Free and fair elections are the bane of the democratic party. When elections are held without tampering, democrats lose. The Election Integrity laws passed by 11 resulted in democrats having 18 million less votes in 2024 than they did in 2020.
In a naked bid to seize power and a show of contempt for voting rights, the democrat party has moved to disenfranchise voters in the majority of American states. democrats seek to limit voting for president to the 4 most populous states, shutting out voters from the process in what democrats and their press call "fly over country." democrats want California and New York to appoint the president - avoiding the risk of losing elections.
The electoral college is a constitutional provision, meaning that this idiocy by Schumer and his fellow thugs is just posturing, it would require a Constitutional Amendment. But democrats are nothing if not stupid - and evil.