I think you mean the Democrats did not fight hard enough against the Republicans, which I agree with.
No the democrats said there was no problem when Bush wanted restrictions on Fanny and Freddy
I think you mean the Democrats did not fight hard enough against the Republicans, which I agree with.
Ok, then stopping pushing this false idea that the Debt Ceiling, is the issue, and that it would be right for the GOP to vote against raising it, and stick instead to the issue of omnibus bills.
I am glad you are admitting now the debt ceiling is not the problem and it should be raised. I am glad you realize not raising it, does nothing to address the debt already accrued in the PAST, and will only add to the debt and make it more expensive.
So if your goal is to add more debt, and make the interest payments on it higher, you support not raising the debt ceiling. If you do that you cannot PRETEND you are against debt, as you are voting, not only for more debt, but for more expensive debt.
Bush had the house and senate. Phil Gramm, a republican, keep trying until he got the Economic Modernization Act through. It removed banking restraints that kept banks from intermingling the people.s bank accounts and their investment services. He also gutted the FDR age regulations of Glass/Steagal. Gramm's wife was an Exon exec. I remember when Gramm got it through. It was late at night, 2 0r 3 AM. The Dems came out saying that a very dangerous act was passed.
My socks and I make crappy photoshopped insults and throw them at the people we don't like
I have some good news for you then. The Republican Party has given up on the whole concept of democracy, and does not believe there is a right to vote. If we do not vote how they want, they do not believe we should have the vote.
Give Biden and the democrats a blank check? This would be stupid they already have out of control spending. Democrats need to work with GOP to raise debt ceiling
No, it would only allow the borrowing to cover the difference in the spending that Congress authorized and the income that Congress authorized. Remember Congress has already ordered the government to borrow this amount. In fact, it is unconstitutional for the government to refuse Congress' demand.
Can you even begin to see what would happen if the GOP refused to raise the debt ceiling. They might never win another election for decades.
It is unconstitutional for Republicans to default on the debt. And it would cost Americans a lot of money.
Most importantly why do it? It is just them throwing a temper tantrum.
Its everyones fault, and there is no option but to raise the debt ceiling as it has always been done before.
You never seem to mention fiscal restraint when a Republican is President, which goes to show that your argument is pure bullshit.
There is no such thing as a 'debt ceiling'.
The Repubs always jack the debt up bigly. It is their plan that they think will allow them to end programs that do not help the rich and corporations. They slash taxes for the rich and corporations while increasing military and other spending. They do it every time. The debt ceiling is about paying the bill for things we have already done. You have no understanding of the problems at all.
Bigly, as in trumps almost $8 trillion deficit in just 4 years.
That's not only assuming that elections take place, but that people are going to vote for the party that destroyed the Constitution and caused the elections to fault.
I know you lost honey bun when you desperately change the subject!!
There is no such thing as a 'debt ceiling'.
Argument of ignorance fallacy. Bulverism fallacy.
It is DEMOCRATS that shut down the economy causing the current economic depression. All to make Trump look bad. It is DEMOCRATS that conducted (and still do!) the fear mongering over covid19.It is a dangerous game the Reds play. Someday, perhaps this day, they will carry through with it and do serious economic damage to the US and the world.
DEMOCRATS already did that!MTG and her band of merry bomb anarchists want to blow it all up.
You are describing DEMOCRATS. Inversion fallacy.They were informed of what dangers they are playing with and they do not care.
Trump cannot cause a deficit. No President has that authority. CONGRESS caused it.