Democrats demand BILLIONS of stimulus dollars for ILLEGAL ALIENS.

No, you need a SSN that that is connected to a name and address that is in the system. Do you really think that a mass mailing / automated deposit won't be made to everyone in the system based on the data in it? Do you really think there is some person(s) culling through millions of accounts to ensure accuracy?

do you really think the feds have not developed a way to cull out bogus bullshit when mailing out tax refunds all these years? it is the same system, dumbass. if they did not know how to do it, after 90 years of practice, don't you think some news media or some government whistleblower or some kind of source would have come forward by now to show the inaccuracy?

this is like believing a state can rig an election, or a city, for that matter, of any size. IT IS CRAZY TALK. the same exact criteria for tax refunds, and the two covid checks so far are still in place for these payments....get it?

and no, they do not have a person culling over it, they have fancy ass new fangled computers....ever heard of them, much?
The vast majority of illegal aliens use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers. They possess fake drivers’ licenses, phony “green cards,” fraudulent birth certificates and any other documents that U.S. citizens and legal residents have. In addition, they falsify I-9 forms under penalty of perjury.

they do not have real ss cards, dumbass. if they did, they could get these payments legally. why be so stupid? they have fake numbers of dead people to put on their job applications which the IRS does not check....they cannot get any tax refunds or stimulus payments from these FAKE SS CARDS, STUPID. why do right wingers believe such stupid shit? rigged voting, the IRS just sending the shit out of tax refunds and checks without any verification....get a fucking clue.

if illegals could get ss payments from the feds based on these fake cards they do not really have, then how do you explain this-

Undocumented immigrants quietly pay billions into Social › 2019/01/28 › undocumented-i...
Jan 28, 2019 — How much? ... What have you always wondered about the economy? ... Blank Social Security checks are run through a printer at a U.S. Treasury printing facility. ... billion into the Social Security funds in 2016 and $3 billion to Medicare. ... “The government, the IRS, will never say no to your tax dollars,” said ...

Illegal Immigrants Are Bolstering Social Security With Billions › 2005/04/05 › business › illegal-immi...
Apr 5, 2005 — It is impossible to know exactly how many illegal immigrant workers pay taxes. ... billion in Social Security tax revenue and about $1.5 billion in Medicare taxes. ... arguing that, among other things, they might claim Social Security ... Illegal immigrants help even more because they will never collect benefits.
do you really think the feds have not developed a way to cull out bogus bullshit when mailing out tax refunds all these years? it is the same system, dumbass. if they did not know how to do it, after 90 years of practice, don't you think some news media or some government whistleblower or some kind of source would have come forward by now to show the inaccuracy?

this is like believing a state can rig an election, or a city, for that matter, of any size. IT IS CRAZY TALK. the same exact criteria for tax refunds, and the two covid checks so far are still in place for these payments....get it?

and no, they do not have a person culling over it, they have fancy ass new fangled computers....ever heard of them, much?

You have a lot of unwarranted faith in government..LOL!
not really. we put a man on the moon. we just landed on mars. and you believe we cannot tell who has a real social security card or not?

Apparently not!

There's a fake document-seller in just about every Mexican enclave.

That Durbin guy is a clueless moron!
Apparently not!

There's a fake document-seller in just about every Mexican enclave.

That Durbin guy is a clueless moron!

fake documents do not get processed by the IRS....or social security. it might be good enough for employers, who really don't give a shit...the income taxes and ss taxes on these fake cards are taken in by the feds, but they do not get any refunds or social security or medicare benefits!!
fake documents do not get processed by the IRS....or social security. it might be good enough for employers, who really don't give a shit...the income taxes and ss taxes on these fake cards are taken in by the feds, but they do not get any refunds or social security or medicare benefits!!

Idk about all that. The way the guy that worked with me found out his was stolen was when he went to file taxes and a refund check had already been cut.

There's a room in a building somewhere in town right now where they're working on stealing income tax checks.

That's usually NOT Mexicans doing that.
obviously you mindless dick......but they are still registered with the government as if the people were in fact legal......taxes are withheld from pay on these fraudulent SS#s, tax returns are filed.....EIC checks are mailed, stimulus money is paid.....did you think that the crime stopped with getting a job with a fake ID?........

If you weren't a mindless dick you might see the difference between a number for registering a resident alien and a Social Security Number, but judging from the pattern of your posts that would be expecting too much.
If you weren't a mindless dick you might see the difference between a number for registering a resident alien and a Social Security Number, but judging from the pattern of your posts that would be expecting too much.

everyone knows the difference.......fuckwits such as yourself are stupid enough to think we are talking about anything except SS#s.......if you want to start a thread about registering legal aliens for work permits, start a thread about it, rather than try to divert this thread......
As Legion recently stated, "Anecdote isn't evidence." This is a clear case of that.

As equal anecdote, I sub for a general contractor who has at least several illegals working for him (like I really care), and they get 1099's based on their phony documents per his wife who does the company accounting. Am I going to turn them in? No, it's not worth the hassle that'll follow. The feds are worse than the cure.
No, it is proof thay your talking point is a lie, Liar.
Idk about all that. The way the guy that worked with me found out his was stolen was when he went to file taxes and a refund check had already been cut.

There's a room in a building somewhere in town right now where they're working on stealing income tax checks.

That's usually NOT Mexicans doing that.
You are talking about a stolen number not a fake number and you are too fucking stupid to know the difference.

What the fuck is an idiot like you doing, posting here?

Now threaten me with violence you armchair pussy.
Which is why we need a law that says it's a crime to hire an illegal whether you know they are illegal or not.. Naturally the penalty should be less if you can show you thought they were legal. But there should always be some penalty for hiring one of these monsters.

I'm pretty sure we already have one.

8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens

The problem is that documents are easily obtainable by illegals.
I'm pretty sure we already have one.

8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens

The problem is that documents are easily obtainable by illegals.

That applies to KNOWINGLY hiring illegals and that is a huge loophole. Hiring an illegal should be a crime period.