Hello Stretch,
You're lost. Nobody in their right mind pays more taxes than they owe willingly. If YOU are...congratulations, please toss in a couple extra bucks for me. Thank-you.
If others do it and you think that is a good thing, but you won't do it, that means you are choosing to not do a good thing. Not good.
How can it be a good thing for others but not for you?
Do you hate paying taxes?
Is that kind of hatred OK?
Is any hatred OK?
Can it be justified by believing that everybody hates the government?
If other people are doing something that is not OK, does that make it OK for you to do it too?
It makes no sense for the populace to hate the government they formed themselves.
The United States is a great country.
We should be proud, as Americans, to pay our taxes and be a loyal part of America.
The country cannot exist, cannot be great, without people paying enough taxes to make it all happen.
That's what Republicans have done on taxes. They prevent America from being great because they gave the rich a totally needless tax cut which is causing the debt to rise during a good economy.
If America cannot get the debt under control then America can't be great.
The debt can only be paid down in a good economy. It cannot be paid down during a recession or a depression.
If Republicans can't manage to reduce the deficit even when the economy is doing very well then when do they expect the debt to be paid down?
When Democrats take over?
Republicans billed themselves as responsible with the budget but we are now approaching $ 1 Billion deficit.
Do you know what that means?
Add a billion to the debt every year. That is not being responsible with the budget.
We should be taxing the rich more.
It is irresponsible to give the rich a tax cut during good economic times.
If we taxed the rich enough there would be no deficit.
Republicans said a rising GDP would replace the lost revenue but that didn't happen. The debt is now out of control.
Everybody knew that was a lie. Republicans were lying to themselves and Republicans were lying to America.
We need to vote Republicans OUT.