Democrats lied about elections, encouraged terrorism, stormed capitals

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013

^ Repetitive/delusional Russian troll (poorly) paid to post here.

I feel sorry for it.
Debunked by who? Q NUT daily.

Four years straight of rabid anti-Trump attack dogs torturing people for evidence against President Trump...all leading to zero evidence. :awesome:

In the adult world, this is known as your lunatic conspiracy theory spectacularly crashing and burning in front of the whole world. :laugh:

You post nothing but Russian bot/Q NUT talking points/BS.

You post nothing but low IQ communist hysteria. :dunno:

See, I can avoid the debate you're losing by hurling random off-topic smears too. :cool:
That's because since 1988, teabaggers...

"Q NUT daily," "Russian bot," "teabaggers" parrot mass-produced partisan name-calling 24/7 while accusing others of "post[ing] nothing but" other people's "talking points."


Do you EVER think for yourself or comprehend your staggeringly obvious hypocrisy? :laugh:
DemoKKKrats: Dangerous terrorists/seditionists


"Q NUT daily," "Russian bot," "teabaggers" parrot mass-produced partisan name-calling 24/7 while accusing others of "post[ing] nothing but" other people's "talking points."

View attachment 19973

Do you EVER think for yourself or comprehend your staggeringly obvious hypocrisy? :laugh:

You expect in 2021 folks will be capable of thinking for themselves?

I so do love your optimism!
Are you guys simply lying, or are you too stupid to understand the differences in the elections?

Democrats cheat a lot. What you refer to as "the differences in the elections" translates into English as "the differences in what my spoon-fed DNC narratives tell me happened in the elections."


Four years straight of rabid anti-Trump attack dogs torturing people for evidence against President Trump...all leading to zero evidence. :awesome:

In the adult world, this is known as your lunatic conspiracy theory spectacularly crashing and burning in front of the whole world. :laugh:

You post nothing but low IQ communist hysteria. :dunno:

See, I can avoid the debate you're losing by hurling random off-topic smears too. :cool:

Debating lies is futile.

You post nothing Q NUT lies that only morons believe, with zero proof.

The Russian girl nor Manafort never said anything about being tortured but you make shit up or get your BS from Q.

The only people who literally declared secession and demanded maximum domestic terrorism from their traitorous base constantly accuse those who literally called for "peaceful" (that's a direct quote) resistance to Democrat treason and election theft...of sedition.

:lolup: :laugh: :rofl2:

Debating lies is futile.

You post nothing Q NUT lies that only morons believe, with zero proof.

The Russian girl nor Manafort never said anything about being tortured but you make shit up or get your BS from Q.

Debating the willfully ignorant and the trained helpless (the victims) is futile.

"Q NUT daily," "Russian bot," "teabaggers" parrot mass-produced partisan name-calling 24/7 while accusing others of "post[ing] nothing but" other people's "talking points."

View attachment 19973

Do you EVER think for yourself or comprehend your staggeringly obvious hypocrisy? :laugh:


Teabaggers ( actually think they're conservative?

Republicans who now oppose Trump are RHINO's?

Q NUT/Russian talking points are the same, which you regurgitate every time you post.

The only people who literally declared secession and demanded maximum domestic terrorism from their traitorous base constantly accuse those who literally called for "peaceful" (that's a direct quote) resistance to Democrat treason and election theft...of sedition.

:lolup: :laugh: :rofl2:


Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.
Aside from all of this gutter trolling fiction

Says the only person here routinely caught in one outright lie after another. :laugh:


consider the following facts:

The more Republicans bow to Trump’s lies...

Every time you claim something President Trump has said is a lie, YOU get proven to be the liar. :nono:

Try arguing something from a VALID premise. :awesome:

the more they destroy their party’s future

As if on cue to prove my point, another outright lie. President Trump INCREASED Republican support by 12 million votes or so...something that never happens unless the incumbent president won the election, by the a point where Obama vindictively lashed out at blacks and Latinos for defecting in droves.

The spoon-fed BS talking point you are mindlessly parroting is another blatant lie. :bs:

kill children import hostile immigrants.jpg

I feel like you've already discredited yourself enough to not need to bother reading the rest of this lying horse shit blather.

Debating the willfully ignorant and the trained helpless (the victims) is futile.

Yeah, found that out in the last 5 years.

December 5 2020

Dotard's pity rally Valdosta Georgia
At a campaign rally in Georgia over the weekend -- his first since losing his re-election bid -- the outgoing president went a little further down the same road. This was Trump's pitch:

"We're all victims. Everybody here, all these thousands of people here tonight, they're all victims. Every one of you."