Democrat's plan to assassinate a SC justice foiled.

I see. So CNN didn't mention it?
It's not attempted murder. He never came close. In fact, he called 9/11 and told them that he was contemplating suicide, and was thinking about killing Kavanaugh.

This is where it gets interesting. A guy with clear psych issues has no problem obtaining a gun.

So Congress it twisting themselves into knots to protect the SC justices, but they don't give a flying fuck about dead children. They don't give a fuck about dead teachers. They don't give a fuck about dead church goers. They don't give a fuck about dead concert goers. They don't give a fuck about dead bar patrons. They don't give a fuck any of the hundreds of victims every year.

But they're shitting themselves over SC justices who aid and abet these murderers. We need at least one of Cruz's kids to be murdered for starters. Work down the line until every single NRA whore knows exactly how useless thoughts and prayers are.

[FONT=&quot]The incident involving Kavanaugh invited calls from Senate Democrats and Republicans alike for the House to act swiftly on the bill.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Protecting our judiciary and their staff and families is an important part of protecting our democracy," Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat from Delaware who co-sponsored the measure, told reporters in response to the arrest near Kavanaugh's house.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sen. John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas who is the other co-sponsor, said the arrest proves threats to the justices' lives are "horrifyingly real."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Speaker Pelosi must keep the House in session until they pass my bill," he said in a statement. "Every day they don't the threat to the Justices grows, the potential for tragedy becomes more likely, and House Democrats achieve a new apex of political dysfunction."[/FONT]
I'm sure he incited it. Time for a Congressional committee.

Time for a Convention of States. The Senate has lost their way. Executive orders? Eh..

Lobbying and legal insider trading and Citizens United? No.

The Senate will never unvote themselves the keys to the country. Fixing that and instituting term limits will go a long way to getting Federal representation back to the way it should be.

It really was not that bad before 1976.

To Carter's credit, he vetoed the 1st wave of what was to be a double whammy against the people and for Senators; However, the Congress overrode his veto with a 2/3 majority vote.

That was bad.

And then, (due to no term limits) the same guys voted themselves The Lords of America during Reagan's 2nd Congress.

They took power away from the States and people with that. It was bad and it's been a downhill slide ever since.
Time for a Convention of States. The Senate has lost their way. Executive orders? Eh..

Lobbying and legal insider trading and Citizens United? No.

The Senate will never unvote themselves the keys to the country. Fixing that and instituting term limits will go a long way to getting Federal representation back to the way it should be.
Not sure how we got here, but I believe they all need to fear for their lives. Individual states have made most of them very safe politically, and they have indeed lost their way.
Not sure how we got here, but I believe they all need to fear for their lives. Individual states have made most of them very safe politically, and they have indeed lost their way.

I know how we got here (with that) and when. Pure greed.

Finding the Carter thing on the internet is proving to be painful. IMO what they say the bills were about on the internet, and the pork that was stuffed in there is where Congress did the 1 huge blow to representation of The States and people in Congress.

I know it was in 1 of the 2 bills they overrode him on.

In the Reagan years; (2nd Congress) (not sure if 1st term or 2nd) That's when they voted themselves immune from insider trading laws and all kinds of other fuckery. Basically the Lords of America.

I bet they had one cocaine-fueled drunken sex orgy after that one. For days.

Legal bribery and all this crap. What a bunch of crooks.
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No. But they've been watching you since Jan. 6.

I know. I feel sorry for the poor bastards hiding behind my shrubs eating donuts and drinking cold coffee. Once in awhile I have pizza delivered for them and a nice thermos of espresso. Nice guys...:cool: