"Democrats Don't Like Their Families"

Oh, so he hasn't told his family about the couch?

Was it the NY Times or WaPo that told that disgusting lie - I forget?

But we know lies with Communists - once told - even when refuted and retracted, the gutter scum will repeat the lies nonstop in hopes that someone might believe them - and because their fellow vermin will praise them for lying.

democrats are complete filth, after all.
In one day Trump and Vance insulted and pissed off voters they claimed to be reaching out for. Trump pissed off blacks. Vance insulted Democratic families. They were attacks at personal levels. Are those guys that stupid?
Was it the NY Times or WaPo that told that disgusting lie - I forget?

But we know lies with Communists - once told - even when refuted and retracted, the gutter scum will repeat the lies nonstop in hopes that someone might believe them - and because their fellow vermin will praise them for lying.

democrats are complete filth, after all.
It was Twitter, you fucking moron. Google @rickrudescalves, idiot.
1. I'm truly sorry to have triggered you so early in the conversation. What I'm curious about is whether you truly believe I'm the one who's lying or if you're just playing an ITG.
2. No. What do you propose I do? How is the legal system stacked against you? Did you steal from your employer, and they not only made you pay it back but locked you up for it? Did your ex "stick it to ya!"? What makes you think the American system of justice is stacked against you, me and the majority of Americans?
3. Wrong again, but I'm curious why you think I haven't been paying attention.

BTW, thanks again for admitting you quit the Threepers and Oath-Keepers just like you've previously admitted quitting the Marine Corps and disavowing your oath. It's a pattern of yours. :thup:
you have me triggered???? ROFL
Trump has divorced two of his wives, and he was incapable of being loyal to any of his three wives. He shared weird thoughts about being tempted to date his daughter
and the right is okay with this, I guess that is what they think real Family values are, cheat on your wife all the time and make sure to do it with a hooker just after your wife just had a kid .
Have a nice day
Yep, nailed it. Submissive, subservient RW women like the few on this forum agree with Vance, but the rest of us do not.
Yep got to keep them bitches barefoot and pregnant , and make sure they don't talk to any of them left leaning bitches and start getting any ideas they can do what they want.
or they don't gota do what wes tell them to do , and make sure they vote the way wes tell them to.
Have a nice day
J. D. Vance on the stump yesterday:

"Democrats don't like their families, or they don't like other peoples' families. All I know is these sick fucks are ANTI-FAMILY! This is a big reason why you should elect Donald Trump and me."
Wow, really?
you go, queen
See, son? While you and your little MAGAt friends will laugh at your HS level personal attacks, all the intelligent, educated and sane people will see you for what you are; a violent, angry middle-aged man with the mind of a violent, angry teenager.
J. D. Vance on the stump yesterday:

"Democrats don't like their families, or they don't like other peoples' families. All I know is these sick fucks are ANTI-FAMILY! This is a big reason why you should elect Donald Trump and me."
Link to this bullshit. :palm:
You mean like you and your MAGAT ilk constantly beating on Hunter Biden, who isn't a politician and not running for anything? Like you following me around calling my soon-to-be-born g-daughter a "clump of cells"? Like you putting "thanks" on posts bashing various JPP members' spouses? Show us some examples of these JPP members bashing their own relatives. I've got plenty of examples of YOU participating in those kinds of attacks.
Beating on Hunter? WTF does that even mean? You mean stating the FACT that he is a corrupt, spoiled son of an incompetent, serial lying douchebag who committed fraud, lied to Congress, lied in court and now is facing income tax charges?

Just what is this craziness supposed to mean, anyways? Some myth that Reichwingers are for families and family values, but (D)s aren't? That will sure make me want to vote for the Trump Crime Family(tm). lol
Democrats, like Kamala, hate women too. Their transgender support is all one needs to know.

They hate families which is why Kamala and her ilk support abortion on demand up and until birth with no exceptions.

Democrats, like Kamala, hate America which is why they call us a racist nation and lampoon the flag.

Democrats, like Kamala, hate freedom of speech which is why they attempt to censure and cancel anyone who doesn't march lock stop to their failed agenda and policies.

Democrats, like Kamala, hate private sector healthcare which is why they support a failed Marxist government mismanaged system.

Democrats, like Kamala, hate jobs which is why they promote an agenda that destroys the private sector and increases the massive explosion in Government jobs which is bankrupting the nation.

It takes a special level of ignorance and stupidity to support a person like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, and you are the poster dunce for that.
The absurdities that come from Trumpworld know no bounds.
You think gender confusion, terrorist supporters, spewing anti-America history lies isn't absurd?

You think that supporting a corrupt, senile, confused, incompetent, divisive, serial liar like Biden isn't absurd?

You're a moron.
What, exactly, is a "beneficial gender role"? Mom stays home with a quiverful of kids while Dad has a "real job" at the factory or office? :laugh:
Irony from a douchebag who can't define what a woman is and moronically believes that men can become women. Moron. :palm:
Yep. Have you noticed lately that their virulence, hate, and desperation is soaring to new heights? They are terrified of Harris and the very real likelihood of her winning in November.
I noticed that about Democrats. Republicans, not so much. But alas, you're a low IQ, lying leftist moron on steroids.
JD should learn the First Law of Holes. It's one thing to throw red meat to the MAGAts, but they can't win just on the MAGAt vote. They need the Independents too and I think his attacks on family and women will drive away the majority of them.
Democrats should learn that you can't throw America under the bus for Hammas, gender confusion and abortion on demand and expect to win an election.