire an illegal whether you know they are illegal or not.. Naturally the penalty should be less if you can show you thought they were legal. But there should always be some penalty for hiring one of these monsters.
No, you need a SSN that that is connected to a name and address that is in the system. Do you really think that a mass mailing / automated deposit won't be made to everyone in the system based on the data in it? Do you really think there is some person(s) culling through millions of accounts to ensure accuracy?
Wrong again Liar. I had to submit a picture of my SS card along with a picture of my driver license and a picture of myself holding the two cards.
You are a fucking liar.
Wrong again Liar. I had to submit a picture of my SS card along with a picture of my driver license and a picture of myself holding the two cards.
You are a fucking liar.

As Legion recently stated, "Anecdote isn't evidence." This is a clear case of that.

As equal anecdote, I sub for a general contractor who has at least several illegals working for him (like I really care), and they get 1099's based on their phony documents per his wife who does the company accounting. Am I going to turn them in? No, it's not worth the hassle that'll follow. The feds are worse than the cure.
Wrong again Liar. I had to submit a picture of my SS card along with a picture of my driver license and a picture of myself holding the two cards.
You are a fucking liar.

None of those rules apply in blue cities or states. They have announced they are sanctuaries and immigration laws will not be enforced.