"Democrats Don't Like Their Families"

There is definitely wrongness, but it's your skewed perception of a mythical utopian society that never existed. Until the 20th century, most Americans lived in rural, agricultural regions and seldom moved far from their birth places. Whether they had children or not, both parents worked and worked hard. Often *their* parents lived with them or nearby. The kids also worked and worked hard, hence the archaic school schedule we still follow with summers off. If they lived in cities, kids also worked. Hence child labor laws.

You might as well blame unions and labor law for giving us paid days off, weekends and holidays off, and 40-hour work weeks. People didn't have the leisure to obsess over social issues when they were working twice as many hours per week as we typically do now.
Irony from a dishonest leftist dumbass who never gets much of anything right. :palm:
You mean like you and your MAGAT ilk
Thou shalt not write in proper grammar. What is wrong with Make America Great Again people?

Oh, that's right, you're not one of them.

constantly beating on Hunter Biden, who isn't a politician and not running for anything?
Outside of Hunter's criminal activity, when have I beaten on Hunter? I'm very much of the Make America Great Again ilk.

Like you following me around calling my soon-to-be-born g-daughter a "clump of cells"?
Isn't that your very own justification for women rationalizing the killing of living humans who have not done anything wrong? Isn't the reason you believe you have every right to kill that particular living human is that you consider it to be just a "clump of cells"? I feel sorry for that person knowing that his/her mother only views her children in that totally dehumanizing way. I can only pray that you give him/her at least a hug occasionally.

... and to think that tomorrow you might "choose" to kill him/her without so much as a second thought, just because he/she is just a "clump of cells" in your mind.

Like you putting "thanks" on posts bashing various JPP members' spouses?
You like/thank posts that add no content but that are purely ad hominem. You are a total coward and a shitty person.

Show us some examples of these JPP members bashing their own relatives.
Straw man. That was Martin's fabrication. Why don't you bash on him? Coward.
It's so easy even a caveman can understand it. MAGAts? Not so much. Sex is genetic, gender is cultural.

"Sex refers to biological differences (chromosomal, hormonal, reproductive), whereas gender refers to socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and expectations associated with femininity and masculinity."

That's a massive pile of woke sociological bile snowflake.

What we do know is that men have a penis and prefer to play war while women have a vagina and prefer to play with dolls.

Gender is about your sex dumbass, no matter how many woke mentally disturbed educators try to suggest otherwise.

Place a marginal male boxer into a ring with a top female boxer and you will learn the difference very quickly.
Trump doesn't believe in pronouns. I wonder if he believes in verbs and adjectives, or is just clueless about the entire English language.
Wrong, he doesn't believe that the mentally ill should be able to define themselves using silly pronouns or that men can become women simply because they say so.

It is ironic that lying leftist dumbasses like you don't think that is "weird."
News Flash, when ever have you seen the Family Guy Trump in a intimate setting with his wife or daughter Tiffany? I'll wait. And Vance is too busy sneaking into his wife's mascara to even know what a family guy is. The one's that talk about it the most, ie the GOP-igs, are usually the one's less likely to engage in family, let alone enjoy their families. Green cards come btwn the one's you love....LOL
Biden apparently got too intimate with his daughter in the shower.
Not me. Who?

The Libertarian Party supports Americans having personal liberty and freedom of choice. Those pushing to force Americans to do one thing or another are anti-personal liberty.

I don't support sterilizing children. That's something racist and antisemitic fuckwits and pedos would advocate.
Libertarianism would lead to lawless anarchy.

Democrats prefer an autocracy to a Democracy.

Leftists are just downright stupid and uneducated and think Government is the answer.
So what party should I vote for?

I don't think stupid people like you should vote at all.

Who is sterilizing children?

Gender confused doctors.

Why the name-calling?

Why the whining? You're one of the most insulting dullards on the forum. Ironic.

Don't you agree that only racist and antisemitic fuckwits and pedos would advocate sterilizing children?

You are a racist, antisemitic fuckwit. :palm:
Not hating J.D. Vance, like not hating the pigfucking orangutan himself, is a very serious character flaw.

You give new meaning to the term mentally challenged.

We can't hold people responsible for their mental illnesses--I doubt if a person chooses to be a sick fuck--

No one is shit-for-brains.

but we're mortally obligated to oppose and prevent the destruction of civilization for which they're responsible.

Yet you support Democrats who are doing just that. Of course, stupid people like yourself don't know they are stupid.

Much like Islamist jihadists and African war lords, the American Republican Taliban is a malignant tumor on civilization.

Another moronic statement from a mentally deranged asshat. :palm:
1. I'm truly sorry to have triggered you so early in the conversation. What I'm curious about is whether you truly believe I'm the one who's lying or if you're just playing an ITG.
2. No. What do you propose I do? How is the legal system stacked against you? Did you steal from your employer, and they not only made you pay it back but locked you up for it? Did your ex "stick it to ya!"? What makes you think the American system of justice is stacked against you, me and the majority of Americans?
3. Wrong again, but I'm curious why you think I haven't been paying attention.

BTW, thanks again for admitting you quit the Threepers and Oath-Keepers just like you've previously admitted quitting the Marine Corps and disavowing your oath. It's a pattern of yours. :thup: