Democrats, do you wantguns banned, or do you just want regulation, and assault bans?

Do Democrats want guns banned, or do they just want regulation, and assault bans?

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I don't want them banned at all so Option 2 all the way. I have friends, and family that use guns. I watch programs involving guns for science purposes, etc. It's just as nuts for all guns banned, as what we get from the gun protecting maggots.
On top of gun regulations, we should probably try, and get news outlets to stop glorifying the monsters acts. You hear the shooters name hundreds if not thousands of times, but how many victims names get mentioned?
It's unrealistic as well as probably unconstitutional to ban all guns. Most Americans however support stricter regulations, background checks, and other safeguards. I'm one of 'em.
I literally cannot recall any lefty I have ever known stating that all guns should be banned.
Hunting, target shooting, gun collecting, and home defense are legitimate activities, and I do not recall anyone claiming otherwise. It never hurts to be prepared for the Zombie apocalypse, either!

I am pretty sure the legend about liberals "banning all guns" is a myth rightwingers actually know is a fabrication and a lie. The only rightwingers who actually believe the myth are almost certainly retarded, mentally deficient, or just deplorable ignoramuses.

Even Putin's Russian dictatorship allows private gun ownership, with restrictions. I mean, who didn't know that people around the world hunt and target shoot??
What are the chances there would ever actually be a ban on all guns in the United States? The chances are obviously zero percent.

While self-defense and protection of property is a constitutional right guaranteed to Russian citizens, Russian legislation on gun control is relatively strict, limiting the circulation of firearms to Russian citizens older than eighteen years of age with a registered permanent residence, and for the purposes of self-defense, hunting, and sports activities only.
I think the more zealous gun-humpers promote the "Dems want to take away all our guns" shit as an excuse to justify their hoarding of them. I'm sure we've all heard untold number of stories of neglected children removed from a household that was filled with expensive weaponry. It's a sickness.
I think the more zealous gun-humpers promote the "Dems want to take away all our guns" shit as an excuse to justify their hoarding of them. I'm sure we've all heard untold number of stories of neglected children removed from a household that was filled with expensive weaponry. It's a sickness.

I bet there is some truth in that.

I wonder why righty has to lie in support of their overzealous devotion to the second amendment? I am 99 percent positive they know all guns are not going to be banned. And that there is not the remotest chance of it ever happening. So why lie about it? It's like they do not want to fess up to their real reasons....which may be hoarding as you suggest....or self-compensating for perceived male deficiencies on the other hand!
I don't want them banned at all so Option 2 all the way. I have friends, and family that use guns. I watch programs involving guns for science purposes, etc. It's just as nuts for all guns banned, as what we get from the gun protecting maggots.
what about the gun grabbers? Are they maggots too?
I literally cannot recall any lefty I have ever known stating that all guns should be banned.

I don't give a fuck. Melt your kill-sticks down to slag and shoot the remnants into the fucking sun.

I don't care about calibers, scopes, stocks, barrels, anything. Your death toys have no place in a civilized society.

Fuck your hobby and fuck your guns and fuck you. You miserable sack of death.

we should be careful about who get s guns. Crazy people should not get them. If you want a gun, you have to be crazy ,so you should not have one. That is Catch Remington 22.
I don't want them banned at all so Option 2 all the way. I have friends, and family that use guns. I watch programs involving guns for science purposes, etc. It's just as nuts for all guns banned, as what we get from the gun protecting maggots.

So, it's okay to have guns that don't serve the purpose of the 2nd Amendment so that your friends can kill time hunting?
So, it's okay to have guns that don't serve the purpose of the 2nd Amendment so that your friends can kill time hunting?

That makes absolutely no sense. So you're trying to put up for weapons of war that didn't even exist back than, but shut up, and give me sass about modern versions of guns they did have in the old days, and were used, and used as an actual livelihood? What are you trying to give me here, besides a headache? There's nothing regulatory about a chaotic weapon that does more damage to the populace, than protects them. Tell me if you ever here of a hero saving the day with an AR-15? If you think the second amendment gun ownership protects you from the government taking over, please just don't bother to answer. I will probably just post pictures of Apache helicopters, long range missiles, tanks, stealth bombers, etc. I'll do it all while laughing my ass off.
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That makes absolutely no sense. So you're trying to put up for weapons of war that didn't even exist back than, but shut up, and give me sass about modern versions of guns they did have in the old days, and were used, and used as an actual livelihood? What are you trying to give me here, besides a headache? There's nothing regulatory about a chaotic weapon that does more damage to the populace, than protects them. Tell me if you ever here of a hero saving the day with an AR-15? If you think the second amendment gun ownership protects you from the government taking over, please just don't bother to answer. I will probably just post pictures of Apache helicopters, long range missiles, tanks, stealth bombers, etc. I'll do it all while laughing my ass off.
You're not smarter than the founders, being that you're a leftist.
I literally cannot recall any lefty I have ever known stating that all guns should be banned.
Hunting, target shooting, gun collecting, and home defense are legitimate activities, and I do not recall anyone claiming otherwise. It never hurts to be prepared for the Zombie apocalypse, either!

I am pretty sure the legend about liberals "banning all guns" is a myth rightwingers actually know is a fabrication and a lie. The only rightwingers who actually believe the myth are almost certainly retarded, mentally deficient, or just deplorable ignoramuses.

Even Putin's Russian dictatorship allows private gun ownership, with restrictions. I mean, who didn't know that people around the world hunt and target shoot??
What are the chances there would ever actually be a ban on all guns in the United States? The chances are obviously zero percent.

You literally are the densest person who ever lived, or you are literally the biggest liar who ever lived. You should literally scroll down 6 posts so you can literally see that you are literally full of literal shit. Literally.

we should be careful about who get s guns. Crazy people should not get them. If you want a gun, you have to be crazy ,so you should not have one. That is Catch Remington 22.
I think the more zealous gun-humpers promote the "Dems want to take away all our guns" shit as an excuse to justify their hoarding of them. I'm sure we've all heard untold number of stories of neglected children removed from a household that was filled with expensive weaponry. It's a sickness.

Another liberal who thinks rural voters are deplorables, racists, and rednecks. According to you we're now deplorable, rednecks, racists, and gun humpers.
Assault weapons are already banned.

Exactly. What libs favor is banning semi automatic rifles. Then when the shootings don't stop, they'll move on to semiautomatic handguns. Then when that doesn't work, it'll be revolvers. Then bolt action, then break barrel, then muzzle loaders. But don't worry, Cypress has literally never known any leftist loon who favored a complete gun ban.