They do not need to 'stop raising the debt ceiling'. What they need to do, is get rid of the debt ceiling.
Again people need to UNDERSTAND this issue.
If the House today puts forth spending budgets and they pass and the money is spent, there should be NO VOTE as to whether to pay those bills or not. That is derp level dumb and asinine and only something HOp derps think.
Once you vote to SPEND the money, it should be AUTOMATIC that you will pay your bills.
The place to deal with this and institute discipline is in the budget bills prior. So when Trump proposed massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations along with spending that would balloon the deficit, THAT IS WHEN the legislators have to say NO as they can see the impact it will have on debt and deficits that will then require the raising of the debt ceiling after. You cannot let Trump cut revenues, while ballooning spending and then tell the next guy, 'we are not going to allow you raise the debt ceiling to pay it off'. That is derp level dumb.
Lesson learned is don't be a derp.