The thing of it is, our present system allows you to live commune style if you believe that it is the best system without forcing others to live that way. Whether you believe that socialism is a religious experience or just think it is awesomeness incarnate there is a way to live that way within these United States. Since you would not be making wages while living in your commune it is likely you could even stop paying taxes for those immoral WMD, etc. if you feel it is wrong. I'm relatively sure that there are some doctors who believe in it enough to join the commune, teachers certainly, probably somebody from every walk of life exists out there who believes that socialism is the way, the meaning, the life... it can't be out of reach for you any more than it is for survivalists groups and libertarian militias. The system already exists that will allow you to live that way without trying to convert me. If you are afraid of the current system, then do something about it without forcing me to live your dream or trying to convince me that I should do it because you think the Sky Daddy wants us to.